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Player: Nexi

Character Full Name: Nexariel

Character In-Game Name: Nexi

Association(s): -

Race: Draenei

Class: Shaman

Age: 9,677

Sex: Female

Hair: Blue

Eyes: White

Weight: 230lbs

Height: 6'4"


Cloth for everyday purposes, thick leather and even mail when called to arms.

She also has a small stone charm engraved with the four elemental symbols, one on each side, hung around her neck by a simple leather strap. Beside that is a sapphire charm in the shape of a drop of water, hung around her neck by a thin silver chain.

Other: -


Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Nexariel is an inquisitive and peaceful woman, preferring the vast forests and jungles of Azeroth and Outland to the hustle and bustle of the large cities and towns. Despite the ever-present fear of losing those she holds closely, she remains warm and loving to the entirety of her race. She's always focused on what she still has, rather than what she's lost. She grieves, of course, but she realizes that she can't let herself be consumed in sorrowful thoughts and memories, but instead look ahead toward the bright future her beloved Prophet foretold. It's this way of thinking that keeps her sane in an insane world.

But she's not at all perfect in her attempts to remain at ease. Years of suffering and forcing herself to be strong has resulted in more than a little bit of bottled up rage and sorrow. Feelings she sometimes has a difficult time showing in a healthy and appropriate manner.


Nexariel was born on one of the many obscure planets her people took refuge on for a time. Raised an orphan with her twin sister, Allira, the pair relied heavily on each other for safety and comfort during their turbulent adolescent years running and living in fear from the Legion. Even a minor bump or scratch was cause enough to make one of them cry, and always resulted in the injured one running into the arms of the other. The two were inseparable and often times in trouble, always managing to get out from under the matron's watch to explore the new worlds on their own, among other childish nonsense.

But she didn't only have her sister to rely on. Besides the other orphans and the matrons, Nexariel developed a fondness for a particular Vindicator, Vestalaan, whom she looked upon as a father figure during her youth and even to the present, whether he ever knew or suspected it. When not out getting into trouble or behaving herself until she could put her and Allira's next devious plan into motion, she might be found pestering him in some way, like asking him questions, trying to get him to play with her, and just general teasing. If you asked her what it was about him that drew her to him, she'd have told you about the feeling of safety he projected as he walked about clad in his shiny armor and massive hammer. A feeling that was often proven with demonstrations of valor and selflessness when times grew grim. Not that the other Vindicators didn't project a similar aura or were as valiant, but for whatever reason he was the one she seemed most connected to.

As her adulthood neared, Nexariel trained to become a magi like the matrons said her parents had been, but she fell in love with the art of alchemy to the point that she gave up her arcane training to further develop it. This in turn eventually led her to a somewhat shocking idea: Plants, when used correctly, could heal just as well as the Light, sometimes healing things the Light is unable to and vice versa, therefore the Light, when combined with the alchemical arts, becomes whole and perfect. It was this idea that led her to revere the wilds just as much as she did the Naaru and their teachings, and formed the foundation with which she would later build Shamanism on.

Upon the planet Draenor she worked to maintain benign relations with the Orcs by engaging in trade of her various concoctions, and so she became fluent in their language with time. From them, she had first heard of Shamanism, but her understanding of Orcish proved to be insufficient to understand the outlandish beliefs that were the cornerstone of the practice. But her interest had been peaked.

She took up residence in Shattrath with her sister and they lived there until the fateful day the Orcish Horde marched on the city, and her and Allira fled to Telredor hand in hand with the orphans Allira was in charge of and Vestalaan among their guard, where they stayed and lived in fear for decades. And then Nobundo, flanked by the Prophet, stood atop the steps leading into the city and spoke to a gathered crowd that included Nexariel. His words stuck with her, and she trained in the arts from then on.

It killed her to do it, but with her sister set on leaving, she gave Vestalaan a heartfelt farewell, and she and Allira joined the masses that stormed Tempest Keep and took control of the Exodar wing. The pair of them never more than a few feet apart, spheres of flame and lightning flew in all directions against their enemy. More so from Nexariel, who seemed more than eager to test her new abilities while Allira paid strict attention to their orphans. After helping Allira secure the children in their pods, the pair of them rushed to find available pods of their own and prayed for the best.

For many months after the crash, the need for those with her talents, alchemical and non, increased several hundred fold. However, despite the good she was able to perform, the events on Draenor were still fresh in the Draenei's minds, and so her skill in Shamanism, long held to be a part of Orcish culture, made her relations with her kin a bit strained at times. But she simply disregards such nonsense, never having been the type to allow emotion to hinder progress, despite being very much emotional.

But her stay on Azeroth was relatively short, spanning only a small handful of years, for her and her sister soon found themselves returning to Draenor, reuniting with old friends and loved ones, to grieve and find closure for the horrors they experienced there and move forward together with what remains of her race.

Skills and Abilities

She can shield herself temporarily with solidified bits of floating stone. This probably doesn't -really- count, but as there's no IG spell that represents it precisely outside of Earth Shield ( A Restoration skill, but Nexi is ICly Elementalist ) and Stoneskin Totem ( Which, while it does provide armor, it lacks the visual of Earth Shield ), I'd figure I'd make a note of it here just in case.