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Player: Jason

Character Full Name: Nathaniel Goodwinn

Character In-Game Name: Nathaniel

Nickname(s): Nath, Nathy, Natty (I don't recommend calling him Natty unless you are an attractive female)

Association(s): The Alliance, The Alliance Vanguard, Frostbrand Marines (Recently)

Race: Human

Class: Warrior

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Hair: Sandy-Blond, usually in a ponytail


Eyes: Blue

Weight: 215 lbs

Height: 6 ft.

Alignment: True Neutral


Whichever suits the occasion. When not in a specifically dangerous situation, he wears clothing. He has his own suit of armor for whenever the occasion calls for it.


Nathaniel's a simple lad. He's usually cumbersome in his speech and has an apathetic attitude toward people and life in general. He's mildly narcissistic, and particularly headstrong. His recent time in the military has tempered these traits, but they are far from gone. He generally tries to do the right thing, but he's been subject to internal moral conflictions on several occasions. He's served in the Stormwind military, joined several free-lance military organizations, and run crime-organizations in distinct contrast.

Nathaniel is simple, but he isn't unintelligent. He is, in fact, very astute and quick to pick up information, and possesses an impressive memory. He has a secret fondness of literature, and an open love for painting. If insulted on his personal preferences, he will most likely engage in a fist fight until him or his opponent is either knocked out or bleeding excessively.

He's extremely cocky, and tends to talk too much and say the wrong things to the wrong people. Despite this, he can be charming if the situation calls for it. At one time, he had been beaten in a duel by an aspiring wanna-be knight. After seeing him in a tavern chatting up a pretty girl, Nathaniel (currently involved in a criminal organization, which the other man knew) intervened, eventually convincing the female in question that he was in fact the good guy, that the other man had assaulted him without a weapon and attempted to kill him, and that the man was in fact very evil and perhaps involved in criminal activities. The other man left in a rage, and Nathaniel left with the woman's address and the promise she would model for one of his paintings.


Nath grew up in Elwynn Forest, on a small turnip farm within the forest. He was rather secluded from others, and never made any friends save for one boy who lived relatively nearby. At an early age, he would go about causing general mischief under the influence of his older friend. They would steal food, light hay bails on fire, tip cows, and give all those in the local vicinity a reason to hate them. The friendship ended when Nathaniel was beaten until he was unconscious by his childhood idol around the age of ten and left in the forest alone.

Nathaniel's father was a shameless human supremist, working as a common foot-soldier in the Stormwind army. He fought in the second war, and afterward helped maintain an orc slave-camp, which left little Nathy alone with only his grandfather at home, as his mother had died giving birth to him. His abusive father often blamed Nathaniel for it when he was younger.

Naturally, Nath was influenced by his father's involvement in the war and natural outlook on human excellence. He was raised to believe humans were the most wholesome, more accomplished of all races as opposed to most who were savage or small. Nathaniel's father taught him more than just ideals. He showed him the military-approved method for killing orcs and other relative threats, further bolstering Nathaniel's cocky, self-assured personality.

When in manhood, he enlisted in the military and helped deal with local threats, eventually leaving because he felt he was being underused. He joined an interracial body of unofficial militants, ranging from dwarves, humans, draenei, and even the odd elf or two. They all sailed to Northrend, spending much of that time fighting Vrykul and other minions of the Scourge. Nathaniel was very proud of his feat, killing more than twenty Vrykul. Three, he claims, with a rusty butter knife, and one by allegedly tackling him off a cliff.

Upon returning home, he came to find that his Pappy (grandfather, but Nathy calls him Pappy, as some will famously remember) was murdered and his entire farm was razed to the ground. Distraught and without a source of income, he fell into crime and used his intellect to rise to the top and keep gold in his pocket, scraping by in his competition with other rival gangs in Stormwind. A now wanted man, he was forced to leave Stormwind and moved down to Booty Bay, where only bounty-hunters would bother him. Luckily, those bounty-hunters weren't Vrykul.

He eventually hit the bottom of his coin purse, and was forced to join with another free-military group sailing to Northrend to help clear matters up after the fall of the Lich King. A gold a week with ale, food, and medical benefits is a good deal when all you have to do is slap shit with a stick. This stipend didn't last forever, however, and as soon as the ship hit familiar shores Nathaniel left. He was out on his own, no coin (he'd spent it all on wine, women, and song), no friends, no direction. So, he did what any rational person would do - he set out to wander the towns of the Eastern Kingdoms, drinking, whoring, selling his sword, selling his flesh, selling his very soul.

Until one day, back in the sunny reaches of Stranglethorn Vale, he really did lose his soul. And very nearly lost his mind.

Character Questionnaire

Character name?: Nathaniel Goodwinn


Describe his posture. Does he carry himself well? Is he crooked?: He stands tall with a cocky way of carrying himself.

Is he in good shape or out of condition? Is he muscularly weak or strong?: He's in excellent health, kept lean but slightly malnutritioned from recent hard times.

How is his health? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?: He's in rather good health, but has trouble lifting his left arm very high, unless he rotates it the right way. This is due to a Vrykul axe to the shoulder, and an incompetent priest named Atun. (Yeah, I said it!)

Is he physically active or sedentary? A fast or slow mover?: He's quite active and agile, due to his rigorous militant training and repetitive farm work day in and day out.

Is he clumsy? Awkward? Graceful?: I would say he's rather graceful, but that's not quite right. He's lazy in his movement, but not when he isn't trying to be. Languid disinterest is something he likes to practice in order to appear more aloof, and by extension, more attractive. That's pretty much how he works.

Is he physically tense or relaxed, nervous, controlled?: Controlled. He hardly let's his more sensitive side show, and prefers to let people have his stoic wall of indifference.


What are their favorite articles of clothing?: Something without buttons is preferred, with tighter fitting shirts than may perhaps be necessary.

Are their clothes new or old? Homemade, hand-me-downs, expensive?: They are rather worn, but resilient for one in his position. Some of his articles of clothing show he wasn't always so bereft of money.

Do his clothes fit well?: As well as they have any right to in his given situation, being a criminal hiding from prosecution.

Is he comfortable in what he wears or does he “fight” his clothes?: He wears clothing that he -could- fight in, but if he's prepared, expect armor and a shield. You know he's serious business if he's carrying a shield with him.

Does he have to dress a certain way because of his job or position? If so, do his usual clothes fit his real, basic character?: Nathaniel is rather particular about what he wears, but he isn't completely against efficiency. He'd rather have a quick and productive sword than a giant shiny bastard sword that took him three seconds to swing.


Does he speak in a high or low-pitched voice? When might he be higher than usual? When lower?: He, like most males, drops his voice to a lower key when angry or threatening, and higher when jubilant of celebratory.

Is he a loud or soft-talker?: Loud. Loud and boisterous, for the most part, but he's as capable of both as any other.

Is there a wide range in the voice in pitch, volume, and/or quality, or is the voice pretty consistent and even?: He can change his voice adequately, and could perhaps have the quality to make a stage actor. He's even considered the job once or twice.

Is there an accent? Anything unusual in pronunciation, emphasis, phrasing?: He has a simple accent. He tends to cut off his G's at the end of words and uses slang and incorrect grammar carelessly. Lately, he's been trying to cut down on such things, as they make him seem less intelligent than he believes he is.

Is the speech clear or muddy? Does he mumble, is he distinct?: He's quite distinct, however lazy his grammar structure and/or word formation. Don't let first impressions fool you, for he's much more tempered in the mind than he'd like you to think.


Does he think quickly? Slowly? Is he quick-witted? Dull?: He's an extremely quick thinker, with a fantastic memory. If he put his mind to it, he could probably be very intelligent. He just doesn't care enough, however.

Is the character impulsive or deliberate in reaching conclusions? Is he logical, rational, or emotional?: He's a rationalist, when he isn't ruled by his emotions. There are those that are cold and calculating - beings of extreme efficiency. Then there's Nath.

Emotions and Personality

Is he an extrovert, an introvert?: An extrovert, despite his reclusive tendencies of the past.

Does he like people?: Generally he's neutral toward all (humans, that is) until tipped whichever way, whether good or ill.

Does he have many friends? Any close friends?: He used to have many friends, but tends to attract friendship where he goes, as is his preference. Still, though, he seems to make even more enemies.

Is he hot-blooded or cool-headed?: Hot-blooded to the bitter end. If you were to break his quill or accidentally bump into him, he would not be forgiving about it.

Does he have a narrow or wide range of emotions? Do they show?: They are rather narrow, but still within human range.

Would you say he is basically sensitive or callused?: That is a complicated question, as he veers between the two. He is a very neutral character, and very flexible about how his emotions go at a given time. Generally, however, he's callused as a default.

Is he suspicious, cautious, trusting, or naïve about new people or situations?: He's still rather naive, due to his age, and tends to lend trust out a little too easily to those he knows little of. This has been a source of endless problems for him for some time now.

In a danger or emergency situation, would he go to it or run away from it?: He would go to it. He meets problems, either mental or physical, head on with full brute force. It's just how functions, and how he was brought up.

Is the character basically nervous or calm?: Calm and controlled when he has his emotions in check. As brave as he is, he has a weak will when it comes to most things, especially when it comes to wealth and pleasure.

Is he a practical joker? What is his opinion on tricks or jokes played on other people?: Yes, oh fel yes. He was brought up on practical jokes. It's how he entertained himself as a child. Once, when he was on a ship with a mage, he tried to douse him with a bucket of water for conjuring fire too much. The mage promptly froze the water, however...

Under what conditions could he be harmful or cruel to another person?: Times of desperation. He isn't above ugly acts, and would likely go so far as to kill an innocent to ensure his well-being.

Is he a loving person? Is he full of love and giving or rather bound and tight in this area?: He prefers to stay comfortably detached. It's safer that way, and he's uncomfortable with another seeing him care or otherwise show affection. He isn't used to displays of love, and neither is he really ready for something so serious.

Is he capable of relating to others in a loving way? Is a capable of relating to one person in a romantic way?: Most definitely. He may be a calloused, apathetic, and hot-headed bastard, but the same emotional tendencies that make him angry also cause him to delve into wanton affection, where his will is the weakest and he can hardly restrain himself.

Wealth, Power, and Influence

Does this person have much money? Does it provide position or respect from others?: Until recently, he was doing fine on money. His illegal shipping business was bringing gold in at a rate that he wasn't quite used to, but now that he's on the run and his criminal organization disbanded, he's out of money.

Is he generous or selfish with his money and possessions?: Absolutely selfish. They are his. Not yours, that leper gnome's, or that bandit's. He will stab each of the previous to keep his valuables.

Does the character rate high on the pecking order with his household? Town? Area? Nation? World?: No. When he isn't a common peasant, he's a criminal. He only reaches higher in his times of military service.

Can he command others to do his bidding, by word or manipulation?: He can be silver-tongued at times, and has swayed more than one person with his surprisingly clever mouth.

To whom is he subservient? Is this submission willing or unavoidable?: He is subservient to those than can impose their will upon him. Impressive authority figures do the trick, such as those with a rank and shiny bit of armor. He'd rather not be ordered around, but he's used to it.


What does this character do when he is bored?: He enjoys painting immensely, and finds the activity calms him down and eases off the stresses of the day. He's also recently become interested in sculpting and woodworking.

What does he do when he's excited or nervous?: When he's excited, he's generally open about it. He's louder than usual, happier than usual - the expected reactions. When he's nervous, he tends to move less and constantly grips something to hide him being nervous at all. He'd rather nobody think of him as ever being shaken.

What things does he really like to do?: Painting, fighting, and drinking are up there. He had considered being a gladiator, but the idea irks him for the simple fact that he wouldn't' be as pretty.

What things does he really hate to do?: Sit still. Just sit, or be cooped up. It's part of the reason he dislikes being at sea. He has to stay in one place for an extended period of time. As long as the boat is big enough, and not to crowded, he could manage - but just sitting there disagrees with him severely.

What are his leisure activities? Pastimes? Recreations?: As aforementioned, painting is prime among them. He's obviously not an accomplished linguist, no matter his random fits of oral finesse, and prefers the arts of drawing, sculpting, and the like over reading and such.

Does he play games? What kind?: He enjoys gambling at a game of dice or something similar. It's far from an addiction, but the promise of more money is quite alluring.

Does he like to eat or drink? How important to him are food and drink?: He loves food, and can find no better drink than alcohol. It fills himself up with warmness and makes everything matter less, something he holds above many things. Alcohol makes him more apathetic than usual, and gives life a happier, more forgiving nature when under it's influence.

Favorite Things

Colors?: Blue, most definitely.

Food?: Meats. Honey glazed, well seasoned, juicy - he will devour it in seconds.

Drinks?: Brandy, melon juice, and milk. The latter were common, and the first makes him feel important.

Smells?: Freshly ripened turnips. They remind him of home, and how is used to be.

Time of day?: Mid-afternoon.

Season of year?: Spring, when the harvest is ripening and all he needs to do is sit back and wait for them.

Books?: If ever one was to find out, he enjoys reading about Lordaeron and the Guardians of Tirisfal.

Places to visit?: He doesn't really want to visit anywhere. He's comfortable at home, where he belongs. If he had to choose between somewhere to go, he'd like it to be a forest somewhere ancient. Ashenvale, or Hyjal, maybe. He knows enough about elves, however, to know that it's unlikely he'll see either.

Metals: gold, iron, copper, pewter, etc?: Silver and Titanium. He loves the luster and the strength, and how imperial it feels as opposed to the greedy feeling of gold.

Building materials: stone, wood, clay, tile, etc?: Stone. He has idle fancies of dark, torch lit passages with hidden doors and the like. It's practically his dream home.

Fabrics: silk, wool, linen, etc?: Linen, primarily. He's used to it, and it keeps him warm. Honestly, he'd rather wear silk though. It's so expensive, he would just feel terribly important and prestigious.

Pieces of furniture?: Reclining chairs and double beds. He hates being restrained.

Animals?: Stags of some kind. He's not sure why, but to him they just seem so proud and noble, even while constantly under attack by hunters and encroaching sentient invaders.

Miscellaneous?: He wishes he could play music, and his favorite instrument is no doubt the harp.


What things frighten him?: Things out of his control. The titanic, otherworldly forces that he's only read about, but rarely seen.

Is he motivated by fear?: Not at all, but it definitely has an impact on his actions just like anyone else.

To what extent is he motivated: never, occasionally, usually, constantly?: Occasionally. Nobody can completely help being motivated by fear. It's ingrained in the psyche of anything that has need to fear - and everything has something to fear.

What would this character think were the three most terrible things that could happen to him?: One, If he were left alone, with nobody else but himself for a long time. Two, to be detained in a small place for any length of time - Prison is a terrifying idea for him. Just the thought of it makes him uneasy. Three, dying. However apathetic and angry he can be, he still loves life, and does not want to part with it. If there was some way to live forever, he would instantly agree to it. He's even recently considered becoming a Death Knight, but he'd rather find another way. He's worried women will stop wanting him. He couldn't have that!

What would he think were the three most wonderful things were to happen to him?: One, he was promoted to nobility. Two, he had a woman that didn't run off into Northrend or get killed by a troll. Three, that everyone respected him as an intelligent and forthright individual and perhaps groveled for his affections from time to time. Little things like that.