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Player: Unlucky17

Character Full Name: Nasril Celeyarin

Character In-Game Name: Nasril

Nickname(s): Nas, Nostril

Association(s): The Lordaeron Pact

Race: Sin’dorei

Class: Rogue

Age: One hundred and twenty-seven.

Sex: Male

Hair: Light red, tied in a ponytail with a strip of linen and thrown over a shoulder, across his chest. He has no facial hair.

Eyes: Fel green.

Weight: 104 lb. (Underweight)

Height: 5’4”


Nasril is often dressed in elegant blues with golden trim, as well as a dark undershirt while in more hospitable regions. He wears much tougher blue leathers in more dangerous areas, with modifications to his attire as needed.

Other: His mouth is almost always crooked into a mocking smile, and one of his long eyebrows is cocked upwards. He has no hair on his arms, nor his legs. He usually travels unarmed. He is rather skinny, even compared to the slender norms of the Thalassian Elves.


Nasril has a sly, flirtatious manner about him, although he often acts clueless when speaking with friends. He can seem a tad eccentric at times, and likes to play with others by pretending to be something obviously untrue. He loves to sketch and paint, as well as hearing songs and reading. In particular, he enjoys drawing and painting landscapes, especially the shoreline, but has strayed into other areas, usually on commission.

Nas daydreams frequently, particularly about traveling, which distracts him from real matters. He often distracts himself by drawing fanciful landscapes of places he wishes to see in life; he holds a particular hope of visiting the desert lands of southern Kalimdor. He also has an interest in seeing the floating lands of the Outlands of Draenor, and to fly among them, but doubts his ability to fulfill that wish.

He likes to meet new people, especially Sin’dorei, which has sometimes found him out of pocket after being robbed or losing his money in a gamble. He likes to gamble with others, usually on the outcome of a dice, although he also likes competing in wagered footraces.


Nasril was born in a small farming community in southern Quel’Thalas. He grew up knowing almost nothing of the outside world, only ever going as far from his home as a trading outpost some miles upriver. He raised hawks with his family; a high quality breed, renowned for its speed. As such, he knows rudimentary skills when it comes to riding hawkstriders, as well as having a somewhat keen business sense.

Since he was young, he liked to explore the section of forest close to his home, however small it was. He would climb some of the tallest trees in the forest and sit in them for hours, admiring the view and drawing it to return them to his family and friends. He often drew likenesses of the forest with homemade ink, to the delight of his mother and sister. His father was less accepting of his hobbies, but was happy enough with the boy’s farm work.

As Nasril grew up, he began thinking about the outside world, and his work began to slacken. He would forget what he had been sent to do, favoring just daydreaming by the riverside and talking with what little newcomers the village had. They told him stories of all the lands south of Lordaeron, inciting jealousy in the young elf. He would try to make up for his lack of adventure by playing at war with his friends.

Nasril was sent south by his father to Lordaeron when the Third War hit it. He acted as a scout, drawing detailed depictions of Orcish camps and movements. Although he never took much stock in his lessons of swordplay, it gave him leave to practice his hobby, as well as whet his taste for adventure. Seeing the lands of Lordaeron in detail made him want to see more, although his wishes were not fulfilled.

The corruption of the Sunwell left him greatly distressed, tired and weak. He wandered the lands of Lordaeron for what seemed to him like centuries, slinking away like a beaten dog whenever someone tried to contact him, or breaking into violent fits. His sleeping became brief and fevered, plagued by haunting nightmares, and his waking hours were no better. He suffered from hallucinations of his past and his imagination, often mistaking it for something real.

The elf returned to Quel’Thalas in the aftermath of the Fall via ship. His family had been among the fallen, and his village destroyed. He lived in the forests despite it for a time, trading what little he had with the elves of larger trading outposts, such as Fairbreeze, but after a time, he became discontented. He decided to strike north for Silvermoon, where he has made a living selling his artworks, and above all, infusing with Fel magics.

His infusion with the Fel was brought upon by a magister, during the waxing days of the peoples’ transformation. He would often spend his days sitting in a gutter with a bottle of wine during this time, trying to numb his feelings. Someone happened to take pity on him, and he was too weak to think twice, accepting. Looking back, he finds no way to second guess his decision.

Skills and Abilities

  • Hawk Riding: Nasril raised hawkstriders when he was young. As such, he has a rudimentary skill in riding them.
  • Business Sense: Nasril sometimes helped his father sell the hawks that the family raised.
  • Drawing: Nasril has been a painter for over a hundred years. As such, he has practiced his art and become quite skilled.