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Player: Nexi

Character Full Name: Drekil Darkaxe

Character In-Game Name: Naruntan


Association(s): The Warsong Clan

Race: Orc

Class: Hunter

Age: 61

Sex: Male.

Hair: Black.

Eyes: Grey.

Weight: 457lbs

Height: 7'1"


Leather and mail, normally a dark red, with a massive black stone hammer that he's carried into battle since the end of the third war.

Other: At times, a helmet made of a wolf's skin which he feels helps him embody the ferocity of the wolf during battle.


Drekil has been a warrior for as long as he can remember. As such, his personality can often times be quite forward and lacking in tact, sympathy, and sensitivity. However, there are times when his personality shifts dramatically to one of somberness, and those times are generally around certain Orcish holidays or whenever he's faced with a situation that reminds him of his race's dark past.

He is also remarkably spiritual, holding a high degree of respect for symbols and tradition. The wolf's head helm he is often seen wearing into battle, in his mind, gives him strength and savagery he wouldn't have without it ( but don't expect him to ever admit that ), and his stone hammer, the first weapon he wielded into battle after the blood curse had been lifted ( which he also crafted himself ) is held to symbolize his rebirth as a true Orc and free of demonic corruption.


Drekil was born on Draenor over sixty years ago into the Warsong Clan and raised to be a savage warrior pretty much since his birth. He trained hard ( not like he had much choice ), and learned to use Mannoroth's gift to overcome their enemies, the Draenei, until the Dark Portal opened and he and the Warsong charged through.

Alongside his brothers, they managed to take control of most of the southern kingdoms over a span of several years, until they were eventually rounded up and locked away in various internment camps. There he brooded, his hurt pride at having been taken prisoner rather than falling in battle caused him to retaliate against his fellow Orcs in a futile attempt to regain some sense of self worth. At least, this was the case until he came to accept his fate as did most of the captured Orcs. An act that still scars him to this day.

And then the day finally came, many years later, when their camp was raided and the remaining Orcs joined Thrall. He would come to serve his clan once more during the third war, only to once again fall under Mannoroth's sway for a time. His ( Mannoroth's ) and the Legion's defeat on the slopes of Mount Hyjal saw the curse permanently lifted... but the shame of having willingly consumed the pit lord's blood overtook him.

In acknowledgment of the lifting of the blood curse and victory against the Legion, Drekil crafted a fine axe of stone to symbolize his and his people's strength and tenacity in their new and unforgiving world, and as a promise to never fall to corruption again.