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Player: Wonderlandx

Character In-Game Name: Naiya

Nickname(s): "Emily"

Association(s): Alliance, Stormwind.

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 23

Sex: Female

Hair: Long black hair that has dark red streaks through it, her hair is pulled back into a some what well kept pony-tail.

Eyes: Piercing deep blue eyes. Naiya is often wearing dark eyeliner along with Black eyeshadow to bring out her eyes a bit more.

Weight: 120 lbs.

Height: Around 5'8"


* In the city you will find Naiya in casual clothing, preferably a suit of her choice, her face unmasked and she goes by the name of Naiya.
  • Outside the city you'll find Naiya's face completely masked so no one would recognize her, she is also fully armored when she is like this she goes by the name of 'Emily' as an alias for whoever she may meet.

Other: She can be quite a bit clumsy out of battle and used to be a bit of a drunk.


Naiya can be a very outgoing person who will talk to anyone. .anything if that bored. In her free time she roams around Stormwind, she loves to confuse people and throw them off it amuses her. She is a bit of a sadist and will sometimes harm her friends or loved ones for entertainment.


Naiya was born into the Valanesse family in Stormwind where they brought her back to their cozy home in the nice dry place everyone calls Westfall. The family was rather wealthy but enjoyed the farm life, the raising and feeding of the animals. On the farm Naiya had often been inside cooking up a meal, she loved cooking for herself, and doesn't trust eating a meal some one else made for her. She often made disgusting meals and fed some of the animals what she had cooked watching their reaction kept her occupied for awhile, seeing as she had nothing better to do. Naiya walked around the fields and visited the neighbors even spoke with them about cooking and shared a few of her home-made recipes she had made herself in the past. Late at night Naiya would sometimes make designs with her dagger on the animals side or brand them, it'd come out quite messy though since she couldn't keep them still and had to stay out of sight when her neighbors walked out to see why the animals were acting a bit hectic. She did that for about 18 years before deciding to leave her home and head out on her own, Where she made her way to Elwynn forest.

In Elwynn Naiya had completely went around Goldshire making her way to Northshire where she stayed in the Abbey until she was 20 from there she finally made her short travel to Stormwind, where she is nowadays. .she does nothing more then speak with the local commoners and steal from shops around town to get things to cook with and make nice meals for her to eat. Naiya doesn't really feel like she should pay for something she can get free. She doesn't make such nice meals for other people, she cooks up quite odd ones you'd never think of eating, usually when she is wanting some entertainment or needs to make them some-what defenseless. Currently, Naiya is giving random citizens 'Jelly Filled Roll's to test them out and see if the affect is working correctly and also sometimes invents things out of scrap metal for use on her next victim.