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Player: Wedny

Character Full Name: Ivan Nagrash

Character In-Game Name: Nagrash

Nickname(s): Nag, Ivan

Association(s): The Undercity Apothecary, The house of Al'shar.

Race at Birth: Quel'dorei

Current Race: Forsaken

Class: Warlock.

Age at Death: one hundred and sixty five years of age.

Current Age: one hundred and seventy three years of age.

Sex: Male.

Hair: Black.

Eyes: Black.

Weight: one hundred and twelve pounds.

Height: six foot one inch.

Alignment: in the eyes of the forsaken, he is of the neutral party, as of the rest of this "horde" group, he is Chaotically Evil.


Robes, anything that will cover his revealed bones.

Other: unnoticeable by the rest of the marks all on his body from the infection, he has a long shallow cut from his right shoulder going to his left knee cap.


Along with every other Forsaken, Nagrash has a deep seated hatred for Arthas and his scourge minions, be it a Val'kyr Battle-Maiden, or a Plague infested rat of Stratholme. Nagrash's new-found powers withing the Deamons of this world make him slow to temper, and as slow as molten Titansteel to cool. Before Nagrash had joined the House of Al'shar, he had been quite open with his confusion as to why the Forsaken had allied them selves with these, "Blood Elven" people. Now, with his new Blood Elven Mistress, Nagrash is sure to keep his comments on the subject to him self, or he will confine with questions into another Forsaken.


Ivan was born in the city of Dalaran, given the name Ivan to emulate the humans. Being brought up, with hopes of him to continue with the Magi tactics, by his Father, Charles Nagrash after his mother, Silvia Nagrash, had died performing a experiment in the Dalaran Underbelly attempting to create a way for her new born child to be raised, and treated in the later years, with Power and frightful skills. While she was attempting to finish her spell creation, something horrible happened which had turned her self into an abomination, morphing her upper chest and shoulders into distinct mutated form. Out of fear of being locked in the Dalaran Prisons to be tested, and tortured for attempting to create a forbidden spell, she took her own life.

After many years of attempting to hide the truth from his son, Charles exposed Ivan to what truly happened to his mother, after years of saying she simply had been called away to war and died in battle. With this new found information and hatred for the Dalaran magi, he escaped from Dalaran at the age of twenty three.

Seeking refuge and work, Ivan soon found the village of Southshore and began working for what ever crossed his requirements, be it clothing, food, water, or shelter. Ivan spent most of his days working in the Town Hall as a sort of messenger for the South Shore mayor until Nathanos Marris came through looking for soldiers to fight against the on-coming Scourge. Ivan was more then willing to sign up to further the distance between him and his former home of Dalaran.

Nathanos Marris's platoon was stationed inside the City of Stratholme during the Third war. But when in the beginning of the third war, Nagrash was one of the few mages sent into the City of Stratholme along with Nathanos Marris to defend against the continuous waves of Scourge, under Mal'ganis's control.

Amidst the carnage of the Stratholme Culling, Ivan had fallen deathly ill to the Plague and was hence-forth removed from battle. When the priests within the Citadel could do no more for Ivan, he was placed out side to later be gathered up to be, disposed of. While the few bodies of the men and women who had fallen ill during the first wave were hauled off out of the Service entrance, some of them began to take on the form of the Scourge, which had become more and more present in the lands that would later be named justly as the Plaguelands.

As the wagons containing the fresh bodies had reached its delivery point, the bodies began to take power in the Plague and quickly overtook the Caravan of fresh Scourge soldiers, Which Ner'zhul quickly ordered back to Stratholme to reinforce the Dreadlord Mal'Ganis, but to his dismay, Arthas had already purged the city and had started to make his way to Northerend to confront Mal'ganis and later, search for the Runeblade Frostmourne.

As the months continued after Arthas had taken his throne from his very own father's kingdom, his power over his vast army began to wane and Ivan had been one of the few to escape his cold clutch and joined the renegade scourge named justly as the Forsaken.

In the years to come from when Ivan had gained control of his own consciousness, he had once more grasped control over his arcane intelligence, finding that his new body was ill suited for the Magi position; he began putting his effort into new, darker subjects. Due to his new shape and form, Nagrash no longer felt he was one of the Quel'dorei people so he began to seek those who had escaped from Arthas's cold grip. Finding the large group of this "Forsaken" group in Tirisfal glades, he began to learn the darker Fel arts, already aware of the requirements of magic because of his former training in the arcane arts. Ivan soon became aware of the demons that roamed the world and sought to control a vast majority of its population.

Having not succeeded with that, he now works as a servant for the House of Al'shar, a once strong and powerful Quel'dorei Merchant Juggernaut, along with his Faithful imp, Orrak.