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Player: Ronin

Character Full Name: Mira Dovaer

Character In-Game Name: Mira

Nickname(s): N/A

Association(s): N/A

Race: Human

Class: Warlock(Poses as a Mage)

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Hair: Reddish-brown

Eyes: Deep Green

Weight: 132 lbs

Height: 5'5"


She'll never be caught wearing anything very heavy, and doesn't really like the constricted feeling she gets from robes. Thanks to her Master's goals and contacts, she's often on the road ferrying messages and doing tasks, and so prefers light travel attire. She has a tendency to dress in deep colors, blues and purples usually. Her outfits are usually well kept or relatively new, yet usually have a bit of the 'road-worn' look to them.

Other: She might wear tasteful earrings and other such adornments, but isn't one to flaunt. She has no tattoos nor unusual piercings, either.


To most people, especially when she first meets them, she tends to seem like an airhead and somewhat immature. This initial reaction is thanks to her unease with being near people, especially those she doesn't know. Once others open up to her, and she's able to open up in kind, she shows an academic and expansive mind that's simply weighted down by a total lack of worldly experience and a failure to exercise proper caution. She tends to trust people far too easily and is often swindled for it, yet she manages to learn from every interaction, good and bad.

Thanks to her relatively new interaction with Warlock magics, she's yet to fall under the addictive sway of its power. She doesn't remain entirely unaffected, however, and has a tendency to react a bit too strongly when experiencing extreme emotions. This shows far more often with negative emotions, naturally, and once she gets going she finds it difficult to reign herself in, even as her logical mind realizes the oddity of her overzealous reactions.


Mira was born in northern Lordaeron, somewhat near Quel'thalas, under awkward circumstances. Her father had left her mother early in the pregnancy, and during the following months a Dwarven merchant had come south from an unsuccessful venture to trade with the Elves (who simply laughed him out of the enchanted woods when he attempted to make a profit selling them, of all people, firearms). The dwarf had stopped at her mother's farmhouse on his way by, and he found himself smitten with her overnight.

The two were married shortly after (the Dwarf for love, Mira's mother for fear of keeping the farm running), and had decided to raise the child together. When she was born, her new father had vowed to love her as his own, and granted her a proud Dwarven name (despite objections by her mother), 'Murial Velora Alestorm'.

In the following few years, the dwarf convinced Mira's mother to abandon the farm, as his merchant skills were useless there, and dragged her south to Capital City. Unfortunately, the years had not been kind to the couple in respects to their relationship, and as soon as the money for selling the farm was had, the adoptive father up and offed with all he could get after the first pretty Dwarven lass headed back toward Ironforge. Enraged, Mira's mother promptly quit using the dwarf's name and reverted back to her last, altering her daughter's name to 'Mira Velora Dovaer'.

The following years were very difficult for the pair. Mira's mother knew she couldn't provide a good future for her daughter, and dreaded her getting stuck with marriages as similarly disappointing as her own. She began taking the young girl about, having her tested to see what sort of apprenticeships she could enroll her in. She tried 'easier', more mundane practices first, but Mira had always been a small, petite girl, as well as a bit of a scatter brain. Such facts made it even more of a surprise when, out of desperation, she was tested to see her adeptness with magic, and passed.

At the tender age of nine, Mira blissfully indulged in ignorance as she was told 'doing chores' was the beginning of learning the secrets of the Arcane. She had been a bit too young to really start teaching, and had only been accepted thanks to her mother's relentless insistence. Upon turning ten, however, the magi decided her gifts could probably serve a better purpose (and they were getting tired of her playing 20-million questions with them), and sent her to Dalaran.

Now that her actual training had begun, the girl began to yearn for the simple days of washing dishes. Tedious spells to try and memorize, daily lectures, and a general feeling of ineptitude quickly squashed Mira's eagerness to learn. Her young age and difficulty focusing were both large milestones for her, but there was an added difficulty of simply not being as good as the other students.

Eventually, she took more to exploring parts of the city than to her studies, learning to at least keep out of her tutor's watchful gaze if not how to create a Frostbolt. She tried to keep away from restricted areas or potentially dangerous places, but her curiosity won out over caution as often as the inverse. One such naughty outing found her in an older part of a storage area. As she poked about where she aught not, one item in particular caught her gaze.

A tome, black with gold-green metal embroidered on it in intricate designs seemed to glow at her touch. She knew it to be enchanted, as any student should, and found herself too eager to learn more of it to act rationally. Opening the book, she found herself only able to read little tidbits of information, the rest in another language. It gave accounts from an observer of a sort of spell caster called a Warlock, of the abilities training as such could grant with only a little actual effort one the student's part, while the rest of the power was granted by "demons" (something she had yet to learn of), or so the book claimed.

Young Mira later showed the book to an instructor, asking her many questions as always. Naturally, the Wizard was shocked at what was laid before him, and more so at the seemingly innocent girl's interest. Scared of what it could mean, the instructor took measures to punish Mira thoroughly, hoping (in his own form of ignorance) to nip the girl's interest in the bud.

Mira had little time to reflect on the punishment and learn a lesson, as all hell broke loose shortly after. Arthas and the Scourge came, and Mira barely managed to escape before death arrived at Dalaran's door. With Capital City in ruins, even the peppy girl couldn't deny that her mother was likely gone. It left her hollow inside, the sadness that gnawed at her, and she let herself be taken away with other evacuees south, toward Stormwind.

It took several months for Mira to snap from her lonely daze, and longer still to feel like participating in the world. She survived first by sticking with the charity all the refugees were granted, followed by living in a boarding house for a time. She eventually migrated toward what the great city had as a haven for Arcanists, struggling to find something, anything, to make life return to how it was.

Her skills proved to be even more inept than before, her heart sick with grief that it refused to let go. She had nothing and no one, and feared she'd be forced to give up her hopes at becoming a real Wizard or Mage. To combat this, she forced her mind as well as she could to take in as much new information as possible. She began devouring books and texts, learning much of the ways of Arcanists, magic, and all related. She didn't realize it until some time later, but her greatest desire was to learn more of what she had glimpsed when younger, to find more information about Warlockery.

It took her some time to gather the information, but she eventually learned that one Wizard in particular likely had the information she sought. The old woman had a reputation for being cranky and harsh, but valuing the potential others had. Mira carefully, or as carefully as her attention span would allow, sought to apprentice herself to the woman.

It took time and several tries, but Mira's goal was reached. Another road-block, in the form of the endless, inane tasks that her new Master demanded she do, met her and halted her progress, but she pushed on. Eventually, the old woman began trusting Mira (her only student, which Mira found odd) to watch her large house while she went on with her own business. Thus far, she'd made no attempts to teach Mira anything, which was a bother, but it didn't stop the girl. She began hunting through her Master's personal library, but found nothing. She eventually learned (thanks to a night her Master took a bit too much to her wine) that there was a second library in the basement. Mira, resourceful if nothing else, eventually found her way down there, and the treasure she sought was within her grasp.

The events of the world mattered little to her, if at all. She read and learned all she could from her Master's books, and the notes on said books. It was as if her Master sought to understand all forms of magic, Arcane and otherwise, to use or counter all as effectively as possible. This gave the girl much insight into how to manipulate her chosen powers. The mysteries of the Warlock began to open to her, and she even began managing to touch it's source of power. It came no more easily to her at first, but once she managed to pull an Imp into this world, it (begrudgingly and with ill manners) began explaining what little it could, making things increasingly easy for Mira.

Not long after, her Master began tossing new challenges at her. Disgruntled with her Apprentice for reasons totally unrelated to the girl (she was grouchy, after all), she declared that Mira needed more real-world experience, and began sending her on ever further ventures out of the city.

While her life skills were lax, it did provide opportunities to really practice her new abilities with total privacy. She has continued to learn since, training herself as well as she can, hoping to one day be as great as those Wizards she admires, failing to understand what she's really getting herself into.