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Player: Grogloki

Character Full Name: Mastus Novalight

Character In-Game Name: Mastus

Nickname(s): Little Shade

Association(s): Novalight House, Naveria (Mother)

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Shadow Dancer

Age: 450 years old

Sex: Male

Hair: Black

Eyes: Green

Weight: 160 lbs.

Height: 6'0”


Mastus often remains cloaked in black in honor of his late Master. Although from time to time he does allow himself to dress up should the occasion call for it, his leather armor can be seen housing many throwing weapons of various sorts and a utility belt that holds a very wide array of weapons. He does carry a firearm every now and then though he rarely will use it (sometimes a target just calls for a head shot let's not kid ourselves). His hair is pulled up tight in a top knot so that it will not obscure his vision and his necklace appears to have a sort of breathing apparatus attached to it.

Other: He has several scars from explosives that he tested while pursuing his hunger for technology. And a few battle scars that he came to have over the years as he gained his skills in close quarters combat training.


Mastus is what some might initially peg as quiet. Well this would just be wrong. He often studies people he meets for a very long time, sizing them up and learning all he can about them. Mastus will hardly ever open up about his own personal feelings though he has shared them with family from time to time. When he is with his family he is seen as the black sheep, he is the one they call on to do the “dirty deeds” and they are done dirt cheap. His love of family is unchangeable and he will never betray those he loves. With an iron will and steady mind he serves them faithfully and with compassion. For all the nice and kind things he shares with his family there is a darker side to him. His Mother believes it was the ritual that placed this dark sliver in his soul but it allows him to make the hard decisions in combat and on the field. Mastus will kill anyone, yes anyone. This includes a child if the family calls for it. He holds the ability to flip the switch of right and wrong off in his mind when it comes time to get the job done. This both hinders him and gives him strength some would say. (For what is the soul if it does not feel)


The fire light danced atop the candle in the small bedroom that housed the little Mastus Novalight, Naveria stood strong and upright her hand resting on the child's soft onyx hair. She looked down at the child, “This man that is coming for you now Mastus will take you and show a great many things. I expect only the best from you. Failure shall not be an option for you do you understand?” Mastus nodded with an emotionless face. Outside of the building it was cold, and the wind was picking up. Which meant rain was coming as the sky remained dark. A figure approached the small structure on horseback; it had the build of a strong man. He sat atop a chestnut horse and was cloaked in black, at his side rested two rather large short swords. Naveria's ear twitched, “Ah, he is approaching. Good.” She removed her hand from the boys head and nudged him forward, “Go now and meet him. Stand straight and firm do not slouch. Remember you are now a representative of this family son. Honor that fact.” A sharp pain struck her heart but she knew the future that awaited Mastus was a great one and she had to let him go. The man reigned in the horse just outside the hut and lifted his gaze slightly as he waited. Mastus looked to his mother with sad eyes, “Mother?...” She remained silent and still. The boy turned towards the doorway. His eyes fell on the cloaked man. A slight rain began to spill from the clouded sky. Mastus knew he was to be a boy no longer. This is where he journey would begin.

Many years had passed since that day when Mastus joined the man on horseback. The man's name was still a mystery to the youth. Mastus only knew him as Master. Together the two traveled the surface of Azeroth and often dwelled in the darker places of society. Master had been showing and teaching Mastus of the criminal underworld that remained at the heart of Azeroth's great cities. Today happened to be a very special day, Mastus was to join the Masters order and begin his training. Mastus was lead through the woods to a small cavern entrance. His Master spoke through a gruff voice, his beard moving slightly in the howling depths of the cave “Mastus, I have watched you grow and gain knowledge of the world. Today we will begin the second part of your training. You will not leave this cavern for many years to come. It is here that my brother and I will teach you the ways of our family secrets. Our Fathers Father was a powerful Magus and his wife was a famous Assassin. Together they unlocked the secrets of the shadows. I will teach you how to tape these powers through special arcane glyphs that will be placed upon your body for the remainder of your life. However long that may be. Do you understand son?” Mastus stood mouth wide for a moment at the long speech; he remained silent only the dripping echoes of the cave could be heard. The moment seemed to last forever, “Yes Master.” Another man stood near wooden door built into the rock face deep within the cave, he spoke “Ah brother. So this is the young Mastus Novalight?” The bearded man nodded as he ushered Mastus through the door.

Once inside the two brothers now noticeably twins moved to stand near a stone slab with shackles bound to it. Mastus grew nervous, “Why are there shackles?” his hand went to his hunting knife. One of the brothers vanished before his eyes and appeared behind the young elf, “Because Mastus. This is a painful ritual.” The youth was stunned at the quick display; he simply nodded and moved to the slab “Now what?” His gaze fell to his Master. The two brothers glanced between each other as they gave a silent approving nod to the other “Now you will lie down. We will place the runes upon your body and put you into an arcane coma. You will remain in that state until the runes have set into your body's composition. This could take many days or it could happen rather quickly. Regardless Mastus… this is where training becomes painful. Should you pass we will inform your family that you died in a hunting accident. Are you ready?” Mastus was nervous, his brow damp with sweat of things to come. With a clench of his fist and grit of his teeth the young elf climbed onto the slab, “I will not fail you mother.” Was the last thing he said before the pain hit him and unconsciousness claimed his body. His mind was wracked by horrible images of pain and sorrow. The two brothers began to summon the runes. Bright purple runes formed on Mastus's body covering his chest, arms, back, and legs. Light filled the room as the youth screamed in horrible agony his body violently twisting and contorting. Mastus tugged and jerked at the shackles, they gave little freedom in return. The brothers increased the intensity of the ritual, the runes glowed a dark red as the burned into the elf's flesh. After several long hours the runes had been cast and now Mastus was left alone in the darkness of the cave shackled to the stone slab to endure his new mantle. Only time would tell if the young elf had what it took to bare the arcane runes.

Several days had passed and the brothers finally returned to the cave with food and water. What they found shocked them. Mastus had not only managed to master the runes on his body but he also managed to slip free from his bonds. The young elf sat, dry blood caking his chest and shoulders. He struggled to breath but with the healing help of the brothers and proper nourishment it only took him a few hours to begin feeling better. His Master spoke, “You have mastered your runes Mastus. Welcome to the brotherhood. We will soon be dead, we are but men. But you shall carry on our family's legacy through ages to come.” A smile poked through his beard. Mastus stood up cracking his neck and rolling his shoulders, his voice was lower darker even “I am ready Master to proceed with training at once.” The two brothers smiled grimly at each other. Both loosed their side arms and tossed them to the young elf “Mastus we will begin with mastering the blade, then we will move into close quarters combat, and from there we will blend your new abilities into the fray. But… while you are also learning combat, we will also teach you what we both specialize in. I myself work wonders with machines and trinkets. My brother is an alchemist with vast knowledge of potions and elixirs. Together we shall form you into a silent death dealer one that stands on the brink between this world and the next.” Mastus moved over to sit in a chair, his shaking hand grabbed a small piece of cloth draped over the back of it. He dotted his head with it removing some sweat, “When can we start?” The brothers chuckled.

Years rolled into years and the brothers grew older and older until they could no longer physically teach Mastus any further his Master had grown sick and passed a short time later. Mastus slipped the other brother a poison that would stop his heart in his sleep so that he may also join his twin in the other world beyond. With his training complete and his Master dead Mastus decided it was time to return home to bring honor and service to his family. He longed to see his cousin that he heard whispers of and he missed his mother dearly. The now fully trained Shadow Dancer set out for Silvermoon and home. What he didn't expect to find was his race in distress to a new threat. His family's future seemed grim but he would serve them as a new Blood Elf none the less.

Abilities: Arcane Shadow Runes: Runes can be seen as tattoos on the Shadow Dancers flesh, when he activates his power they form a ghostly image of themselves with a purple hue on the exterior of his armor. These runes allow him to call on several powers.

Shadow Jump: A shadow Dancer gains the ability to travel between shadows as if by means of a dimension door spell. The limitation is that the magical transport must begin and end in an area with at least some shadow. A shadow Dancer can jump up to a total of 20 feet each day in this way. This amount can be split among many jumps, but each one, no matter how small, counts as a 10-foot increment. This allows the shadow Dancer to quickly dart around the target and dispatch them with a swift blade.

Hide in Plain Sight: A shadow Dancer can use the Hide skill even while being observed. As long as she is within 10 feet of some sort of shadow, a shadow Dancer can hide himself from view in the open without anything to actually hide behind. He cannot, however, hide in his own shadow.

Misty Evasion: The Shadow Dancer melds half into and half out of the shadow realm making them harder to see in close quarters combat. This ability also grants them a speed bonus should they need to exit the fight quickly.