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Player: Wikiwaka

Character Full Name: Marven Alphineous Tinkerbolt II

Character In-Game Name: Marven

Nickname(s): Marveykin (Used by his mother)

Association(s): Areth Flameweave (Teacher/Master)

Race: Gnome

Class: Mage

Age: 42

Sex: Male

Hair: Marven keeps the hair on the top of his hair clean and cut, but lets his beard grow wild and full with an oddly neat mustache. Due to exposure to the radiation in Gnomregan, his hair has lost most of its pigment, becoming a sharp gray for over a decade now.

Eyes: Hazel

Weight: 45 lbs.

Height: 3' 3"

Alignment: Neutral Good.


Marven typically wears plain robes of varying color, typically whatever he can find to be the most comfortable as opposed to marking his status while still providing good protection and enchantments. He's not overly fond of spikey shoulder decorations or anything overly dramatic, but he is willing to deal with it as need be.

Other: He tends to keep at least two academic books on him at all times, as well as one that seems to be put together out of a blank book, adhesive and a series of letters.


Marven is an obsessive information gatherer, seeking knowledge wherever he can by any means necessary. A library is a literal treasure trove to him, and if he spends four hours translating a book just to learn that the writer had turkey for dinner fifty years ago, he doesn't mind, unless he was hoping it had information about something else. Then he minds. When Marven needs to know something, it will take essentially a blow to the head to stop him from trying, especially if there's a local library in the area. When it comes to interacting with people, he is an open minded, considerate person with total respect for other's wishes, unless he thinks their wishes are being influenced by something else, particuarly forces from beyond that speak in dark whispers and want you to sacrifice your first born son. He feels bad about betraying secrets told in confidence, even if he feels that doing so is for the greater good. Though, he is curious why certain sects of magic aren't researched...


Marven was born and raised in Gnomregan, in a family completely populated by engineers with the exception of himself and his sister. At an early age the two showed a light potential in tapping the magical arts, and they were soon carted off to the local mage for basic training to make sure they didn't wind up burning the beard off of their father.

As the two grew up, Marven went on to grasp basic Arcane concepts rather quickly, easily grasping throwing bolts of elemental fury, but was promptly evacuated from his home town when the gnomes irradiated it to kill the troggs, leaving him without much idea on the deeper workings and mechanics of magic, what goes on when you make that fireball.

His sister, meanwhile, dove into the darker arts of summoning and soon found herself immersed in a deep rooted cult of Warlocks that had spread to Gnomregan before heading out across the world, where Marven wouldn't hear of her for years until she began sending letters, detailing her research and adventures. Marven, while feeling totally abandoned by his sister, found himself interested in her topics and research. He found the ideas of summoning intriquing, the magic and workings behind them unexplored by mages due to some taboo on the subjet.

Leaving out into the snowy wilds near Iron Forge years later, he found that it was far, far too cold for his own liking, and went off to Stormwind, where he managed to be taken in by one Areth Flameweave as an Apprentice, where his talents would expand exponentially under his tutor's sharp eye.

Meanwhile, he'd run into a man named Lucien, who would spark his interest in the dark magics once again. Not as a power ideal, but purely in terms of how it works. Whether or not curiosity will kill the gnome, only time will tell.