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Player: rekkless

Character Full Name: Malgeen Blackwater

Character In-Game Name: Malgeen

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): Former Defias Brotherhood Member

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Hair: Long, Jet Black. No facial hair.

Eyes: Blue Eyes with a hint of Gray

Weight: 205 lbs.

Height: 6'1"


Usual Garments/Armor: Primarily wears armor that doesn't restrict quick and sudden movements. He uses black colored gear for night time missions or a grayish-black type of color for daytime missions. He also wears a vibrant red tabard to symbolize the blood of the fallen soldiers. His weapons of choice are Light Swords or Daggers. Rarely does he use Axes or Hammers. He always keeps a hidden knife on the inside of his right boot. Occasionally wears the infamous Red Defias Mask.

Other: He has no tattoos. He has scars from previous battles against Syndicate and Defias members all along his right arm, his upper chest, and his upper back. Mainly from arrows and throwing knives.

Alignment: Lawful Evil. Malgeen is a somewhat honorable man. Malgeen has never and will never betray a friend for what ever reason, even if it costs him his life. He Never enjoys to kill but will do so if needed to. But, never will kill an innocent child or woman. He is willing to get the job done even if it means to work with others. He will lie to those he doesn't know or respect.


Malgeen has a slight anger and trust issue. He will get angered by the simplest things. He can be at times, self-centered. But, when he is not in those bad moods, he can be calm and relaxing and an enjoyable person to be around.

It takes many years for him to trust a person. He can be extremely loyal to those he thinks deserve the respect and will do almost anything for that particular person. He always gets a task completed. Although his temper may get in the way of a mission, he tends to never leave one unfinished.


He was born in a small farm in Westfall. The exact location is unknown. His mother died weeks after his birth by unknown causes. Suspicions lead to the Plague that has come across the Eastern Kingdoms. Soon after, his father, Samuel Blackwater, thought he couldn't take care of Malgeen any longer. He then traveled to the city of Theramore where he met an old friend.

The elderly man, Nikolai took the child and cared for him. He quickly found out that the boy had an obsession with knives and a bad habit of stealing and pick pocketing. Taking that as a sign, he moved to Westfall with Malgeen and trained him with the Defias Brotherhood. Malgeen later found out that Nikolai was a commander of a small group of Defias members in that region. By the age of fifteen, The boy could throw a knife accurately at a target seventy feet away and the boys stealthy talents have improved far greater than Nikolai imagined. After two more years of vigorous training, Malgeen was now a full member of the Defias Brotherhood.

But, three years later at the strong age of twenty, he realized the conspiracy and plot to assassinate a wise nobleman of Stormwind by his fellow Defias brothers. He soon rebelled and was expelled from the brotherhood for turning in some of the leading assassins to Stormwind officials. Now his goal in life is to rid the Eastern Kingdoms of the Defias Brotherhood and Syndicate and all other bandit regimes. He also is looking for any connection between his father and the Brotherhood. He is trying to regain the trust from the townspeople of Stormwind and Goldshire by helping guards, the old, and innocent with anything that is necessary.