Player: FlyingSquirrel
Character Full Name: Mak'ti Bloodtusk
Character In-Game Name: Mak'ti
Nickname(s): Mak
Association(s): Horde, albeit loosely.
Race: Orc
Class: Warlock
Age: 68
Sex: Female
Hair: White, and in a ponytail
Eyes: Dull light red, almost a light brown.
Weight: 230 pounds
Height: 6'
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Her everyday attire has a loose, calico dress with chains and metal bindings, as well as a matching hood and cane. When she's on demonic business, she wears a dark purple set with a hood and bone mask to conceal her identity from people. She wields a long staff with a flaming lions head atop it.
Other: Wrinkled from old age + 3 child births.
Normally, Mak'ti is a mixture of the pleasant old Grandmother and the grizzled old war veteran. However, in truth, she wants to see Azeroth and the Outland, along with everyone on it, except for herself, burn in hellfire. When she wants something from someone, she's quick to turn meaner than usual and will blackmail, poison or even kill to get what she wants.
Mak'ti was born into a world engulfed in war. Draenei, Ogres, if it put up a resistance to the Orcs, it was hunted and slaughtered. Her parents, in a desperate bid for honor amongst the Warsong Clan, volunteered her to become a Warlock at a very young age. 5, to be exact. She was to be taught under an elder Warlock, former Shaman. He was nice to her, considering the conditions of the age, and she bloomed under his careful teaching.
The age of adulthood, 15, came too early for the female Orc. She was quickly assigned to a mate, another bid for honor from her parents, although he was not the same as her teacher. He was abusive and mean, impregnating her three times in four years. All the children were healthy, although her plans as a Warlock had to be put on the back burner as she raised them. As soon as she had gotten the last child out of the house, she was told of the Dark Portal.
She took the journey from Nagrand to Hellfire Peninsula, waiting patiently with her mate and the remaining two of her children. The elder of the three had been killed by a Gronn. Then, they were given the go-ahead to attack. They never got to Stormwind, sadly. The forces came back and, slowly, they obliged.
However, soon, more forces were brought through! They went to Stormwind again and, this time, the Humans were slaughtered. Mak'ti was enlightened by this victory and was eager to continue their slaughter. However, she had to wait a bit. Then, the wars continued. The Orcs journeyed up north, Mak'ti staying loyal to her Warsong Clan, and fought the Humans there. There was much more resistance, which was all the better for Mak'ti. See, she had come to adore war. The smell of blood, the cries of death, the sight of corpses piled onto eachother, the feel of desperation and the taste of adrenaline had all become needed within her life.
However, the Alliance would not allow the Horde to win that easily. They launched a large attack on the Horde, chasing them back to the Dark Portal, or capturing them and putting the survivors within their internment camps. Luckily, the Warsong Clan stayed free and so did Mak'ti. They continued small raids on the Alliance, Mak'ti's bloodlust slowly lowering with the amount of casualties. Then came Thrall. The young Shaman, despite his profession, brought new energy to the aged womans bones.
They raided the internment camps, gaining new Orcs with every raid. Then, despite Mak'ti's dislike, they fled across the ocean in some stolen boats. The Warsong landed ahead of all the others and quickly attacked the newfound settlement of Theramore. Mak'ti was glad, after so many months on a boat, to finally be able to fight a Human. Thrall, the new Warchief, landed and yelled at the Warsong. Immediately, all of Mak'ti's respect for him drained. What kind of Warchief didn't allow war?
They were sent to Ashenvale to gather lumber, and Mak'ti went with them, really hurting more than helping, what with burning most of the still-up trees she saw. Hyjal was interesting for her, as she was fighting against what she still saw as right. Afterwards, she immediately let her old age sit in and stopped acting the young'un, 'retiring' into Orgrimmar. She used her old age to weasel out of the fight against Kel'thuzad, six years later, although she went along with Burning Crusade merely for the Demons. The Lich King was ignored, but she was plotting something in the meantime. Old woman -can- plot...