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Player: Thoradin

Character Full Name: Lucian Ewen Macaebus

Character In-Game Name: Macaebus

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): Stormwind, The Alliance, And Several Private Organizations

Race: Human (Azerothian)

Class: Warrior

Age: 58

Sex: Male

Hair: He is balding and has a mustache-goatee. His hair is also greying.

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 124 lbs.

Height: 5ft 11in


Usual Garments/Armor: Wears fine silk suits and a monocle to aid his waning sight.

Other: Nothing much, other then the occasional dagger for self-defense.


Lucian Macaebus is a crabby old man. He thinks everything should be his, and it damn well should be. He will do whatever it takes to realize his dreams, and this means working with those outside the Alliance. The man has his priorities and will stop only to remove obstacles. Lucian is of an old noble line and thus thinks he has the right to become a noble.


Born into wealth in an isolated corner of Elwynn Forest on the North Coast, Lucian Macaebus was brought into a hate-filled existence. His father mistreated Lucian, his brothers, and his mother daily. He'd beat them for simply holding their heads up when spoken too, even murdered a maid for a small act of disobedience. Although he and his brothers were granted small wishes, due to their father's wealth, it was a miserable experience.

In the mansion, Lucian discovered an old genealogy of the Macaebus family line. After stealing it and hiding in an opening under the floorboards of his room, Lucian lit a candle and began to read. In a turn of the page, Lucian discovered an interesting note. Around three hundred and seventy years ago, Ewen Haema Macaebus became a member of the House of Nobles as the House was being formed.

Lucian, fascinated, kept reading, but found some tragic news. Forty nine years before, George Macaebus was convicted of treason for selling weapons on the black market to Pirates that had been harassing Stormwind and Kul'tiras. He was hung for treason and the Macaebus line was denounced from it's noble standing, and the Macaebus Trading Company was severely crippled. Lucian always had felt like a noble, and he promised himself that the Macaebus line would regain it's seat in power.

Lucian's father passed away one night, leaving Lucian the head of the house as the oldest of his two other brothers. Then rumors began to brew of a foul horde of demon-like beings had stirred in the black morass to the far south-east. Thinking ahead of time, Lucian sent a hired spy with one of his weapons ships to Kul'tiras to make a map of Tol Barad, and to write Warship Patrol Schedules.

By the time the Horde came to Goldshire, Lucian gathered all of his worker's and their families to his mansion, he anchored his ships near the shore, and stockpiled weapons and supplies. Lucian was determined to survive the onslaught, as news reached him of Stormwind's fall to the Orcs.

By the time that the Stormreaver Clan built it's Navy, they passed by the Macaebus Mansion. But the peculiar thing was a young man holding a white flag in a rowboat, the stranger was that a Warlock by the name of Gul'dhar was ordered to find out what the human wanted. The young man explained that his master wanted to strike a deal with the orcs in order to keep his people alive.

Lucian met with Gul'dhar and a pair of orc warlocks and cut to the chase immediately presenting a prepared map of Tol Barad with patrol schedules written on it. The Warlock agreed and took the new information to his master to be pooled with the rest of the gathered Intel on Kul'tiras. This act of betrayal to his own race, saved himself and his workers from certain doom.

When Stormwind was reclaimed and it was being rebuilt, Lucian took the opportunity to send workers, ships, and supplies to Stormwind to aid the reconstruction. In the years to follow he built the Macaebus Trading Company back into it's former power. Then the Prince of Lordaeron left for Northrend.

The Macaebus Trading Company began to sell weapons and materials, at half price, to Lordaeron once the Scourge threat became obvious in the North. Once the kingdom fell, Lucian pulled all resources out of the North and redirected them to several fallen nobles in the Arathi Region under an orange and black banner.

This is where we come to Lucian Macaebus now. Attempting to regain his families seat in the House of Nobles of Stormwind, with his economical power to back him.