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Player: flammos200

Character Full Name: Lyia Duskvenom

Character In-Game Name: Lyia

Nickname(s): (the) Liar.

Association(s): The Night Elves, Darnassus. She considers herself independent, save for a strong sense of loyalty to her people.

Race: Night Elf.

Class: Rogue

Age: 2142

Sex: Female

Hair: Short, barely neck length, and dark blue.

Eyes: Silver

Weight: 95 Kgs

Height: 2,05 m

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Light, if sometimes revealing leathers when simply out and about. Heavier studded leather, sometimes with a few metallic reinforcements here and there, when she has ‘A job to do' as she would put it.

Other: She enjoys the company of a pet snake, finding it both a useful source for venom, and a presence with which to spend time. Lyia also seems to be very fond of a Nightsaber fang on a chain around her neck.


Lyia is, at least at first glance, childish to the point of being downright weird for her age. She is talkative, often overbearingly so, and is liable to pass quickly between one trail of thought and another, bombarding the people she meets with questions out of the blue. As if to counter these outbursts, Lyia can be shy when talking about herself. She seems to dislike it, quickly changing subjects to something on the person she's speaking to. She is an excellent liar, storyteller, and even borders on philosophy at times, the subtleties of the tongue being well known to her.

Inwardly, however, she is fairly complex, always planning actions in advance, or making certain that she will be prepared in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Lyia enjoys testing people's perception and world-views, sometimes appearing to adopt opinions completely opposite to her own, only to challenge others to react to them. On this note, Lyia loves challenges, and overcoming them, no matter how complex a plan she'd have to formulate, in fact, the harder they are, the better she feels when she manages to achieve her goals.

Lyia's views on the races of the Alliance are typically Night-Elven. Her own people come first, as far as she's concerned. She loves the Kaldorei, and would most likely lay her life on the line if it came to safeguarding them. Humans and dwarves are looked upon in varied opinions, both being destructive races, though not as much as gnomes, a race she loathes for their abuse of technology. She may seem to judge on a case-by-case basis, most of the time, but there is often discrepancy between what she feels and what she says she feels. The Horde is often seen as the enemy. Orcs are on the top-tier for her hatred, as they've slain not only many of her sisters in their skirmishes, but also the demigod Cenarius. Trolls are primitive, in her eyes, often too much so to be even considered a threat. They are beneath her. Undead should be eradicated, in her mind, Forsaken or not, only going lightly on the occasional Death Knight. Tauren she gets along with fairly well, despite their betrayal of their millenia-long coexistence, their Natural affinity strongly influencing her opinion on them. Sin'dorei are a source of constant unrest to her. Their abuse of the Arcane she sees as despicable, even more so when they turned to Fel energy to sate their thirst.


Born in Ashenvale, near Astranaar, to a Druid father and a Huntress mother, Lyia was raised, as most Kaldorei children, by the community. Her mother kept up with her physical training and defense of the ancient Night Elven home, whilst her father seemed to sleep ceaselessly in the Emerald Dream, both far too preoccupied to actually have input in her upbringing.

Her childhood was a fairly quirky one. Despite everyone chipping in on her education and early days of training, she still insisted on wandering about the surrounding wilderness, returning with the occasional bruise, scraped knee, very rarely any serious injury. She was, however, a fairly feeble child, compared to others, this denying her the future of a Sentinel or Huntress. She also enjoyed taking diverse objects when no one was looking, only to go back to the person who she took them from, and hand them back, to a myriad of raised eyebrows.

As she developed physically, she and a few others noted her flexibility, and ability to move about unnoticed. She decided, thusly that she would walk the path of the scout for the Kaldorei. Her future was finally one of certainty as she trained for centuries under the tutelage of her people, becoming an adept pair of eyes and ears, and even a blade in the dark for the Night Elves, where needed.

Her theoretical studies paralleled the physical and practical ones, delving into alchemy, the concoction of various herbal mixtures, as well as the uses of venoms and poisons. A side note in her training consisted of a few lessons in diplomacy and the subtlety of speech craft. Much to the dismay of her teachers, she kept up her practice of relieving people of their possessions, only to return them with a cheeky grin on her face, explaining the flaws in their vigil over their items.

Then the Orcs came and her abilities were put to the ultimate test. She was sent out, assignment after assignment, on various reconnaissance and sometimes even assassination missions against the green-skinned threat. She did her part as best she could, lucky enough not to get caught. By the time the battle of mount Hyjal approached, she learned that her father had been killed in his barrow den where he slept, in his slumber, by the forces of the Legion. This event embittered her, despite not having known the man much, he was her blood, and he was Kaldorei. She deliberately asked to be part of the force that fought at Hyjal, acting as part of a vanguard unit, doing whatever she could to slow the demonic onslaught's advance towards the Summit. Needless to say, she fled as soon as the Horn of Cenarius was sounded.

As the Alliance was founded, she retired from the military, instead partaking in quasi-diplomatic actions with the other races, though quickly growing bored of such duties, she up and left, wandering the world, seeing all the sights she never had the time or will to see before. Of late, she has been seen taking in the occasional arena fight, if only to overcome the challenge of a larger, stronger opponent, never staying in one place for too long, a desire to reunite herself with what is left of her family slowly creeping up on her.

Skills & Abilities

In addition to learning Alchemy and Inscription, the former more for poisons than antidotes and potions, Lyia boasts a considerable immunity to toxins and diseases, ridiculous martial arts skills and swift, precise control with bladed weapons.

Her penchant for Stealth complements natural Kaldorei Shadowmelding, serving to better hide her, whether she is on the move or not. While they are by no means a skill nor ability, her sword and throwing knives are both made of Elunite, the blessed metal being anathema to Demons and Undead.

A fact extremely unusual for a Kaldorei is that she is very, very bad at using bows. So bad that she eventually just gave up on them after two thousand years of failure.