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Player: Eliada

Character Full Name: Lumji Hammergrin

Character In-Game Name: Lumji Hammergrin

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): Bombhammer & Co. Mining

Race: Gnome

Class: Warrior

Age: 97

Sex: Male

Hair: Red

Eyes: Teal

Weight: 50lbs, largely comprised of dense muscle. Unusually heavy for a gnome his size.

Height: 2'6", short by gnome standards

Alignment: Chaotic neutral


Self-devised armor system, varying in appearance but sharing a common theme: interlocking layers of chain and plate mail.

Other: A few nicks and scratches, but so far, no significant scarring.


Lumji, like most gnomes, is a curious being. He longs to understand the world around him and seeks knowledge whenever possible. However, his inborn nature has been tempered through his being raised by dwarves. As such, he has picked up some dwarfish tendencies. He loves to laugh, when occasional calls, but is not as easily-excitable as his common racial counterpart. He has a fierce sense of camaraderie and honor to an extreme that some gnomes would call foolish. He takes the lead quickly in matters of combat, which he has chosen as his area of expertise.

In matters of justice, he is quick to set wrongs right, especially when he sees himself as the transgressor. Lumji has a strong sense of morality, but has very little regard for law or authority, preferring flexible and usually volitional means of correction, contrasting with his unbending principles. He claims to have no moral rule but one: not to take from another (by means of coercion, deception or theft) what is rightfully his. However, if any creature attempts to infringe on his own rightful property - be it his gold, his freedom, or his life - he does not hesitate to take theirs. He considers capitalist trade the ultimate example of virtue, being a mutually volitional agreement in which both sides reach a deal satisfactory and beneficial to them. He believes in the power of many gods, but has decided that no amount of power justifies that which gods ask: servitude. Gods demand the servitude and sacrifice of their subjects, willingly or unwillingly, which Lumji considers gravely immoral.

Lumji is a hard drinker and follows the credo of dwarves: "work hard, play hard."


Lumji's mother and father, Hannelore and Eldricket Bombhammer (respectively), were miners and the owners of Bombhammer & Co. Mining. Hannelore had a gift for finding large, isolated packets of ore in largely untouched mountains. While working under a dwarven mining company in her youth as an independent consultant, she fell in love with a young miner and ex-soldier named Eldricket, who mined consistently at par (productively) with his dwarf co-workers through hard work and his own invention: the bomb hammer, which would become his pride and adopted surname. The two fell in love, and soon after their marriage, they started their own mining company.

With Hannelore's planning ability and instinct paired with Eldricket's practical know-how and ground-level leadership skills, Bombhammer & Co. Mining was a big success. They selected ore sources that were too fiscally risky, too obscure, too remote, and too downright dangerous for many merchants to accept. Fearlessly facing cave-in and hostile native alike, they plumbed the depths of the earth and returned with quality ore to spare. The traveling caravan of miners - mostly dwarves with a few gnomes sprinkled throughout, all chosen by hand - prospered stably for twenty years. In the twenty-first year of their marriage, however, Hannelore bore a son. This came as a great surprise to the couple, as no child had been born throughout the long and passionate span of their marriage. Doctors had told Hannelore that she was barren. Surprised by the sudden introduction of a child into their life, the couple attempted to raise their son in the family business.

The couple was soon forced to conclude that tunnel life was too dangerous for their young son. On a routine excavation, Hannelore was crushed and nearly killed by a cave-in caused by a mathematical error in demolition composition. To this day, she remains crippled from the waist down, and is unable to move with any speed without her motorized wheelchair. She would not be intimidated by an explosive accident into surrendering her company, but the incident changed her perspective on the raising of her son. Young Lumji - five years of age at the time - was sent to the loving care of Meldan Hammergrin, and was raised by them until he reached the age of forty, seeing his parents only on rare visits.

Meldan Hammergrin had spent his younger days as a soldier, but after a hundred years of noble and honorable service, he requested (and received) an honorable discharge. Deciding that civilian life was too boring, he joined with Bombhammer & Co. Mining as a founding member. His combat experience was been greatly appreciated by all in their dealings with hostile inhabitants of their ore sources. He himself was a romantically-impartial man who never had want or wife or child, but the desperate Hannelore begged him to take the child with him into retirement - he was the only one fiscally stable enough to do it! Out of respect and love for the Bombhammers, who were not only his employers, but his friends, he accepted, and took the boy to his in Dun Morogh.

Inexperienced in fatherhood, Meldan raised Lumji in a way which most gnomes would consider unacceptable. He instilled in Lumji a strong sense of honor and kept him occupied by teaching him combat games and technique drills learned in his military days. He taught him the history of war and put his mind to use with tactical games. He intended the games and exercises to be idle entertainment, but Lumji became transfixed on combat. Even as a boy, he loved the thrill of fighting and physical activity. He was shaping up to be a rather strange gnome.

As the years progressed, Meldan and Lumji developed a special bond. Though Meldan had previously valued his freedom far too much to bind himself to family life, he found himself loving Lumji as a son. Lumji returned the feeling, as Meldan had been the only father he had ever truly known. As he grew older and his love for combat arts became more clear, Meldan officially declared Lumji his apprentice and began teaching him the way of the blade. Lumji became proficient in tactical and practical studies of warfare, learning to appreciate all weapons for their unique abilities and eventually mastering them. At the age of forty - adulthood for gnomes - Meldan bid him farewell. To truly learn proficiency in combat, he said, Lumji must experience the outside world and engage in new experiences. Real combat has variables that cannot be taught in a classroom or in a book. As a parting gift, Meldan offered him his surname, the final seal of their bond. Contrary to gnomish custom, which is to earn your own last name by achievement, Lumji accepted it and bears it proudly.

Lumji embarked to the Badlands to seek employment as a guard for Bombhammer & Co. Mining. He was accepted enthusiastically by the company as a skilled combatant. He received no special treatment as the owner's son, and as such, he gained respect for his work. He earned a sizable profit working for Bombhammer & Co. for fifty years, gaining combat experience and mining proficiency along the way. The First, Second, and Third Wars came and went unbeknownst to Lumji. At age ninety-one, he parted ways with the company's main body and now operates as a contractor of sorts. He travels across Azeroth finding promising sources of ore and negotiates for their sale or lease. If the land is occupied by savage races or murderous outlaws, he kills them without hesitation and clears out the land.

For six years, Lumji Hammergrin has enjoyed a nomadic lifestyle of diplomacy and combat. He applies his advanced gnomish mind to the study of practical biology and strategy, seeking to understand every facet of war. He views his own body as most gnomes view their inventions: as a valuable piece of equipment to be improved and mastered. He designs armor, weapons and training equipment to strengthen his worth on the field of battle, and his affiliation with Bombhammer & Co. has provided him with enough money to live as he pleases. To this day, he lives to improve himself and become a master of armed combat.