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Player: Jacula

Character Full Name: Luka Krasu

Character In-Game Name: Luka

Nickname/titles(s): Defender Of The Scarlet Crusade

Association(s): The Scarlet Crusade

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Hair: Thick jet black hair, stretching down to his shoulders.

Eyes: Beady, hazel colored eyes.

Weight: 160 pounds

Height: 5'10

Other: Luka received a well forged sword as well as a honorary title from High Templar Scibryn for accomplishing the unlikely feat of winning the Scarlet tournament which was held within the monastery and overseen by Grand Inquisitor Isillien himself. He considers it to be his most prized possession and tends to the blade several times each day. Caring for it in an almost obsessive manner.

Although lacking brute strength or an imposing build Luka is very athletic and a fast runner. His endurance is fueled by his hyperactive traits which has rendered it to have reached an unusual height.


Luka was inclined to wear what he found comfortable before the tragic event's which happened in Lordaeron, preferring saggy shirts woven from soft fabric with similar pants to match. After being initiated to the Scarlet crusade however he began to don It's standard issue attire with pride, being sure to keep his boots polished and the crusades insignia always. He takes an almost child-like pride in the most insignificant trinkets, tending to collect many to other's strange objects.


Alignment: Strongly Chaotic Neutral

Luka suffers from a physical state which causes him to be abnormally and easily excitable and exuberant. He tends to have strong emotional reactions that he himself cannot fully understand. The strongest traits of his personality is his impulsive mannerism which includes a short span of attention, which is typical for a hyperactive person.


  • He is easily distracted, misses details, forgets things, and frequently switches from one activity to another.
  • He has a difficulty focusing on one thing at a time.
  • He becomes bored with a task after only a few minutes, unless doing something enjoyable.
  • He has a difficulty focusing on organizing and completing a task or learning something new.
  • Tends to daydream, becomes easily confused.
  • He has the difficulty of processing information as quickly and accurately as others.
  • He struggles to follow instructions.
  • He tends to fidget and squirm if forced to sit or stand in one place.
  • He usually talks in great haste.
  • He dashes around, touching or playing with anything and everything in sight.
  • He finds sitting down for more than a minute unbearable.
  • He prefers to be constantly in motion.
  • He finds it hard to perform quiet tasks or activities.
  • Tends to be very impatient.
  • Blurts out inappropriate comments, showing his emotions without restraint, and acts without regard for consequences.

Luka tends to be extremely loyal towards his superiors, going to great lengths to perform their bidding. Being young and gullible as well as extremely impulsive and extrovert. However, his condition often leads to him failing at the simplest assignments, his inability to look ahead and plan things being a great weakness of his. This leaves him inclined to look to others in hope that they will order him around, being especially incapable of taking major decisions for himself.

This rendered him suitable of being molded after the Scarlet Crusades Ideology, His view of other races and factions usually dependent on that of others. However, given the invasion or Lordaeron he has a deep distaste for any races affiliated, or similar to those of the Scourge.


Luka was born into a family of crop farmers located in the outskirts of Hillsbrad. He was quickly introduced to labor and began to help his father around the farm from a young age. His hyperactivity was something his parents could not fathom, even after hours of running and work he was unable to sit still. If forced to he would throw violent temper tantrums, pushing the patience of his mother and father to the limit. Yet even given his strange and mostly agitating behavior his parents gave him a happy childhood, loving him for whom he was and often referring to him as special and unique. Kind words which would come to build his confidence over the years.

Luka was 14 years old when he first overheard his parents arguing over the Scourge. Apparently alarming rumors has spread that a great army of festering evil was to sweep over the land of Lordaeron, devouring everything in Its path. Being young and gullible Luka imagined these malign rumors as more of a tale than a fact, his mind set on that it was a great game rather than a matter of life and death. His father began to train him in the little swordplay he knew shortly after, wanting his son to be able to defend himself and his family. Luka absorbed what his father taught him, spending much of his time honing the vague skills which had been past onto him. The monotone strain of training would soon grow boring to him however, causing him to stop and pursuit other interests as he aged. The most dominant one being exploring the nearby woods and vast crop fields, and indulgence which he found most enjoyable. As he grew his hyperactive traits began to surface even more, although being able to control his temper tantrums given that he matured the excess energy within him only grew more powerful as his body developed. The coming years would leave him bored and restless, the life on the farm simply not being suitable for him.

The rumors of the Scourge soon grew increasingly many as well as increasingly malign, the stories traveling from farm to farm in the Hillsbrad outskirts with great haste. Luka, unlike many children found himself enticed by the tales of battle. Often imagining himself as a just defender of the human race. His outlook on life began to resemble that of a game, being unable to see things from a serious and calculated perspective. One day Luka spotted a long trail of soldiers which were to be sent as reinforcements to the front line of the invasion. He would cheer them on with glee, yet to his confusion he would only receive a gloomy look from each one as they passed.

This perplexed Luka, his idea of war being more of a great game than a hellish experience which haunted Its survivors. Thought's of listening in on the great roars of battle as well as the exciting clash of steel soon consumed his mind. His parents as well as his life on the farm having grown dull and event-less. Having grown of a defiant age he decided to pack up his possessions and sneak away as darkness had clad the land in shadow the following night. Following the soldiers to the front where he in his mind would be part of the great game that was humanities stand against the Scourge.