Lucius Darkwood

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Player: Mangaboy111

Character Full Name: Lucius Darkwood

Character In-Game Name: Lucius

Nickname(s): "Nightmare"

Association(s): The Void

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Warlock

Skills and Abilities: Lucius uses mainly shadow powers, though his fel taint is apparent through his magic. His basic arcane training he had allows him to cast fire spells, but they are twisted and chaotic. He avoids the use of demons but can do so if he chooses to.

Age: 200

Sex: Male

Hair: Unkept long, tied up in a ponytail. His actual hair colour is white, which changed after his death, but being an illusionist, he sometimes makes it black as his hair used to be.

Eyes: His eyes glow with an eerie green, more so than an everyday Blood Elf.

Weight: 57 kg

Height: 1m 85cm


Usual Garments/Armor: He often wears robes, they often change. But the most well known is basically a dreadmist set but with a purple mask instead of a hood. His other attires are often in the same style, very warlock based. Anyway, otherwise if he is trying to be subtle he'll either be in red sin'dorei or mage attire with black hair, or in casual clothes, leather trousers, a red shirt and boots.

Other: His voice is deep, yet with an elegant tone. His stare is strange, almost as if his is slightly squinting all the time. He has a few ticks, like always looking around, pouting his lips. Often drums out patterns on tables, his laps, his chest, anything that makes a decent noise.


Lucius' personality reflects one of someone who is slightly schizophrenic. But every so slightly. He can be kind, warm and welcoming. Or on the other hand her could be cold, spiteful and bitter. However one thing which is common about Lucius is that he likes to act different roles, he likes to treat people as equally as he can. And he hates intolerance. If he is cautious about someone, he would pretend to be someone else, a young mage, a traveller, a worker, etc etc... his fear of women is quite obvious. He gets nervous, however, if he dislikes the person, he'll often be more out going towards her, and will almost seem to have feelings for that person. He likes music, art and other expressive hobbies. He him self sings though he hasn't the typical wonderful singing voice.


Lucius had an odd up bringing, these of which he does not remember, or understand. Perhaps her refuses too, that we simply cannot know. It is for him to find out. But the tales are whispered upon the winds of a Nightmare born from a lost elf, tainted in his own madness. The rise of the Void..

A child was born, into a loving family. His mother, had fair skin, pearly blue eyes and flowing black hair. His father was slightly more tanned, with fiery brown hair. The child's name was going to be Lucius, and as his mother held him closely as what she imagined to be a blessing upon her and her husband, little did she know of the horrors that would occur soon after.

They lived in a small settlement near the frontier of the human lands, at the very south of Quel'Thalas. Soon after Lucius was born, his father went missing. After the local rangers searched for a few weeks, it was concluded that he was taken, and probably eaten by forest trolls. So Lucius grew up fatherless, so to speak. His mother mourned his father, and stayed a widow, her grief never left her. She would rarely smile, and found it hard to enjoy life. As Lucius grew aware of this, he began to hate trolls more and more as he grew.

Ten years had passed and Lucius was learning to become an Arcanist, like his father. Unlike the others who were learning the arts of the Arcane. Lucius, filled with hate, was rash in his spell casting. He lacked the elegance the others had, his magic was violent, out of control. Though his tutor believed that Lucius had potential to be a fledged Arcanist, Lucius didn't have faith in the arts. He had no friends, or no one he could really call a friend, and all of his peers doubted him. They mocked him and called him names. He somehow clung on, sheer will power. Though others would always beat him in duels and such.

Lucius entered his teens, still living out the same story as before. Not much had changed. He would keep him self to him self, the house was silent. Meals with his mother were silent, never a word was spoken. He grew more and more apart from reality, he questioned existence. He regarded others as inferior to him, their minds basic, talking pointless conversation just to pass time. Playing games which didn't bring any profit or teach anything. "What's the point?" He asked him self, then decided that people like to waste time because they don't realise how important and short life is.

There was a girl, training to be a priestess who caught Lucius' eye. He didn't understand what he felt, why did he feel sick when she walked by, or smiled at him. He'd often stare at her as she trained by the well below the small building that specialised in Arcane. The other magi girls, who noticed Lucius gazing dreamily at the blonde priestess, having before hand spread horrific rumours about Lucius claiming that he dabbles in dark magic while no one is looking, decided to make matters worse. When class ended they went down to meet the priestess, what they said to her is of little importance. It was obviously negative and in attempt to harm Lucius. But the priestess only questioned why they decided to spread such horrible tales, which were clearly false due to the fact that the boy hasn't been proven guilty of anything.

A few days later, dusk of a summer day, Lucius stood upon a hill, gazing in the direction his father was apparently taken to, and killed. He didn't move, he didn't cry, smile or show any emotion to that matter. He just stared. The light foot steps behind him made his ears twitch. "Who disturbs me?"

A soft, calm voice replied. "Silesta Songstrider." "I don't know you, leave me be!" "Lucius, the other magi have confessed horrible stories about you, to me.." "Well, you must be a fool to talk to me if you've heard those rumours." "I noticed you looking at me the other day." "So? What does it matter." "Well, for once your face wasn't pale." She giggled, and stepped closer to him. She gently slipped her hand around his left arm. Lucius shivered as she did, she spoke softly, "My mother told me what happened to your father, everyone knows." "I know that everyone knows..." "It makes me wonder why the others treat you so harshly." "It's better than pity." "Perhaps, but it's still wrong." She sighed, "Listen Lucius.. your mother and mine were friends, anyway. Apparently she is finding it hard to raise-" "She makes no effort!" He said spitefully. Realising how Lucius felt, Silesta nodded, "Mm-hmm, perhaps it is so. But things have been arranged that you come and live with our family, your mother loves you... but she knows you would be happier with us." "I see..." "Also it would give us a chance to get to know each other." She kissed his cheek and tugged his hand, guiding him to where he will be staying.

The Songstrider house was further north, in the South-western hills of Quel'Thalas. They had a large garden, surrounded by trees, where they were raising Hawkstriders. Lucius' mother was by the front door, by all of his stuff. She stood coldly, and still like a statue. Silesta left Lucius alone to say his farewells to his mother, who was dressed in black. A black dress, black boots, and a black veil covering her face. Her clothes were decorated with small blue gems. Lucius approached his mother, they gazed at each other. She placed a hand on his shoulder, nothing was said. A tear drop slid and fell from under the veil. She walked away silently, not a word was spoken. Silesta bit her lip as she looked at the scene, but hid her worry with a warm smile as Lucius looked at her.

The Songstriders were welcoming, kind. Unlike Lucius' usual surroundings, they tried to speak with him often. He found it hard, often replying in short sentences, never elaborating or expressing him self fully. It did not hinder their kindness towards him, their kindness slowly opened Lucius' mind up, and he began to feel less dull.

"Hey Lucius, come over here!" Silesta beckoned him to come to the garden, waving so he could see her from his room. He nodded, and tried to use a slow fall spell to get to her. "Lucius... what are you doing?" Silesta cried with a worried tone, as he started to climb out of the window. "Lucius!" He jumped. To her astonishment, he floated gently down towards her, like a feather. He reached her and took hold of her hands gently as he landed.

Seeming surprised with him self, "I did it..." "You did it," Silesta giggled. They both blushed, and gazed into each others eyes. The moment felt as if it could last for ever. Tension built as their faces got closer to one another. Silesta closed her eyes. Lucius could smell her sweet sent. Their noses touched as they went for a kiss. Lucius slid his hands onto Silesta's waist. Suddenly, as if controlled by some other entity, he opened his eyes. He stopped still. "What's wrong Lucius?"

"Hello cousin," Lucius couldn't control him self. "Sorry to interrupt this, sweet tender moment, but your sister and I couldn't help our selves but worry for you, this tainted boy was about to slobber all over you." "Cousin?" Silesta pulled away, confused. Lucius cackled, then another voice, cackling at the same time could be heard by a tree near them. All of a sudden Lucius fell to the floor, dazed. "Mind control? Thalador.. you bastard! Show your self."

A tall blond blood elf in smart white robes came out from behind a tree laughing, along with him, a girl dressed in red who looked just like Silesta, but with a longer pony tail.

"Silesta, we missed you so much!" the girl said running towards them. "Ellie, you're back? What's it like in Dalaran?!" Silesta questioned in surprise, happy to see her older sister. "Fine.." Ellie looked with narrow eyes at Lucius, "What is -he- doing here?" "Ellie, he's staying with us." Replied Silesta, cautiously. "And you were about to kiss?" "Yes..." Thalador stepped closer, "If you touch my cousin again, I'll burn you alive. I've heard the stories on you." He stepped between Lucius and Silesta. "Come Ellie, we should tell your mother we're back." And Ellie followed Thalador, glancing at Lucius one last time.

Silesta, in holding in her rage, stormed off into the forest. Lucius, found himself once again alone. He walked off in a different direction, until he found him self on top of a canyon, by a waterfall which marked the start of Lordaeron. In the distance he could see a small human farm house by an underground pass leading through the mountains below. He sat down, and gazed at the farmers, whom from this distance looked like ants, working on their lands. He meditated on his situation, never finding a conclusion he liked.

A few hours had gone by and the sun began to set on the opposite side of the canyon from him. He opened his eyes and saw a silhouette of a High Elf male on the other side of the canyon, facing him. Lucius stood up and stared back. Silence.. moments had passed, and neither had moved, they just stared at each other. Finally, the man through a package which landed behind Lucius, and walked off. Lucius turned, and picked up the package. He started running back to the Songstrider's house.

Finally returning, Lady Songstrider, burst into tears when Lucius walked in. "We thought you were taken like your father!" She hugged him tight, "Where did you go.. Lucius..." "I had to think... I didn't realise..." "Oh it doesn't matter, your safe now." She kissed Lucius' fore head, and wiped her tears of worry. "I'm sorry..." "It's alright."

Lucius walked up into his room, and opened the package gently. It was a purple book, with a silver chain attached to it. On the cover it was marked, "The Void". He opened the book, the first page had a runic symbol on it. Lucius glanced at it and turned the next page, blank.. so he did it again. Blank... Blank.. He flicked all the pages, which were all blank. So he went back to the first page. He looked at the rune carefully. Then passed his hand over it. It glowed purple, then brightly purple. The room around him darkened. What happened at that very instant was forgotten, but Lucius left the Songstrider family, for a reason even he did not understand. Silesta cried for days after she found his room empty, and Lucius gone.

It had been three weeks now... alone in the woods, luckily, there were still fruit on the trees, but the season was ending. Food was becoming harder to find. He curled up, hating him self, and this book he, for some reason, can't bring him self to dispose of. He curled up against a tree, crying. Then looked up to see the silhouette again, standing over him.

"Who are you! FIEND!" he screamed at the Silhouette. "Your origin, boy." "Wh-what do you mean." "Follow me, and you will find the truth." "Truth?" "What mystery has been haunting you?" "My father..." "So, you will find the truth..."

Lucius followed the man, where he learned that his father had fallen the same fate as him, and joined the Void. A cult which followed a cause of self understanding, and control. Using dangerous, addictive powers, but learning to control them so they did not fall to the curse of their taint. As they all fell deeper into the obscurity, of the Void, Lucius grew older. Separated from the rest of the world.. training in shadow magic and the arts of illusion.

A day finally came, where the Void came out of hiding, and fought against the Scourge. But soon after, the rise of the Blood Elves. They were driven out, accused of committing crimes which they did not commit. One by one, the older members of the Void died out.. slowly. And came the day where he took over The Void, the world had changed. Cultists led people into blind paths of self destruction, the very destruction the people accused them of being. Lucius swore he would bring the balance between the Light and the Shadow which the world severely lacked. The legacy of the Void which started during the Gurubashi Empire lived on, Lucius knew he could not do this him self... though he was a good leader, he lacked the knowledge and understanding that the Void masters had.

Before recruiting members, he went with his most trusted into the ruins of the great troll civilisations. They were cautious enough not to get into too much trouble, but their fights against the barbaric troll tribes is of little importance to him. What he was searching for the traces of the Voids origins. He found that in a time a great crisis, the Void was formed to try and keep a balance, which was all but lost within the empire. Which led to the civil wars of the trolls, which led to the downfall of the Gurubashi Empire. Learning about the balance between all things, and how important it is to any civilisation led him to conclude that the reason that Azeroth was in such a tormented state, was due to the lack of Balance. He thought that it was due to the lack of balance that such extreme actions, of Light and Darkness, destruction and construction, nature and technology. Which clashed and caused conflict, or war.

He reconstructed the Void, and brought it back to what it once was. However, his activities did not go unnoticed. Silesta had lost her sight, physically and mentally. She thought Lucius was one of the many evil cultists, whose cause was one of destruction. So she banded the Blades of Valour, and the War of the Shadows between The Void, and the Blades of Valour was fought out. Upon finding Silesta had a daughter, whom had fallen to the addiction of Fel, Lucius went to Silesta and promised her that he would help her.

Silesta, having no care for her own daughter, only wanting to kill Lucius for leaving her. She killed Lucius and the rest of the Void, who had stood down.

Weeks later, Silesta herself was killed by The Heretic Circus.

Lucius' promise was not entirely forgotten. Driven by the want to avenge his cousin, Thalador brought Lucius back to life. And together they recreated the Void. Lucius spent months adjusting to the changes, and his will was weakened. Slowly spiralling into darkness, Lucius recruited two more allies, whom he tries to bring back to understanding. Now, almost forgotten to the world, Lucius follows the path he was forced upon almost two centuries ago. To bring the balance between Light and Shadow.