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Neutral Lorn
Lorn ani.gif
Player Piroska
Gender Male
Race Golem
Height 6' 2"
Weight 936 lbs
Companion(s) Tiffany Altair
Status Alive


The entity currently known as Lorn is mostly humanoid in form. He is composed primarily of metal and stone. His form is tall and solidly built. His body has been shaped so that it appears that he wears a broad-shouldered tunic cinched at the waist by a thick belt. Runes have been carved into his limbs; they project a subtle green glow that can be difficult to spot in well-lit areas. The construct's bulky arms end in three-fingered hands that each possess a thumb. Sandals have been carved onto his feet.

Lorn possesses an angular jawline, sharp nose, and heavy brow. The features carved into his head are slightly lopsided, giving the construct's face a slightly cynical slant. He speaks with a hollow, gravelly voice that reverberates through the air.


While having always possessed a forceful and aloof personality, Lorn's current situation has amplified these traits. He is direct, self-reliant, and self-confident, in addition to possessing a wide stubborn streak. He's guided by a personal code of rules and abhors chaos. The construct is uneasy in social situations and will frequently exhibit impatience in response.

Lorn has little love for the mortals with whom he has recently found company and is certain that what little usefulness they possess will eventually be exhausted. He is quick to anger and, if given the opportunity, reacts violently when provoked. In combat, the construct favors grappling attack as his size and strength gives him a significant advantage over most enemies. Lorn makes a spirited companion and an extremely dangerous opponent.

The bound elemental's aggression is tempered not by choice, but instead by the orders issued by his "mistress." Without her dutiful commands, Lorn would most likely lash out at others without concern for their well-beings. He is preoccupied with being freed of his current predicament.

Skills and Abilities

Constrained as he is by the golem's form, Lorn's abilities mirror many of their traits. He cannot feel, and he does not require food, air, or sleep. He is able to withstand even the harshest environments. The construct is magically protected from spells; they have no direct impact on him.

While golems are generally thought to be mindless, Lorn is sapient and is capable of reacting with judgement. He is able to act independently, though his actions may be countermanded or controlled by a direct order from Tiffany.


bound elemental animating a golem.

As Seen by Others

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