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Player: Abishua

Character Full Name: Lodur (Spellstriker was his old last name, lost in the transition.)

Character In-Game Name: Lodur

Nickname(s): Lodur "Fluffy"

Association(s): Dael'ar Falor'melorn

Race: Risen Ghoul

Master/Raiser: Dael'ar Falor'melorn (Jason)

Class: Ghoul (warrior)

Age: 35 (Looked much older from the Arcane)

Sex: Male

Hair: Filthy matted grey hair.

Eyes: A glazed over grey.

Weight: 125 lb

Height: 6 foot 5 inches (roughly)


Currently unknown, but most likely either simple robes, or some misc. armor. Ask Dael



Alignment: Neutral (No mind of his own really.)

While Lodur was a proud and arrogant man in life, being risen as a ghoul has lost most of his mind and personality. As a ghoul, the only shred of him that remains is a constant pained look in his eyes, as if he is still feeling the torture he went through. Along with an odd fascination with runes of all kinds, staring at them for perhaps hours on end.

Very quiet ghoul, though.


The early part of Lodur's life was mostly uneventful, him eventually becoming a mage's apprentice and slowly learning the arcane arts. Eventually becoming a fairly adept elementalist, although favoring fire, he began to work in a small mage tower as a magical assistant, aiding in research. While he was good as an assistant and stayed in his proper place, at the first chance of being able to do his own research, Lodur left to Stormwind to begin his new career at age twenty-five.

Over the next ten years, Lodur dove into his research, looking for ways to increase his abilities. About two years into his broad sweeps of research, he stumbled upon a book referencing runic magic. This captured him like no other, and he began to greedily devour all the information he could get on it, cursing the lack of any concrete explanations. Using experimental and observational research to try and increase his understanding, Lodur took to the road. Searching out the runemasters and runeblades which he was -sure- held the secrets he craved.

Yielding nothing but a worn out runeblade and a lot of bruises, he decided that -maybe- working with others could benefit him. Immediately getting tied into a shadier group, Lodur along with another warlock attempted to ambush a female blood elf, which quickly turned sour as Reigen and her warrior flunky showed up, defending the girl. After swimming away after the girl to Rachet (and with a pretty nasty leg bite), Lodur came ashore to a bruiser trying to figure out who drowned and why.

Lying through his teeth, one of his specialties he picked up on the road, he wove a quick tale about how the blood elf girl ambushed him, and he barely got away. Getting a quick patch to his leg, Lodur wandered back into town, hateful of the girl who's fel-hunter took a chomp at his leg.

A few days later, relaxing at the top of the mountain outside of Rachet, he spotted the cursed elf with another blood elf overlooking the city. Taking his chance, he ambushed the two which Dael was the only one able to defend. Fire and ice were being shot furiously between the two, until a pyroblast caught the blood elf death knight in the chest, sending him flying down the cliff to his death. Turning his attention to Reigen to watch her throw herself off the cliff at a desperate attempt to get away. Unfortunately he wasn't fast enough, and attempted to run to her and kill her before anyone else got to her. Pulling out his spare robe and throwing it over him, as he can only hobble so fast, he quickly got to where Reigen and her now dead friend lay, just after a few other people showed up. Working to avoid getting slaughtered, and deciding that a leg for a leg, he posed as another citizen before wandering back to town to send help from the local inn.

After the tournament at the arena he held, about a week later he wandered into Booty Bay for a drink. Running into Reigen once more, she recognized him and demanded that he fight her on even terms. Waving her away, trying to maintain the guise of being a good natured mage, he quickly prepared his runeblade before going to meet up with her and satisfy her desire to avenge her fallen comrade.

A quick fight ensued between the two, Lodur with the upper hand as he peppered her with fire, before Annabelle and Mickey arriving to help her. Not wanting to take on three people at once, he immediately put his hands up, dropping his sword, and requested to talk, which the request was mostly ignored. Eventually being chained down and having his family jewels stomped on by Reigen, he used his Dragon's Breath, severely burning her face. Hobbling up, he blinked to his runeblade, leaning on it heavily before being knocked out by an angry punch from Reigen.

He woke up restrained in an abandoned house, with Reigen holding his sword watching him. Demanding why Lodur killed her friend, she began to torture him, he refusing that he ever killed Dael. After using his Dragon's breath desperately to try and escape, only managing to burn her, she began to stitch his mouth shut, which caused him to frantically admitted to killing Dael'ar. This did not cease her from sewing his mouth shut.

Whimpering in agony and pain, Reigen loosened his restraints, telling him to teleport them out of there. Disoriented from the torture, he complied, the spell going awry and porting them to the top of the mountain outside of Rachet. Being quickly restrained again in a small nearby house, Reigen left Lodur there to suffer and await his fate....

The next day, Lodur was awoken by Reigen and quickly dragged away to the top of a mountain somewhere in the barrens. He was restrained again, to which the 'bastard' mute night elf showed up, seeing both Reigen along with him tied to a pole. Begging for help, although it was ineffective with his vocabulary being cut down to three words, Reigen went over there and handed him his sword muttering 'use it', to which Lodur absently and hastily reconstructed the teleportation spell from the previous night.

This time the exhaustion and torture took its toll, the spell going horribly wrong, the two appearing in Feralas with an extremely loud -pop-. Being dragged away, Lodur was tied up to a group of boxes inside a tent, offering no resistance.

Reigen and Dael'ar return to the tent to find Lodur asleep, still tied up to the boxes. Being jolted awake, Reigen re-introduces Lodur to Dael'ar. Reigen leaving the tent, Dael gives a swift kick to Lodur's face. Dael'ar moves in front of him, poking his sword into the ground, the air chilling, ice slowly creeping towards where Lodur sits, chained. Squirming around, he tries to use his Dragon's Breath and hit Dael'ar, but in his weakened state, the flames only barely melt the ice on his chest piece.

No longer in a toying mood, Dael'ar grabs Lodur by his ponytail, forcing him to stare into eyes, telling him that he now owns him in his undeath to forever serve him, sliding his runeblade deep into Lodur's chest. A sharp intake of breath, a cough, blood coming out of his mouth. Looking up, tears rolling down his face as Dael'ar pulls his blade out roughly from Lodur's chest, he snickers and spits a mouthful of blood into Dael'ars face before collapsing onto the ground and dying.

Working quickly, Dael'ar began to pump unholy energies into Lodur's rapidly cooling body. The quickness of his work became quickly apparent as Lodur starts to rot. With a violent shudder, sitting up opening his eyes with a glazed over grey.