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Player: AlianaS.

Character full name: Lilian Hartley.

Character in-game name: Lilian.

Nickname(s): N/A.

Association(s): Redis.

Race: Human.

Class: Death Knight (Ghoul ICly).

Age: 22. (Died at age of 21)

Sex: Female.

Hair: Black, faded with death.

Eyes: Green.

Weight: 116 lbs.

Height: 5' 2".

Other: N/A.


She can be seen wearing rags and assorted pieces of metal which seem to have been haphazardly thrown on.

Her armor, if it can even be called that, is usually junk pieces of metal and scraps which she's added on during her journeys. It can range from a cooking pot on her head to a colorful scarf she has tied around her arm.


Alignment: Chaotic neutral.

Lilian is best described as childish. Her resurrection as a ghoul took a heavy toll on her mind, stripping it of almost all of her rational thought. She will follow her master around aimlessly, staring off into the distance as if something had attracted her attention.

She is prone to hopping or bouncing around aimlessly, more often than not, into people or objects. She can get to be quite spastic at times. She has also taken on traits of her master, prone to falling into an unsettling disquiet, seeming to brood at random.

She views her master with complete adoration. There can be no one better than Master, for he protects her! When he speaks, that is all she can focus on... Unless there are shinies present, of course..


Lilian Hartley was born to Robert and Alissia Hartley in the peaceful forests of Elwynn. Her mother worked as a baker in the magnificent city of Stormwind and her father was a banker at the grand Stormwind Bank. She lived a quiet, uneventful life at her home, going to school lessons regularly and little else during her childhood.

Seeing as both her parents were Light respecting individuals, it was not long until she took to church regularly, finding pleasure in prayer. As she grew older, she began to acquire duties within the cathedral and it was not long before she was a full-fledged sister, devoid of magic but relentless in her duties nevertheless.

Her devotion did not go unnoticed. After her twentieth birthday, she was asked to be a traveling sister, to spread the word of the Light to the far corners of Alliance so that all might know the peace it had brought her. She gladly accepted the position and with a tearful goodbye, left her Stormwind home.

She did not have any destination in mind, she just wandered for close to a year. Her livelihood was hard-earned; meager coins, handed out by travelers or living off of the church in locations which had an Abbey or place of worship. She had long spent the coin her parents had given her, using it on clothes and comfortable shoes. She took to the road, preaching the Word to whoever would stop and listen.

It was not long before she found herself in the dark forests of Duskwood. She had heard stories of the horrors that stalked beneath the trees, but she paid them no heed. In her heart, she truly believed the Light would protect her and she continued to believe this even as the undead rose around her, chased her through the forests until she finally collapsed, unable to run any longer.

As she crawled through the dirt onto the bridge spanning Deadwind Pass, she peered down and - choosing a quick death rather than risk being risen as a mindless slave - she pitched herself over the edge. She was unfortunate enough to miss the ground entirely and landed in the water, the blow knocking her unconscious instantly and breaking her body. She sank beneath the currents and drowned. Perhaps if she had hit the ground, she might have remained undiscovered and found peace in death, but alas the current bore her all the way down the pass, depositing her body not far from the Catacombs. It was there that Redis Taylor found her.

He peered down at her, almost in confusion before ordering his ghouls to drag her lifeless corpse into the catacomb. Deep within the winding corridors her body was placed upon an alter with a large pulsating rune. In a flurry, he began to draw another rune on the floor of the crypt, adjacent to the one Lilian lay in, the whole room beginning to hum with magic as he removed a small soulgem from his robes, placing it in the small rune he drew. Almost instantly, a light blue mist collected above Lilian's body and Redis began to manipulate it almost instantly, spinning it about his hands before pulling open Lilian's bloated mouth and shoving the mist in.

Her body bucked, shuddering as it rebooted. Her skin, which had become bloated with water was now draining at a high rate, trickling down the alter to pool at the necromancer's feet. Her limbs jerked and twitched at odd angles before finally falling still... and then here eyes snapped open. Her once green eyes now glowed with an unnatural blue light, they jerked about the room before falling on Redis and one word escapes her lips.. ""