Player: Danalthar
Character Full Name: Ligga Shadowbrew
Character In-Game Name: Ligga
Nickname(s): Lig
Association(s): Himself (secretly) Ironforge/Alliance (cover)
Race: Dwarf
Class: Priest
Age: 133
Sex: Male
Hair: Brown streaked with gray, his facial hair long and groomed (complete with the evil little mustache), while it seems he could give more of a fel about his back hair, as he just puts some of it in a ponytail and keeps the rest roaming free.
Eyes: Purple.
Weight: 208
Height: 4 feet, 5 inches
A purple robe with gold embroidering, day in, day out.
Other: He has a noticeable beer belly, and his beard drags on the floor.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
On the outside, Ligga is kind and generous, often chuckling at bad jokes to make it not as awkward. He helps somebody up when they fall, and like all other Dwarfs, dearly enjoys his brew.
However, on the inside, he is cold and cunning, using his powers as a Shadow Priest to sometimes tilt arguments in his favor.
He prefers fighting from a distance, but if the fight turns against him, he will run. He doesn't like 1 on 1s, but prefers to have more people in his favor. He also has a superiority complex, and will most likely attack anyone who speaks roughly to him.
Ligga was born and raised in Dun Modr, much preferring the Shadow over the sun and light, mainly because outside was more dangerous then inside. So, he stayed inside for much of his life, his parents too busy and tired to put up much of a protest to his lack of exercise.
His favorite thing to do while couped up inside was read. He became immersed in his parent's libraries, going through book after book. However, though, this could only last so long, and finally, he had to move out. His parents wouldn't let him stay a day after he reached his maturity, already having enough with him.
So, he left. He left to the wilderness with only the clothes on his back, and about a months week of food on his ram. During this time, with the sun beating on his back, he began to miss the comfortable Shadow more and more. His love of the Shadow turned into him nearly worshiping it, and, when he finally reached Ironforge, he discovered he could do things.
The things had to do with people's minds. He had no clue how he was doing this, so he turned to one thing that had always been able to answer him; Books. In the library, he was able to find a book on the Shadow. At the back of the book, in a note, he discovered directions to a book which could further teach him about the Shadow, and how to use it.
He followed the note's directions, and eventually found an old man, near his death. The hermit eventually shooed the young Dwarf away, but then the note was revealed, and the younger was shuffled in the house. Inside, the elder taught Ligga vigorously about the Shadow. This continued for a few years, and, by the end of it, the elder was dead, and Ligga was forever-loyal to the Shadow.
Ligga took the rest of his years away in Ironforge, getting his reputation staked as a therapist of Ironforge. In truth, he just mind-washed them into believing that they were fine, and took their money. Nonetheless it worked, and he left Ironforge, going straight to the Catacombs, which the old man had told him of. He's there now, attempting to convert the world to what he believes is the true thing deserving of worship; the Shadow.