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Player: Ronin

Character Full Name: Leara Alanore

Character In-Game Name:Leara

Nickname(s): None in specific

Association(s): Alliance, White-Eye Pirates (Former, disassembled), Brackwater Privateers (Former)

Race: Night Elf

Class: Rogue

Age: 318

Sex: Female

Hair: Fuchsia-Purple

Eyes: Silver

Weight: 199 lbs

Height: 6'3"


Due to her usual locale (ships on the sea), Leara has a very casual dress code. She's used to wearing clothes for function, and aims to match her climate. Altering weather doesn't bother her too much, save when it hits extremes, so her outfit is usually consistent.

Other: Both her ears bear the signs of having been pierced at some point, though she rarely dons earrings. She has hardly any scars, and those she does host hardly look like marks gained form glorious battles. Rather, she looks like she's spent her life doing a healthy portion of good, manual labor.


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Leara tends to have the confident, somewhat spunky attitude (at least, for a Night Elf). To most, her actions are usually interpreted as brave, when in fact she just has a strong reckless streak. She tries to take on an assertive leader role and gets a bit short with people who question her, believing that all other plans are flawed and that spontaneous action is the only sure way to success. The dislike of being second guessed comes from her never really thinking her actions out, and therefor being unable to tell others what she has up her sleeve.

Leara's sense of loyalty is threadbare at best, and because she feels she can't trust others, she herself is usually untrustworthy. This isn't to say that her actions don't sometimes aid others, only that she's sure to come out as the most profitable party.


Leara was born on a medium sized fishing vessel off the coast of Ashenvale, a fact of life she rarely likes to discuss. While she eventually came to know the crew of five like her own family, her only blood relative on board was her father (her mother had been brought along during the time of Leara's birth due to both parents being worried of her mother having the child without anyone around to help, as their home was somewhat remote. Her father was first mate, and the crew were as close as kin), and she had no siblings.

The young girl's first years were obviously spent on shore with her mother, who she helped to maintain the home. She proved to have a much stronger connection with the sea, however, and as soon as she was old enough to pull her own weight, she began joining her father on voyages. the small crew of five became like a family to her, and while no one held her hand, she learned by watching them.

The years seemed to slip by quickly, even for the long-lived Kaldorei. Leara was nearing adulthood, and while she adored her time on the family boat (her father had been promoted to captain, and thus her family 'inherited' the vessel), she wasn't sure she wanted to devote her life to being a fisherman. In the end, she chose instead to try her hand at being one of the famed Sentinels.

Leara's training, when it began, was staggeringly difficult. Her muscles were trained for a laborer's tasks, her equilibrium set for moving with the tides. Running for hours on end through the forest, martial combat training, competing with the other trainees, it was all hard for her to handle.

Years slipped by, and Leara's progress proved slow. She failed to advance multiple times, even after she was physically ready. Her instructors determined she would likely never be mentally prepared to take on the responsibilities of the Sentinels, that she was 'too soft'. Despite the verdict, she stayed in the training lodge and kept trying, refusing to accept being a 'lost cause'.

The coming of the Legion changed her mind drastically. She had heard of the green-skinned brutes that had invaded, allegedly slaying Cenarius. Nothing became too serious for her, seeing as she was never called to the front, until the demons began tearing their way through the forests. Unfortunately, the reports were saying those very demons had come from the direction her home was. She was able to slip away unnoticed, as her teachers hard far more pressing matters which needed attending.

She used the skills she did manage to develop during her time with the Sentinels to move through the forest unnoticed. It was to no avail, however, as her home was but a charred foundation when she arrived, the timbers not even smoking any longer. The building had been within a half-day's walk of a village, and that, too, proved sacked. She managed to sneak past what few scavengers remained to the docks, finding what she already feared was there. The half-sunken remains of her father's ship.

Something warped inside Leara that day. Her past was destroyed, and she figured any hope she had of a future, as a Sentinel and with her people, had probably gone up in flames already, too. She felt her entire life had become invalidated within a pathetically tiny amount of time. While it felt like hours were slipping by, it only took seconds of finding the burning hull of her family vessel to decide, she wanted nothing to do with the war. Turning south, she began running, determined to get ahead, and stay ahead, of the legion.

A few years slipped by, Leara surviving as best she could in the wilds with her trained skills, again. She knew, from her travels, that the legion had been pushed back. That further troubles had come and gone, and that new allies had been made. None of it really stuck with her, however, and she failed to really care. The only thing that mattered to her was returning to how things were, as closely as she could get. To such an end, she eventually found herself in a scummy port town called Ratchet, and signed up with the first sea-faring crew she found.

It was a pirate ship Leara had joined, but she didn't mind. She cleaned and worked, earned her keep, and when it came time, she helped fight against whoever they preyed upon. It was after their first successful raid that she began to wonder what had changed so drastically within her. The curiosity never stayed her hand, however.

A short time later, the ship was lost to Alliance Navy when they tried smuggling stolen Horde goods, and picked a route off the coast of Westfall. The ship was torn apart by cannon fire, and once stalled, boarded by Stormwind Military. Leara had abandoned ship long before plated boots touched deck. It was late at night, and she a powerful swimmer, so she managed to slip away back to shore unnoticed.

She spent the next few years on a Privateer crew she joined in Stormwind, later leaving them in Booty Bay. She didn't care to be bound by any rules, even if it promised a certain aspect of safety. Since that departure, she's spent her life freely, not concerned with the where or the what, never thinking of the future or past. She lives in the now, a broken creature who's shattered remnants desperately try to work their way back into her psyche while she slowly fades away into an ever changing world.