Player: Aruen
Character Full Name: Leanna West
Character In-Game Name: Leanna
Nickname(s): None yet
Association(s): The Alliance
Race: Human
Class: Warrioress
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Hair: Blonde hair, wrapped into a ponytail.
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 58.7 kg (129.4 lbs)
Height: 1.72 cm (67.7 inch)
Alignment: Chaotic
Common clothes, no armor, a rather rusty sword
Leanna is a stubborn, young woman who due to all the events remains friendly to most people. No matter how though life get's at her, it can't be any worse then the life in her home village. Having to fight for everything she wants, and has, she is not one to give up on anything easily. Preferring to work with her hands, she rarely does not take a chance to earn money when desperate.
Despite stubborn, she is also very ignorant. Having grown up and raised in a village of solely humans, she actually knows little of the other races, the past wars and only got taught that which was seemed necessary in the village. Reading, writing, speaking with two words and if she had stayed, total obedience. Having just found her way into the “real†world, she acts like a rebel but is simply in need of nothing else then guidance.
That need for guidance tends to make her very frustrated, when things don't go her way or as she expected them to be. After all, she had to learn herself how to survive, and due to that she has become stronger, instead of jaded. She is set out to find her way into this world.. one way or another.
[Born in year 12, makes her 21 now. ]
Not all villages were thoroughly explored in the huge Kingdom of Stormwind, as through out time this little wooden village had stood and nursed it's inhabitants. Wary of outsiders, the town had absolutely nothing special. Glensee they called it.. but soon began to feel very small for Leanna.
Her early years were quiet, simple. The town had a little school where she went to, learned to read and write, how to behave like a proper lady of the village. From her early childhood, she got taught about the light and it's ways, but also that the village was their only home. Their sanctuary, they would grow up, but also die in this village. Rarely a traveller or merchant was allowed to pass through, as the guards kept a close watch. But regardless, at times they managed to share a adventure or two with the children. Adventures Leanna dreamed off, and wished for as she grew up.
Growing up fast in a tranquil environment, she couldn't help but to note that the woman who stayed got hard, and old before their times. Leanna first mentioned it to the local priest, but the bond of trust and discreetness wasn't allowed, finding herself punished for those outlandish thoughts. Tears rolling over the young girls cheeks, as one strike with a cane followed another. The priest, merely prayed to the light to banish the devil out of Leanna.
The years after that she learned to keep her mouth shut, respect her elders, or find yourself simply punished again. Leanna felt as if the guards watched every movement from her, and even at the slightest notion of rebellion, she got punished.
Girls at the village were supposed to get wed at the age of eighteen, but as one punishment followed another Leanna swore silently to get out of this place. She wasn't going to be wed, she wasn't going to give birth, let stand several times. Not her.
With that in mind, she began to hoard every little bit of cash she could find. She traded goods every time a traveller came into the village, sometimes she ran errands for even the littlest of coppers. Her room however, consisted of nothing in the term of private, so she had to hid it elsewhere. Forced to make trips in the midst of the night, towards the forest and wilderness nearby, she buried it. Each time a little bit more, and sometimes, if she was lucky she could get hold of more useful items during the nights.
She still remembers how she attained the sword she carried today, despite it being rusty, she believes it was one of her better finds. Her fingers had become quite nimble over the years, and as the sun set it's course downwards, in one of the last nights, she managed to steal it from the local blacksmith. Her fingers clasped around the hilt, as she headed towards the woods. Before the blacksmith noticed, and yelled about it, she was long gone with her hoarded cash and items.
The woods were though, she had explored them but not in the midst of the night. Telling herself to keep going forward, that it would be fine, the lady of now almost eighteen (a week before she turned eighteen) years old ran. Though, she was far from alone in these woods, wolves, bears.. Managing to lose the way in no time, she eventually climbed into a tree. Waited the night out, as a few hours felt like days. As the sun reached it's peek again, she continued her journey. Eventually ending up at the huge city known as Stormwind.
Would she have the guts to go in? Dumb struck by how busy the road was, she ended up inside after a good while. Having taken several deeper breaths, plenty of shifty looks to the left and right, she found herself in a tavern. Or so it looked like it. It smelled like beer, it looked gross, but well.. She needed a place to stay, and some food. The prices, which cut deeply into her purse seemed to pass by unnoticed.
For the next few days, she explored the city and it's fine (and sometimes strange) wares. She never knew there were so many variations of swords, shields, clothes.. and even dresses. Finding herself in a state of love and greed combined, she bought the nicest one she could find. It wasn't until she reached the tavern that she found her purse empty. She cursed herself for it, having spend her last coins on such a thing. Yet, she couldn't be convinced to bring it back, for starters, it was her own, and secondly it looked so insanely beautiful.
Out of money, out of the room, and out of friends. Leanna found herself wandering out of Stormwind, both broken and desperate. She had no resources she could rely on, and the guards out here seemed to pay way more attention to a simple crime. A crime she needed to survive. Despite her position, she never went back to the village. It would mean they were right, she was wrong. She would be punished, more severe then the other times, they would berate her at least.. She was never heading back.
With the pressuring issue of cash, she signed up for the first mercenary group that looked just as desperate. No other group would accept her due to her age, and having no knowledge of combat but one, a bad one. Spending the next two years training, fighting and doing the jobs nobody else wanted to do in the group to get her pay.. Leanna learned to survive. To look after herself more when nobody else does, and eventually she gained the courage to leave the group. Yet, in need of a job she bought some more formal clothes planning to apply for one back in Stormwind, but ran into a group nobles instead.
After a awkward discussion (with several grudging and disapproving looks from the nobleman's wife.), she found herself hired as fencing trainer for them, teaching his children how to wield a sword properly for several hours a day. Apparently doing a okay job in it, word went from one noble to another and eventually she was teaching several kids. Or in Leanna's terms, spoiled brats.