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Player: Lendri

Character Full Name: Lauren Blades (Gorden)

Character In-Game Name: Lauren

Nickname(s): None.

Association(s): None.

Race: Human

Class: Warrior

Age: 31

Sex: Female

Hair: Orange

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 120 lbs

Height: 5'5


Looks like a guards outfit. Simple, plain armor, good for traveling on bandit-ridden roads.


Lauren is probably the most boring, monotone, straight-to-the-point person you would ever encounter on the roads in Elwynn Forest. She does not like making friends, nor does she want to really. She is an anti-socialist, staying to the roads and not the majorly populated cities. She travels the roads all in Elwynn for bandits she can kill or Defias members, wolves, bears, anything that could be harmful to people. Now she doesn't like to make friends because she is an anti-socialist. She does not hate people, so she decides to protect them so that they can live fulfilled lives.


The way she was born seems abit odd. Her original mother lived in Tarren Mill before the forsaken claimed it. As they were moving in, she ran to the little town of Southshore down the river, having her in a wicker basket. Baby Lauren was sleeping, and she noticed that most of the towns people were sleeping at this time. She just placed the basket on a doorstep and ran away back to Tarren Mill to find out about her husband.

The woman, named Elizabeth Gorden, came out that morning to crying at her front door. Noticing the baby, she carried baby Lauren inside. Elizabeth showed her husband the baby. He was not ready to be a father yet, but for the sake of Lauren, they decided to keep the baby and raise it their own. As Lauren got older, she wondered why her mother and father looked so different than her.

This spawned questions from Lauren, asking why her hair color was not her mother's or father's, and why her father's skin color wasn't her's. They always made some crazy excuse up for why something wasn't like Lauren's, just so that she would not dwell on who her real parent's were and live a happy life. Lauren would believe her parent's excuses, and did live very cheerfully with them.

When Southshore got attacked by the orcs, they had to take Lauren, who was about 8 at the time, to another town not too far away. They stayed there until Southshore was rebuilt, and moved back with Lauren when she was 14.

The garrison set up there decided that they need to teach the townspeople that if another attack comes to the small village, they need to be prepared and not flee. They all agreed to take up arms, and start training. Little Lauren, only 14, had to learn with a wooden sword how to maneuver attacks and dodge. Though young, she thought it was fun to play with a wooden sword, and would challenge the other children to duels for fun.

Lauren liked playing with swords, but the more she was around people, the more she started to become anti-social. She didn't like big crowds, or attention mainly on her. They thought it was cute for a little girl like her to be fiddling with a wooden sword, so they would watch her and giggle. Lauren didn't like that, not one bit, so she decided to do all her training in solitude.

Lauren started growing older and maturer, watching her childhood playmates move on at the age of 17. She had lived in Southshore for quite awhile, and after the first attack she still didn't feel safe there after all this time. She decided to move back to the encampment they went to after Southshore got burned down the first time a year later when she turned 18.

The encampment was usually quiet and not many people lived there. She would go to Southshore every weekend to visit her mother and father, and head back the following Monday and do her usual routine of practicing with a real sword. The garrison stationed at Southshore remembered Lauren from a little girl, and smiled upon her when she would come back to Southshore to visit her foster parents.

They always kept tabs with her, and to see how she was doing with her training. Eventually, Lauren went one weekend to her mother's and father's and told them she was going to Elwynn Forest. She was 24 then. They didn't want her to live so far away, but then they decided that they could all go together to Elwynn so that they can be close by.

Lauren arrived in Elwynn Forest, a beautiful land with a feeling of peace, tranquility, and most of all; Security. Many guard towers were placed strategically around the perimeters of the land, and with the largest city in all of the lower Eastern Kingdoms, it was heavily guarded. Lauren found a little cottage where she lives near Goldshire, and her parent's live in Stormwind.

Stormwind being such a populated place, Lauren only sees her parents afew times a month and on major holidays. She decided to pick up a safety patrol of her own lead, hearing about all the kidnappings from the Defias members and those darn wolves. She walks from one end of Elwynn, to the other. And goes from the end of the road from Stormwind, to the path leading up from it about 30 feet out.

She started her patrol 2 years ago, when she was 29. Up until then, she was just a girl doing her practicing with her blade and smithing. She still patrols around till this day, and both her parents, now over 70, still live in Stormwind. Lauren worries about them passing soon, and tries to see them as much as possible.