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Player: flammos200

Character Full Name: Lari Eldanar

Character In-Game Name: Lari

Nickname(s): None.

Association(s): The Farstriders; The Shattered Sun Offensive (Ex.) ; The Argent Crusade.

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Hunter

Age: 139

Sex: Female

Hair: Dark brown, held in a short ponytail.

Eyes: Fel-green.

Weight: 55 Kgs

Height: 1,80 m


She prefers things to be a combination of form and function, often donning lightly ornate suits of chainmail and scalemail, though she does not shy away from slightly bulkier splintmail and the like either, despite the fact that it may not be the apogee of elegance. Pretty things are just a preference, not a necessity. Protection, on the other hand, is.

Other: There is usually some musical instrument – often a lute stashed somewhere on her person, most often slung over a shoulder or on her back. She presents light scarring almost everywhere on her body, remnants of the many battles she has been through.


Light hearted and cheery most of the time, especially in the company of other Sin'dorei, Lari is rather proud of her elven heritage. She considers herself more of a wandering scholar, a minstrel collecting tales and songs from the various races, as well as displaying those of her own people. Her demeanor changes drastically when she perceives combat approaching, or in the presence of Trolls, which she hates with a passion. She becomes methodical, practical and militaristic, a hand always reaching for her nearest weapon, often a greatsword or greataxe or the signature bow that Farstriders so often display proficiency in using.

As hateful as she is to Trolls, she displays a lack of trust in Undead of all forms, considering they were the ones who besieged her people and nearly wiped them out. She dislikes Orcs and likes Tauren for their bond with nature. Obviously she loves her own people and their lands, and most probably would fight tooth and nail for their protection.

Of the Alliance races, she believes the Humans abandoned her people, leaving them to die, effectively betraying them. Gnomes she despises, having heard that they irradiated their own homeland, poisoning soil, fauna and flora with their carelessness. Dwarves are placed in the same bucket as Humans. Draenei she views neutrally. They are the enemy, yet they gave the Sin'dorei people a chance at redemption through the restoration of the Sunwell. Night Elves have a mixed view in her eyes. For one, the Farstriders emulate their Kaldorei heritage, in bonding with the wilds and their natural surroundings, but on the other hand the Night Elves exiled her people, a fact which embitters her relations to them.

All in all, Lari is a fairly normal Farstrider, though her wanderlust and love of tall tales and songs add a happier side to a normally harsh warrior, brought up to fight the Troll threat, should it ever rise again, and having fought as many battles as scars on her skin.


Born in a Farstrider family, Lari's upbringing was a dual one. Her time was spent between books on herbalism, art and general knowledge and practical lessons in the wilds of Quel'thalas. She did not live far from Silvermoon, not at all, however, she simply preferred her leafy home in an Enclave in Eversong, rather than the great walled city of the Quel'dorei. Her teachers were her parents for the most part, and as she grew she was tempered into a proud, ferocious warrior with a natural bond with the wilds. Soon, however, wanderlust took over her, and her passion for song and exploration made her leave behind her home and travel the Eastern Kingdoms in what one might call a sophisticated excuse for a continental pub crawl, going from tavern to tavern, playing and collecting both coin and tales, all in all having a pretty good time imbetween bouts of merrymaking.

Then the Scourge sacked Silvermoon, and as soon as she heard of the event, she travelled North, back to her homeland, where she found her people all but wiped out, shattered and broken, the Sunwell's energies no longer flowing. She along with them fed off Fel Crystals, becoming a Blood Elf, in solidarity for her brethren. She even went as far as to have markings inked all across her torso and arms in black ink, that she may always remember the heavy losses that the elves took in the siege, and her duty to her people. A physical, permanent reminder on her skin that she must be there for the battles to come.

She soon resumed her combat training, both against the remnants of the Scourge in Quel'thalas and against the few Trolls that were woken from their slumber by the coming of the undead.

A call was issued, to Shattrath, promising a battle for the recapturing of the Sunwell, and she answered. Alongside the other members of the Shattered Sun she served the entirety of the Sunwell campaign as an archer and fighter, up to the very climax of the ancient fount's restoration. She did this out of guilt for not lending bow and blades to the Elves when the Scourge came, and felt it her duty to compensate.

After the events at the Sunwell, she found herself wandering once more, her duty fulfilled, her mind anticipating only more wine and song, yet not even this would last. The traitor prince Arthas, the Lich King threatened the entirety of Azeroth, and once more she sought to answer the call to battle. She took up arms again and went to battle the Scourge alongside the Argent Crusade, eventually taking the fight to the enemy. For a time, she thought it would never end, the days of the cheery wandering minstrel seeming a half-forgotten dream, but then all her efforts came to fruition. How or why, she does not know, all she does know, however, is that the Lich King has fallen, and the world is safe once more.

Returning from Northrend, battered and bereaved, she spent some time in Quel'thalas, where she resides even now, planning on resuming her wandering ways to take advantage of the relative peace Azeroth is in. It lasted for a few weeks, in fact.

Her return to Quel'thalas to work as an engineer came quickly, and in the span of a few months, she had a feasible workshop. It wasn't long until she was contracted by House Bloodsun to provide a vehicle, a weapons and ammunition shipment and training for House Bloodsun's militia. After finishing her duties towards the Bloodsuns, she retired to quiet tinkering, but it wouldn't last long until she'd find herself in Northrend, sent there by a Wormhole Generator malfunction, and only thanks to a certain Duke of the Ebon Blade, did she survive the frigid wastes and return home safely. In fact, she was contracted by the Bladesman to provide his Ghoul with an upgrade in natural weaponry, which she fulfilled just before going home. Nowadays, Lari spends her time in Quel'thalas, daydreaming about another adventure.

Skills & Abilities

Standard Hunter skillset, and Engineering.