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Player: Darksaber

Character Full Name: Kyorli Oakensong

Character In-Game Name: Kyorli

Nickname(s): Kyo

Association(s): Darnassus

Race: Night Elf

Class: Warrior

Age: 3,573

Sex: Female

Hair: Long Dark blue

Eyes: Silver

Weight: 84kg

Height: 6'7

Alignment: Lawful neutral


  • Casual: Dark Mud-brown armour. It's used for versatility and usefulness as opposed to fashion. A flowing blue cloak hangs on her back.
  • Sentinel: Similar to the sentinel costume, the only difference being the leggings which are black.

Other: Her right arm, when unclothed, has visible burns on it and is frequently covered with a silk bandage.


A very passive night elf, she still hides behind the xenophobia of her kin. She would much prefer to wander alone in the trees of Ashenvale then sit in a tavern with a crowd, but her presence is now unprobable in a crowded situation.

She fights with bow and blade. Although not a master of the bow, she still wields it with a modicum of ability. Her melee prowess relies more on speed and agility than up-front brute force. And she is not afraid, for pride, to flee from a fight she cannot win.

Being a typical Xenophobe, she shows hostility to all races, friend or foe. The only races she regards with tolerance are her own and the Tauren (because of their druidic abilities which liken them to her kin) excluding the other forest-dwelling races like Mountain Giant and Furbolg.


Kyorli was born and raised in the deep tranquil forest of Ashenvale. Originally trained as a sentinel but she lacked the dedication to the task at hand, much preferring to wander aimlessly than to patrol purposefully. She separated from her family at a young age to learn something of northern Kalimdor by herself and has since not heard from her family, not that she was particularly close to them. She served with the sentinlels for three years but left shortly thereafter but she kept with her her own sentinel outfit for the odd moment when she wants to blend in.

At the time of the Orc invasion of Kalimdor, Kyorli was in northern, what is now felwood, just south of the Timbermaw hold and walking north with her friend, Reno'oura (a navy-blue nightsaber). Due to a string of unfortunate circumstances, the hold was closed off when the legion rampaged and tainted much of the former-beautiful forest.

Despite her best efforts, Kyorli lost her friend of several decades aswell as full use of her right arm due to a magical injury. While not useless, it is not strong enough in comparison to her other but this does not hinder her abilities as much as one would think.

Since that fateful day, Kyorli dropped off the radar to mourn her friend and then to live, surviving for herself off the wilderness, residing mainly around the furbolgs north of Astranaar.