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Player: Pawoverlord

Character Full Name: Kuthero Doone

Character In-Game Name: Kuthero

Nickname(s): Kurt

Association(s): N/A

Race: Human

Class: Warrior

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Hair: Brown, rather scruffy.

Eyes: Black

Weight: 231 lbs

Height: 5 11'


Normally found in plate armor, but on occasion he can be found wearing a brown shirt with blue bottoms.

Other: There is a scar running diagonal across his back.


Prefers to be alone, but is not afraid to travel with someone. Although he doesn't trust anyone but his cat that seems to follow him everywhere he goes. He is fairly intelligent and knows his way around when it comes to traveling. When he actually does talk to people it amazes most townfolk that sees him, when he's far from a town or a city where other people can't hear him, he seems more talkative.

As a swordsmen, he strikes many odd for the fact that he does not like to fight, unless he is provoked to an intense extreme he will not fight. More often one would find him writing on little scraps of paper, these papers that somehow no one sees, are little sayings and poems that he will not share with anyone except his cat.

Along his travels he has become a bit less shy more because of a young girl coming into his life and he started to fall in love with her before she disappeared.


Born and raised in Darkshire, Kuthero is one of the lucky children of four. When he was young, he was always picked on by the others. But soon after he turned seven, he was hiding in the barn just outside of town, the three other children had came in the barn to find poor Kuthero. Little to their knowledge that worgs had sniffed out their location and two had entered the barn shortly after the three kids, having the four trapped. At this same time, the Night Watch patrol was passing by, and only caught a slight glimpse of the worgs. When the kids had started bulling him, the worgs jumped in and took down one of the bullies that were supposed to keep watch, only able to barely alert the others before the other worg came up and swatted the kids that were beating on Kuthero's back and slashed Kuthero, sending them all flying to the stalls, the kids into one and Kurt into another luckily. Both the worgs then ran to the stall where the two remaining bullies were and not much was known about what the worgs actually did to them. Kurt's second stroke of sheer luck was that the Night Watch patrol had dashed in with three other guards and took out the worgs hastily.

After Kurt had recovered from all that happened, he became terrified of the beasts of the night, he lived the next ten years alone and feared anyone who even wanted to talk to him. Around the age of fifteen there was a girl who had interest in Kurt, they were friends which was surprising to everyone, he had interest in her too, but he turned her down, simply stating that if she got closer than friends that she would be hurt horridly. He only did this because he was afraid to love, more over he feared that he would only draw something to hurt her. This is also around the time that he left Darkshire, he had become familiar with the use of swords from some years of practice using small sticks and wooden swords eventually leading up to larger swords such as a claymore, and wanted to find a place that he could find someone that he could trust. Ten years have passed and he has yet to find someone he can truly trust, he spends most his days roaming around helping travelers sometimes. His cat that follows him, was a gift from the same girl that had interest in him, this was when he was twenty when he revisited Darkshire. She had entrusted a soft orange tabby to him that day when he revisted to check out how Darkshire had been coming along, this cat was the last gift of her love, he trusts that cat like no other even though at first he did not like it at all because it was to him a creature that only got in the way attracting monsters occasionally.