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Player: shademourne

Name: Krogan Proudhammer

Race: Dwarf

Class: Warrior.

Age: 37

Sex: Male

Hair: Bald, but has a flowing black beard.

Eyes: Piercing Blue.

Weight: 216lbs. Stocky and Muscular.

Height: '41 On a good day.


Wears plate armor, proudly and his shield even more so.


Krogan is a Hardass (Pardon my French.), always has been, always will be. He has strict rules he pledged to himself and lives by the a code of honor all his own. Nothing he does will ever violate that code, even if he has to put his life on the line to follow it. He Lightens up a bit when speaking to other dwarves, but just enough to show he's friendly, all other races take him how they see him, and he gives no leeway to rule breakers.


Krogan Proudhammer was born to a Burly mother, and proud father. On the day of his birth his father made the remark, "This boy eh's destined for Great thin's." If he was right or wrong, it didn't matter to Krogan, the proudness of his father must've seeped into him from that day, because Krogan beleived that for his entire life.

His Grandfather, Rage Proudhammer, fought in The War of the Three Hammers. He valiantly fought alongside the Bronzebeard Clan against the Dark Iron Clan, and he retold his stories of honor and heroism to his son, who bears his name proudly. Krogan believes he is destined to do great things to carry on his family name, and decided when he came of age he was going to join the Bronzebeard forces to show his father he could be valiant and fight for the alliance just like he did. From a young age, Krogan practiced with his hammer for battle, and he spent all of his free time making The armor he would one day wear into battle. Krogan grew burly and strong, he constantly practiced and became a Blacksmith for trade, but he never forgot his dream. When Krogan Turned the Ripe age of Forty-five, he asked his father for permission to join the Bronzebeard forces. His father, refused.

Krogan had lived his entire life preparing for his dream, and this crushed it.

Krogan made the decision to leave his home, and to become a mercenary, if he were to be a warrior, he was to become one on his own terms. Krogan took his rifle and his hammer, and left home. Krogan Proudhammer had always been one to follow the law, and try to enforce his best it could, even though he is not a member of the Dwarven forces, and his dream was shattered, he lives by a strict code of honor, and is gracious and good mannered to all enemy and friend, if he fights, he does so defensively or to protect the land he calls his own. Krogan Ventured out, to all of Azeroth, He was proud as a hired hammer, but he always had that ache in his heart, like there was something missing. He had always wanted to fight for the Bronzebeards, he wanted to be a great dwarf, he wanted to honor his family. He knew what he had to do.

Now Krogan returns to Ironforge after several years of being a Mercenary and a fighter, with a new outlook on life, and several scars and stories behind them. He has come back with a newfound hope, to one day become the Dwarf he always wanted to be.