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Player: MrCandlejack

Character Full Name: Koben McScott

Character In-Game Name: Koben

Nickname(s): Ben

Association(s): None

Race: Human

Class: Paladin in training

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Hair: Dark brown and shagged, medium to long length

Eyes: Blue

Weight: 173

Height: 6'4


As he is still in training, he has not yet earned his heavy plate. He is usually seen in a white swashbuckler shirt and black tuxedo pants, with his trusty old leather hat.



He has a rough personality, meaning that if he doesn't like you, he will most likely tell you. If he knows you, he's likely to laugh and joke with you, but if you're a stranger, or he has yet to get to know you, he'll be wary of sharing his information, and always on guard. He's always likely to defend his beliefs in the Light if you are bad mouthing it, or claiming that it isn't true. He's a nice guy if you get to know him, but he can be quite an arsehole if you're just meeting him.


Koben was raised in a poor section of Stormwind, his father a retired soldier and his mother a tailor. When Koben was a teenager he was enrolled to train as a Paladin, having always had a special connection with the Light and having a good hand with a sword, just like his father. Before he was enrolled, his worked small jobs, delivering small packages throughout Stormwind, or killing pests in the market. His father was very supportive of his sons decision to train with the Paladins. He expects Koben to be a very great and successful Paladin, and Koben works hard to fulfill his fathers expectations.

While training his met a slightly older student named Layton. Layton had been in training for a few more years than Koben, but they quickly became friends soon after they met, having the same sense of humor. They had small adventures with each other, and they regularly met after class to hang out and smoke the occasional Fadeleaf, which they paid for when they were caught.

His old friend Layton graduated before him, as he was enrolled into the training years before Koben. Koben continued to train and study while also finding time to work in leatherworking and to visit his old friend. Years past, and now Koben is nearing his last weeks in training. He visits his dear friend Angelina, who he met when he was about seventeen, and Layton occasionally. He gave up on Leatherworking and focused on studying, which also gave him time for finding other work in Booty Bay and Stormwind.