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Player: Kilthilanos

Character Full Name: Kirstan Eve Stills

Character In-Game Name: Kirstan

Nickname(s): 'Eve'


Race: Human

Class: Paladin

Age: 23

Sex: Female

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Sky Blue

Weight: 127 lbs.

Height: 5' 6"

Alignment: Lawful Neutral


Either seen wearing cloth or plated armors, typically plate however of lighter golden tones and such brighter shades as a show of her service to the light.



Kirstan is the sort of outstanding individual whom usually puts others before herself in attempts to help bring smiles to others even at the cost of her own; though it's typically hard to pry such from her lips. She is generally giving and will go steps out of her main path to assist people that truly appear to be in need of her aid. Friendly, kindhearted, and warm would best describe her main persona. Now it isn't to be said that she doesn't get upset every so often but it's the same with most any human, as no one is capable of being perfectly gleeful at every bend and curve in life. Particularly not her.


From the skies above a light glimmered through the clouds shining upon a small cottage which harbored three people of current within; a loving couple both married as husband and wife as well as a doctor. Surrounded by mountains of burnished red that seemed to shine as the sun began to set the; three worked to bring about a timeless miracle. This devoted husband stood with his fingers intertwined with those of his beloved whom had their doctor assisting in the bringing of something beautiful. New life. Upon that fateful evening a child had been born; Kirstan now being brought forth into the world to spread forth joy to those whom would look over her. She had been delivered and handed to her mother to hold after the snipping of said cord and being wrapped in a blanket; both parents looking across the infant with weary smiles as hours had been spent in such a strenuous process known as labor.

These two people are known by the names of James Irving Stills and Marian Elizabeth Stills; her father and mother in that order. From the moment she opened her eyes and drew her very first breaths young Kirstan had the ever lasting love and attention of those two. James by trade was a local blacksmith and Marian handled small gardens to sell produce and even harbor food for themselves, simple lives in simple luxury with their family complete to bring them happiness. Never before had they felt that same merriment since their marriage and now they truly felt as though their bond would last an eternity never to break as they had melded their spirits and flesh into their daughter.

Several short years pass bringing her to the age of a toddler whom was capable of walking and even some basic form of speech, having been taught and tutored by various people throughout Redridge where they lived The people within the lands proved to be very kind and loving of their little Kirtan whom carried a fate upon her shoulders that would not be unveiled for some few years to come. Slowly she became able to identifying color, shapes, different objects and her vocabulary developed; Kirstan's age slowly increasing as the years and time merely flies by without objection. The love shared between her and those whom birthed her had become so strong that no hardship seemed to prove too difficult, always rising and triumphing over bumps in the road of daily life.

Eventually she would be sent off to schooling with other children in Stormwind where her education on various subjects such as Math, English, Biology of sorts, Geometry, History and even Religion would begin. Here she actually managed to excel, pulling ahead of most others her age to become one of the top numbers in her class and age category. She wasn't some genius, not by any means but learning merely cam quick to her in the younger years. Most of her studies soon there after began to dwindle and fail as topics of 'The Light' became more prevalent particularly in her religion class. Even when not in school she would spend her time studying and practicing virtues of which were very important to the daily existence of priests and paladins alike.

From this point on her parents noticed her infatuation with the topic and decided that perhaps normal education wouldn't retain her interest any longer, quickly working their hardest to get her the best life she possibly could, speaking to several members of the holy order within the human capital. She was now in her very early teens with nothing spectacular having transpired in her life until the ripe old age of fifteen. James and Marian had managed to find her a wonderful position as the squire to a paladin whom went by the name of Geoff Theldman Handley. This man would become Kirstan's tutor for the next six years of her life, following his ways going through daily rituals which would involve helping to clean his armor, living the life he did by following in his foot steps, studying, practicing with sword and shield, learning manipulation of holy energies. This was a very vital roll to her future career as she didn't favor charging headlong into combat but rather challenging herself with using the powers bestowed upon her by their gods. Time past, remaining chaste and pure going this far without even a kiss of love from anyone outside of family leaving her without taint of any sort. Two additional years had been spent with him honing those skills training and mentoring beneath him until the age of 21; those in the chapel ensuring that her ability to mend wounds was indefinite.

She had been stationed within the city as a medic alongside the priests to aid in the daily ailments of any whom sought attention and blessings, happily going about her life doing so before returning to Redridge to stay with her family for some odd weeks until a conclusion had been made. Kirstan had only ever known the forest and mountains as her home and she pined for adventure, to be able to go and aid those whom truly needed it. From there she headed out with the love of her parents always waiting for her to return; something which made her incredibly happy. She promised to return soon so that she may help them lead a better life, to help pay for additions to the home and give aid to those whom helped raise her in the lands of her birthing.