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Player: Gaiaboy10

Character Full Name: Kerok Ganitetusk.

Character in game name: Kerok.


Association(s):The Horde, and although he is not a member, Tri Written.

Race: Tauren.

Class: Warrior.

Age: 76

Sex: Male

Eyes: Dark green.

Weight: 437lbs.

Height: 8"3

Usual Garments/Armor: Spiked, red shoulder plates. An Orgrimmar and cape, along with a tabard. Red battle chain pants, gloves and boots.

Alignment: Neutral Good.

Personality: Kerok is a caring person in every aspect of the term. He helps strangers with their moral and mental problems whenever given the chance with soothing advice. He would never turn his back on some one he cares about. He's a generally trustworthy person although he can on occasions talk to others about a person's personal problems that have been told to him. He rarely drinks whatsoever, and he has yet to become too drunk to operate correctly.

History: Kerok was born into a small nomadic tribe known as the Granitetusks. Their name served as more than a conversation starter, it was a sort of warning. They were a strong group of warriors and hunters and they traveled mainly across the mountains. Kerok was trained to be a hunter at a young age. But when he turned away from the rifle and showed promise with a sword and shield, he began working to become a warrior. During all of his childhood, Kerok was trained to be an merciless fighter, and nothing more. In secret though, he wrote. In any spare time he had away from the rest of the tribe, he would write stories and eventually full books. He became quite adept with not only a sword, but a pencil. He prided himself on his speech and writing skills.

When the Horde arrived in Kalimdor from the Eastern Kingdoms and Thrall met with Cairne, the Granitetusk tribe turned away from the partnership and banding together with other tribes. They called it weakness. Kerok longed for companionship outside from his tribe. When the "final battle" of sorts against the Tauren tribes and and Centaur occured, the Granitetusks were not participating. They had been traveling for days without setting up camp, and they were unfortunate enough to come across a large group of Centaur on their way to reinforce those fighting the Orcs and Tauren. Although the Granitetusks were powerful fighters, there were too many Centaur and the entire tribe was slaughtered. Kerok had been lucky enough to escape the massacre, and he roamed alone for years after this. One day, he founds himself in Mulgore. And soon enough after traveling, Thunderbluff. He made the city his home.

Kerok applied for a position as a Bluff watcher. and due to his previous training, getting it was not much trouble. He guarded the Bluff for quite some time, slowly though he grew tired of the endless cycle. He left the watchers, and traveled to the Eastern Kingdom to experience new things. He met many people in his travels, and saw new places that he had never even dreamed of. After months of this traveling, he grew tired once more. He looked to settle down somewhere now in his middle ages, he found the Goblin port of Booty Bay. And so, he decided to stay.