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Character Full Name: Kera Spellbinder

Character In-Game Name: Kera (Spellbinder)

Nickname(s): Kera

Association(s): Dalaran Magi,

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Age: 23

Sex: Female

Hair: Black (often held in a ponytail)

Eyes: Blue

Weight: 131 lbs

Height: 5' 5"


Alignment: Neutral Good

Kera may appear cold at first to those who meet her, however once she has gotten to know someone she can have a very caring heart. She peruses what course she sees will ensure the goals that she holds dear with almost all her ability and at times ignores things that have little effect on her aims.


Most of Kera's life was spent as an apprentice in Dalaran. There she spent much of her life in uninteresting study and magical practice, with only small moments of interesting minutia.

Kera was raised in Dalaran throughout most of her life, and has childhood memories of the city before it was besieged by Arthas and his hordes of the undead. Much of this time is forgotten to her and for good reason.

Kera's parents were magi who defended Dalaran from the hordes of the undead. During the siege a powerful field of magic was erected in order to destroy the undead that approached the city. Two banshees, in order to evade the harmful effects of the Dalaran shield, possessed both Kera and her mother. While in her body the spirit left her heart scarred with frostbite, while these scars would heal in time they are still shown in her mind and soul to this very day. The ghost who had held Kera's body quickly moved to a more powerful host while the dark presence within her mother was vanquished, at the cost of her mother's life, by none other then her own father.

After the scourge had stolen the book of Medivh they retreated so that Kel'Thuzad would be able to make way for the burning legion. Kera's father left her in the safety, or what seemed to be safety, of one of the many spires of the city. While in the spire Kera watched as the humans made siege upon the undead forces and almost broke through their lines. What happened next only the legion and its minions could have predicted. The massive demon Archimonde stepped through the gate along with his hordes of demonic minions. Kera was left in a spire as the demonlord's seal tore the great city to pieces. Barely alive Kera was found by one of the survivors and taken with the rest of Dalaran's Refugees.

During the re-construction of Dalaran Kera began her training in the Academy. She chose, possibly in part due to the ice that had once held her heart to potently, the path of frost magic. Once she had reached the end of her apprenticeship she journeyed out into Azeroth in order to advance her skills in the arts of magic.