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Player: Djurawuzhere

Character Full Name: Kazan of the Darkspear

Character In-Game Name: Kazan

Nickname(s): Firestarter

Association(s): Darkspear Trolls, the Horde.

Race: Troll

Class: Mage

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Hair: Fiery red mohawk.

Eyes: Orange

Weight: 124 kg

Height: 2,26 m


His torso is covered in necklaces and simple dressings, and he wears a red kilt on his legs.


Alignment: True Neutral

Kazan is a happy, happy, -happy- troll. He's quick to make friends with just about any troll, orc, or tauren, even the odd elf. He also trusts every word said to him, meaning he's very gullible, and quite altruistic, sharing what he can with any of his friends. He's usually weary of the Alliance, specifically elves and dwarves, and tends to steer away from them as much as he can. When he meets other mages, he bothers them with rather pointless questions, often annoying them. He's completely careless for his own safety, careless enough to run through an Alliance camp and have no regrets for it. Many perceive him as stupid, but he's merely hyperactive and young. Very, very young.


Born on the Darkspear Isles, his father was a hunter, and his mother a disposable trophy. He was a curious child, often running around, annoying his mother and father to no end. The entire day of Kazan's parents consisted of catching him running around the house. His father perceived as a gift of sorts, thinking his speed will be of great value when hunting. But Kazan cared not about beasts and bows, he was, instead, fascinated by fire. The only way his parents could make him stand still in one place was to put him next to a fire. Sometimes, he'd spend the entire day staring into the fire, sleeping by it, and eating by it. His father constantly tried to make him into a hunter, but Kazan would simply look at the beasts and weapons with confusion. Another troll, a mage, noticed his fascination with fire, and offered his father to train young Kazan. His father reluctantly agreed to letting his son be trained by the old troll, thinking 'better something than nothing'. Kazan was more than happy to be taught about fire, but he was an impatient student. It'd often take some beatings make him sit and listen to the studies of arcane, for he wanted to know everything, now. The old troll, thankfully, was patient, and as Kazan grew, he too became more patient.

He started training with the old troll at the age of 6, but after only 5 or so years, his training was interrupted by humans coming on the isles. He was intrigued by humans and their architecture, their metallic armor, and their pink skin. Seeing them as ugly and hostile, he went to warn his old teacher. The teacher knew of the humans, and was concerned about the trolls on the isles, but he retreated into his hut with Kazan. However, Thrall and the orcs arrived to a timely rescue, defeating the humans, only fight murlocs. Kazan's father perished in an attempt of rescuing Sen'jin, but Kazan was unaware. He and his mother and teacher boarded on the orcs' ship. From there, they sailed to Kalimdor. He was then introduced to the Tauren, whom he viewed as far, far less ugly than humans. The trolls established a home on the Echo Isles, only to have to repel the Kul Tiras navy. Thanks to the orcs' help, they endured. However, Zalazane's betrayal forced the free trolls to relocate on the shores of Durotar. Kazan's teacher, in the meanwhile, taught Kazan how to use arcane the best he could. However, the teacher's old age caught up to him, and he died. Kazan had now lost two of his most important figures in life. His mother still lived, however, and relished in Thrall's demands for equality between men and women. Kazan, on the other hand, took a boat from Ratchet to Booty Bay, wandering the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale.