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Name: Kayhn Jonas Gathelion

Character name: Kayhn

User name: Hamsic

Nickname(s): Kay

Associations: The Argent Crusade, Alliance

Race: Human

Class: Warrior

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Hair: Dark/black

Eyes: Green

Weight: Average

Height: Average


Gear: Kayhn wears a set of heavy chain with steel plates layered over the top. When not in battle, he wears simple civilian clothing, favouring heavy winter gear. It should be noted that he rarely uses any magic equipment, favouring strong steel to enchanted metal.

Physical: Kayhn is in the prime of life, having a more lithe and athletic build than most warriors. His features are Lordaeronian, with pronounced cheekbones and a set, stubbled jaw. All things considered he's quite handsome, though the warrior rarely shows this off, letting his beard go untrimmed, and his dark hair tied back. As for scars, he has a number of small cuts and scratches on his arms and chest, though only two marks stand out; a long thin scar running from the middle of his left cheek to his jaw, and a large burn scar on his right shoulder, the tissue twisted and damaged.


Alignment: Neutral-lawful / good

Though he can be severe at times, Kayhn is a motivated, diligent warrior who works best when under pressure. He tries to avoid large crowds, and when a task is to great, he's only willing to ask for help from his most trusted friends and allies. He doesn't go out of his way to meet people, but when a friend is made he can be fiercely loyal. Kayhn has little issue with Race, even Horde races, but with one exception: Due to his experiences in his former home of Lordaeron, he has a deep seated hatred of the undead, Scourge or otherwise. Finally, due to a decent level of education, tempered by a few years of hard experience, the warrior is well read, and prone to bouts of philosophy, or more commonly, melancholy. His life has taken a toll on his nerves, and time after time Kayhn has turned to drink in an attempt to cope. It hasn't done any real damage to himself...yet.


Born in the aftermath of the Second War to a family of successful Lordaeronian merchants and given the best life available for a middle class commoner, Kayhn led an uneventful life. That is, until the fall of Lordaeron and Undead Scourge. 16 at the time, the young Kayhn was badly wounded during the attack, his shoulder scorched in the slaughter and his family killed, or worse. Fleeing too Stormwind with the other survivors, the young man made a vow to never let an atrocity like the destruction of his people happen again. So, with his burns healed he began his training, and set out into the world. Since then, he has proven himself a capable fighter, and a more then able hunter of the undead, much of his time spent up north in his former kingdom, helping to rid the land of the undead blight. Soon enough, he joined up with the Argent Dawn and has since done much to help the group in Lordaeron, and Northrend. It was during the assault on Northrend that he gained his other major scar, a Vrykul blade narrowly missing the warrior's eye during a skirmish.

Although the undead will always be the focus of his attentions, in recent months, other threats have been revealed; A new war with the Horde, something dark brewing in the elemental realms, and a dozen other attacks and invasions from dark forces. Though the Scourge has been defeated for now, there are still uncounted threats to the people of Azeroth, in dire need of a good, clean slash.