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Player: MrBubbles

Character Full Name: Katherine Monroe

Character In-Game Name: Kat

Association(s): None permanent, save herself.

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 27

Sex: Female

Hair: Dark curls.

Eyes: Brown.

Weight: ~140 lbs.

Height: 5'8


She is often clad in tight leather armor that complements her agility. Otherwise, she is found in light garments that accentuate her form. Kat fights with bladed weapons; swords and daggers.

Other: Her smile is crooked, lopsided in a roguish way that many would find charming. Kat is a very attractive woman, to which her dark curls and sleek curves can attest.


Kat is a passionate woman of uncertain loyalties. She is ambitious and willful by nature, and there is little that Kat will not do to get what she desires. If there is something she wants, it will, more often than not, find a way into her possession. She is, however, easily frustrated if things are not indeed going her way. A friend one moment may have his throat slit the next, and Kat will have no qualms about the incident.

She is cunning, with a quick wit, sharp tongue, and oft disarming smile. She uses her charms to her full advantage, but they are only one of the weapons in her arsenal. Highly manipulative, she enjoys toying with her prey before striking. Capricious and often playful, Kat does what suits her. She is not often predictable.


Kat knows what's past is past. While she does not necessarily wish to hide her past, she also does not wish to waste her time telling others of things which she believes makes little difference ultimately. Her story is but one among the many sob stories of Azeroth, and is quite possibly the oldest in the book. Nevertheless:

Kat had dearly loved her father. She still remembers him well: a carefree man, with dark good looks, short curling hair, and a jaunty mustache. He possessed the same warm, off-kilter smile that he passed to his daughter. She had always loved to hear him laugh - he had rich, hearty and raucous laughter that was as big and carefree as himself, which shook whichever room he was in. She had loved, admired and respected him, and thus she was all the more devastated when he disappeared.

James Monroe was a young knight of the kingdom of Azeroth before the orcs' invasion through the Dark Portal. Not a coward, but instead an opportunist, he used the chaos of the first assault - in which Stormwind was the victor - to slip out of the harrowed city with his latest lover, Rose, and travel north to safety with her.

Not long after the two reached the mountain kingdom of Alterac did word come of Azeroth's fall. Now a disgraced knight (in name, but not necessarily in attitude), James began work as a mercenary. His new line of work gave him much time on his own, and many excuses to give Kat's mother to mask his chasing of illicit lovers. Rose may have been aware of his actions, but she depended on him, and there was little she could do to preserve her exclusivity.

Around this time, the pair had a daughter, Katherine. During her childhood, Kat proved time and time again that the apple had not fallen far from the tree - she was a miniature (and female) version of her father. He had been the first to give her her nickname, which she immediately latched onto and has not since let go of.

It was during Kat's childhood that the kingdom of Alterac came under martial law from Stromgarde, due to King Perenolde's insubordination. After the war was over, what was left of the kingdom was up for grabs, but no new ruler came to replace the traitor. Alterac fell into ruin and anarchy, plagued by unruliness and chaos. This was a place where mercenaries, like James, and soon his daughter, thrived.

Kat learned to wield a sword as soon as she was able, and she accompanied her father on one of his contracts at a young age. It was Kat's first battle, and, granted, she was not much in the way of help, but her drive and dash greatly impressed her father. Once the job had been concluded, the two returned home, but only one of them was there for long. James packed his things and left under cover of night. The only belonging that he left was his blade to his daughter, the sword of a knight of Azeroth. But the one thing Kat wanted - an explanation - he took along with him.

Rose fell ill the next day. Kat was certainly not as close to her mother as she was her father. She was unsure of her true feelings for her mother, but the one sentiment she was certain of towards her mother was pity. She pitied her for her debilitating illness, but more so for her inability to stand up to her partner. Thus, having no desire to become Rose's caregiver, Kat soon left in pursuit of her father.

For a time, she was hot on James' trail. She became a mercenary like her father, taking contracts, using his blade, and all the while actively looking for him. For years she searched, fighting for her pay and subsequently gaining the expertise and experience that comes with it. She turned out quite the skilled swordswoman - again, like her father.

But after a time she forgot her goal, and subconsciously gave up on ever finding him. Not one to cherish a keepsake, she pawned James' sword in favor of necessities. Surely there is a still a part of her that wishes to see her father again, and hear that rich, hearty laughter that she had loved so much. But Kat no longer actively searches for him. She continues her work as a mercenary, offering her skills in return for a living, and traveling where work can be found.