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Player: Pesim

Character Full Name: Karin Lakewood

Character In-Game Name: Karin

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): The City of Stormwind, The Cathedral.

Race: Human

Class: Cleric. [OOC = Priest]

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Hair: Long curling black hair.

Eyes: Green

Weight: 132 pounds

Height: 5'6 feet


A set of robes, casual and often red or blue.

Other: Doesn't drink any sort of alchohol because of being a Cleric. One of her favorite drinks is Melon juice though.


Generally kind, and gives everyone she meets a chance and treats others with respect. She hopes to get this in return as well. Karin isn't the fighting type, thus is cauctious with her actions.

She enjoys meeting new people and often enjoys spending time in the city of Stormwind or the forests of Elwynn. Karin gladly assists others and doesn't hold grudges easily. She's more of a follower. Her favorite color is purple.


She was born and raised in Lordaeron, her parents were both followers of the Light. And it helped that Karin didn't object to teaching these ways as well. Her youth was quite peacefull as she never caused any trouble, never dissapointed her parents and always on time for her appointments. During these days she got to know a lot of people from the her town. But after she reached the age of 17 she departed to Stormwind to begin her training with the Priests who resided there.

After years of training to understand the ways of the light she earned a place in the Cathedral. Most skilled in the use of Holy magic. Focussing on the assisting of others. She also learned several ways to defend herself, but Karin found out she was most effective while supporting others with her healing powers.

During her years of training she got along with most of the others in her group. Even though she tended to be the black sheep, probably because her dark skin. This didn't bother her however, simply deciding she stood above these jokes. Over time she started to gain respect, having worked hard to get this.

Last year, after she had just reached the age of 21 a mission had been given to her and a few other priests to assist the Draenei who have come to Azeroth. Amazed and glad with the new addition to the Alliance.

She had a young Paladin in training for a few months, helping him better understand the Light. The lessons were fruitfull as they parted ways again about a month ago. Still seeing him every now and then in Stormwind.