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Player: Moodz

Character Full Name: Jerik Gremelas

Character In-Game Name: Jerik

Nickname(s): The Torch & Spitfire

Association(s): Royal Apothecary Society, Cult of the Forgotten Shadow, The Forsaken, & Undercity

Race: Forsaken (Undead Human)

Class: Mage

Age: 52 (Currently /w Death)

Sex: Male

Hair: Paved out, black

Eyes: Dim, white glow

Weight: 144 lbs.

Height: 5'6 (Hunched) 5'8 (Upright)

Alignment: Neutral Evil


As a symbol of his love for fire magics, he adorns himself in all red.

Other: He uses some type of herbal lotion to keep his hair smelling like daisies and looking shiny.


Jerik's personality is an interesting one for what he is. The Undead acts polite, courteous, and above all, respective of who he acts out around. He's always the one to jest with people playfully and has the humor of your average day person. It's only when he comes into battle does his mood change. With a burning pleasure, literally, Jerik's vigor is admirable. It is only when fighting, does he feel most alive again. Jerik hardly remembers his death at the fall of Dalaran, but finds it to be most unfortunate and distasteful. He yearns to be of the living, if the opportunity were possible.


Before Jerik's death, he was known to be Human. Growing up, with basic access to magics, he progressed through development in age. Near his mid twenties though, Jerik was admitted into Dalaran to practice and better his magical focus. He studied vigilantly for a number of years honing as many arts as he could. The power of Arcane intrigued him. In immense contact with the thing, he noticed how much stronger then anything natural, it could make him. After the second war fell through and the barbaric Orcs lay Dalaran in ruins, which served as a minor set back for Jerik.

Realizing that he had to brush up on combative magics, Jerik took up Fire and Frost. After a sample of both, fire spoke out to him the best. The warmth it created made him feel so much alive as he ever had been. And come the dawn of the third war, Jerik's new abilities using flames dominated great flocks of ghouls. Numbers were too great though and eventually Jerik and his fellow wizards were drawn back to Dalaran, and into a corner. Fighting within the sanctum, the structures shook all around him. But from there, his memories went blank. He had died in the ruins.

Some time later though, necromancers for the Scourge had resurrected Jerik to serve Ner'zhul. But eventually the Lich King's powers waned and a portion of Undead were granted back their own mental conscious. Jerik was one of these. He helped use his magic to complete the Dark Lady's tasks as did many other Forsaken.