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Whatever the means, you know? Now stop the hell complaining before I toss you in a plagued cauldron of boiling fel! Usual response.

Fel? Scourge? It allowed me to escape slavery at the hands of my own parents. So yeah, what you wanna? It's holier than your fecking light. Holier than Light and Elune themselves! Jehane on Holiness.


There's something wrong about this twisted face of hers...

Player: Lynoa06

Character Full Name: Jehane Dramer

Character In-Game Name: Jehane

Nickname(s): N/A

Association(s): N/A

Race: Human

Class: Warlock

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Hair: Jehane keeps her hair slightly combed, hanging backwards.

Eyes: Green

Weight: About 55 kgs.

Height: About 160 cms.

Alignment: Chaotic / Good


Little Jehane in Gilnean clothing.

Jehane wears very simple clothing. Usually, leather or cloth garments fit her well. She sometimes is seen in rags, too, and her lack of gold forbids any frivolities. Her boots might be the most expensive piece of clothing she wears, designed to last quite a while - the bite of the rock on bare feet is a harsh and unbearable one. She has sometimes appeared to wear Gilnean clothing, though it might be likely such garments belonged to the witch who welcomed her. Contrary to most warlocks, she has no spooky wardrobe, or even any robes to speak of.

She owns a staff, which she nonetheless seldom carries.


Jehane is someone extremely humble - yet revengeful. Often self-depreciating, she shows an interesting lability in her actions. Often extremely sensitive to however mistreated she gets, she nonetheless tries her best to swallow her anger down. Her feelings are usually extreme - and to Jehane there is no tolerated shade of grey. Jehane seems slightly tormented, or even disturbed, as she could spend hours literally harming herself. She does no good in society and keeps to herself, even avoiding other warlocks; she would spend her time switching between revering or demonizing any friend she would make.

Deep within her however, boils a deep revenge against her family. She is very devoted, in return, to help orphans and other misfavored people, usually to disproportionate measures. Jehane has eventually chosen a path - could one really say she has chosen? - as chaotic and tormenting as her personality, and has sworn to fight with whatever weapon would be effective. Now to determine how insane said weapons will lead her...


On Instilling Dread in newborn Children

Jehane was born in Kul Tiras nineteen years ago, to wealthy nobles owning farmlands in the vicinity of Drisburg. Shortly after her birth, they moved to Boralus, the heart of the nation. Halen, her father, and Nisira, her mother, did not really plan a daughter. They were predicted by some dubious priests that a son would be raised and take other their estate at their death, but it proved otherwise. Since her very birth, Jehane was quite unloved.

The first years of her life, however, were not this harsh. As her parents tried to deal with the fact she would never be a man, and therefore worthy of their estate, they raised her relunctantly the best they could, instilling sickening doses of paternalism in their moral speeches. It was until she became five they decided. If she were not a man, at least would she be excellent. They put Jehane in the best school one could find in the settlement, by then populated half more than now, and began bending the limits.

The seven years that followed were easily the hardest for her. She would study, locked in a room of their estate, for hours, until she fell. She was never seen outside, never did she have friends, and though the rule loosened in the latest years, their parents maintained a firm grip on the poor girl. They did not think twice about tying her up to a pole and spanking her, when her results were "very good" - less than "brillant", that is; not feeding her, or having her sleep outside, were also not uncommon, though not illegal in Kul Tiras law.

By the time she was twelve, however, the Scourge destroyed one settlement in northern Kul Tiras. The attack was repelled later on, but to her, it was a salvator. Shortly later, the Proodmoore vanished, the fleet was rebuilt, and it gave Jehane some hope to end this normal, but dreadful existence, and transcend to some better situation.

Forwards to unknown shores

It was not until she turned fifteen than the mistreated girl finally rebelled against the rule that was strictly pushed on her. She did not do anything at school since a long time anyways, and was beaten over and over. It was a wonder nothing was broken in her body. Her cries, behind closed doors, did not bother anyone it seemed, but she finally found the courage to go against this. A majestuous three-mast flagship was planned to depart towards Theramore. A night, as she was shackled in the closed stable, she managed to break free of the irons, and without taking anything, ran in the dark towards the boat. She had no money, but offered the crew to freely work, so long they got her to their destination. Bemusedly, she was accepted in.

She arrived later, on a sunny morning, in the city of Theramore. Yet she did not manage anything, at first. For about six months, she attempted to beg her bread, refusing to steal. She grew thin within her puberty, and developed the first signs of a rather unstable mind. The guards did not bother caring for her, so long she begged in backalleys and slept against the wall. She was steadily dying up.

Salvation, at last, came as an old woman wandering an alley in the town came to rest her sight on the sleeping young woman. She proposed her a shelter, claiming she had no daughter to spread her legacy onto. The woman was well eager to accept, and soon enough, entered the house of the granny. It turned out she was a follower of the occult - in other words, a female warlock - and that it took her a great deal of trust and searching to find the one she'd accept as apprentice.

Under the promises of new powers and, finally, a normal and blissful existence, Jehane accepted the elder's offer, and began training in the ways of the witch.

Yearning for Revenge

Shortly before she turned 19, however, the witch died, leaving Jehane alone, yet again. She had rather healed in body from her arrival in Theramore, but decided the city was not for her. She'd not find work, or anything to sustain her living. And so she sold the woman's house and kept its precious apparatus, and moved on, sailing towards Booty Bay. She worked shortly for various employeers, and stayed around the area.

Nowadays, she still remains penniless, though earning enough to survive. Her mind slowly degrading, she plans to hone her beginning skills. Legends claim (and her employeer too) that, somewhat north, weeks away, there is an underground city dedicated to warlocks of all kind. Perhaps it is high time she moved on...