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Player: Hentick

Character Full Name: Issalar Gynvald

Character In-Game Name: Issalar

Nickname(s): N/A

Association(s): Stormwind, The Black Hand

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Hair: Dark hair, cut in a military-ish style, complimented by a goatee.

Eyes: Green

Weight: 170lbs

Height: 6'0


When he's not on duty, he prefers a stylish white shirt, as well as dark pants, liking to look nice, yet not too nice, as not to get unwanted attention.


Issalar is an odd individual. He has two faces, - not in the sense of being a scitzophrenic, but in the sense that he has a mask he wears when he's in public. When he's in public, he might come off as either an introvert, or an extrovert, being that he likes to act. He changes his personality to fit the ones he spends time with, but he never lets people close, as it might hurt him once more. When he's the real Issalar, he's cynical, and he's graceful. He enjoys what he does, as he thinks of it as art. He takes pleasure in watching his victims die, and he often sticks around to see it. He also takes pleasure in conversing with his victims before he kills them, which might seem contradicting to not letting people close, but that's the way he is.


Issalar was born in Lordaeron twenty-six years ago into the arms of a loving mother and father. His father was a warrior, working as a guard in their village. His mother, on the other side was a politician, - a lady with some backbone. The family had great dreams, and great hopes for their firstborn son, but their bliss did not last long. After two years of happyness, it came to and end as the Second War came about. His father was slain in combat, and not long after, Issalar's mourning mother was found by the enemies of the Alliance, and violently slain. Luckily, at this time, Issalar was with his uncle. His uncle did not take him back to his parents, nor the village they had lived in, as it was no more.

Issalar grew up without parents, taking refuge with his uncle, also a soldier. The war took many lives from the little boy's life. Soon, the war came to an end, and Issalar took up the arts of fighting at the age of twelve. He preferred to use daggers, and quick weapons, as he wanted to waste no time with killing his foes. His childhood was spent in anger, growing up with his soldier uncle. He wanted his revenge, and thus, when he reached the age of nineteen, and the third war came about, the fall of Lordaeron also came about. He fought hard, but he witnessed everyone he loved get killed in the war. His uncle, his childhood friends, the ones that he had cared about died, and he had to bear the sight of watching them getting raised as undead.

Instead of talking to people about this, Issalar went down a darker path, on his way to Stormwind. He wanted revenge no more, for nothing good would come of it. He found comfort and closure with his daggers, enjoying training with the short weapons. It seemed as if it had become a game to him, and he was no longer as compassionate, nor empathic as he had been. Suddenly, money was more interesting as well, because he had heard that you could buy bliss with money.