Player: FlyingSquirrel
Character Full Name: Hanaraeri
Character In-Game Name: Hanaraeri
Nickname(s): Hana
Association(s): Exodar
Race: Draenei
Class: Warrior
Age: 19,574
Sex: Female
Hair: White. Simple buns beneath either of her horns.
Eyes: White
Weight: 204
Height: 7'2
Hanaraeri can usually be seen in a simple, dark set of armor. Beneath it all is a dark purple cloth that covers from her wrists to her shin. She has armor covering her outer thighs, her waist and her upper chest, which reaches up to her neck and over to her upper biceps. Her abdomen is covered with layered scales. She also has a pair of bracers on her wrists. She has a black staff, which has a small hammer on either side. The staff is about 10 feet long, and has the handle in the middle. She wears a chain of small discs around her waist.
Other: She wears a chain circlet on her head, which dangles a symbol of the Naaru over her forehead. This is always on. Her tail is also longer than average. She's rather small chested.
Hanaraeri can best be described in one word; Rage. She holds rage for a great many things, but most of her rage is centered straight at anything to do with Fel. This can go from Felsworn, to Demon Hunters, to Orcs, to Blood Elves and even to Broken. To others who she doesn't rage at, she's nicer, but doesn't like to be second guessed. She views whoever second guessing her as second guessing intelligence. She also believes that Elune is a Naaru, and prefers the company of Kaldorei. This is due to their anti-fel nature, and age similarities.
Hanaraeri was one of the first Draenei born upon Oshu'gun. The Demons, as most know, continued to attack the Draenei as the Draenei attempted to create homes. To the young Hanaraeri, this was annoying and, when one gets annoyed, one gets angry. This happened to the young Draenei, and this is a hate that would stay with her, no matter the treatment she got as a child. However, as she grew and matured, she learned to keep her rage focused at the things that caused it -- the Man'ari Eredar.
She was in training to become a Vindicator as soon as possible, but her anger issues got in the way of this. Besides, in her mind, why did she need to learn to use something so many other people knew? Another hamper in her training was that yes, she knew the Naaru were there. However, a small part of her always nagged in the corner of her mind that it was the Naaru that degenerated her race into a group of fleeing cowards. Although, she always remembered that they were only alive because of the Naaru. This fixed some of the doubt in her mind, but not enough to use the Naaru's light. So, instead of using their crystal weapons, she just adopted a simple, black, two sided staff hammer. It was during this long time that she got her current armor and weapon, as well as learned a bit of martial arts, which she continued to practice.
It was at this point that the Draenei came across the Orcs on the planet that would later become Draenor. Hanaraeri became deeply intrigued by the Orc's workings of their rage into a force, which they pinpointed at their enemies. Thus, she began to copy their ways in using her anger for something useful. It was on Draenor that she received her crossbow, and learned somewhat how to use it. However, she still preferred being able to melee them.
It was during her study of the Orcs that she met another Draenei. This Draenei was doing the same thing as her, but instead of studying their melee tactics, he was studying how they hunted. The two, with something to bond over, did bond, and a child came from this bonding. The child's name was Vlysanta. However, with little to nothing to later bond over, the couple later drifted apart, staying together for Vlysanta's fate.
The betrayal of the Orcs came as no surprise to the single Draenei, and she was one of the first to get to Telredor. She often ventured into Terokkar Forest, what's now Hellfire Peninsula, or even Nagrand to search for wayward Draenei, or just to cave in the skull of an Orc. She didn't approve of the cowardly action of hiding, but people knew this. So, she figured that, for the moment, it was best to be quiet about her grievances. She only had one thing to be sad about, personally. The loss of her daughter. The child had been lost to her near an old Draenei farmhouse when Hanaraeri had pulled a group of Orcs away. The daughter was later killed. Slowly, the mother had resigned to her child's fate. Her former mate was also quite sad, and they once again semi-bonded, with something to finally bond off of.
Hanaraeri, of course, took part in the taking back of Tempest Keep. However, as most people know, they never got the full Tempest Keep, just the Exodar. She knew to get into the pods, and did. She crashed somewhere near the Bloodmyst Isle, in the water, and swam to the land, which was quite a tough swim. Her muscles were tired by the time she got to land, and she was easy prey for some Blood Elves to take prisoner. However, another Draenei arrived, and the two beat back the three Blood Elves, before going to Blood Watch.
She helped the Hand of Argus beat back the Blood Elves and their Eredar Overlord, before going to the south. She went to Stormwind, and began to learn Common. It took her through the Crusade against the Lich King, which she took part in, to fully learn Common. Then, after the Lich King died, she learned that she had no further thing to do. So, she began to wander, looking for something to do.