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Player: Graros

Character Full Name: Graros Daker

Character In-Game Name: Graros

Nickname(s): Donny G, Donny, Don, Grar

Association(s): N/A

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Hair: Coal Black

Eyes: Spring Green

Weight: 104kg

Height: 5'8"


Often wears a blue or brown long-sleeved shirt underneath a brown leather harness which is buckled to his thick leather leggings. One pair of protective leather boots with matching gloves, often accompanied by a brown hat when outside.

A single Lionshead Brooch pinned to his chest, one dagger in his left boot. (And if the area isn't guarded or he's expecting a fight he'll have one or two swords sheathed on his belt.) One belt around his waist which is a part of the leather harness he wears, the belt of which has several chain loops (Un-linked) which he hooks several different objects to, a few of these objects being a flask, a compass and a small book (About the size of a human's hand) which appears to be a journal.


Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Graros will enjoy showing off whatever he can to close friends, perhaps even exadurate to the point of fantasy at times. That's another way of saying he lies sometimes, although about nothing serious nor of any consequence. He'd like to think he epitomizes seven virtues: Courage, Loyalty, Wisdom, Honor, Honesty, Respect and Rectitude, but it's quite often he doesn't do the right thing.

On first meetings he can be quite shy, not speaking much and often avoiding conversation if at all possible, using gestures instead of his voice to respond to things where it's easy to do so. When he's around people he's familiar with he can become drunk on attention, which can lead to awkward situations just as easily as amusing ones. This could perhaps be refered to as a very steep friendship-leveling curve. If something dramatic or attention-pulling happens nearby him he'll most likely try his best to ignore it and not get pulled into whatever action's going on. Consistent with this he'll be distant from any members of "opposing" or generally hostile factions, trying not to provoke any unwanted attention or hostility.

At times when his history is bothering him most, he allows his empathy to get the better of him, be it the urge to protect people from being forced onto the same path he was, or protecting them from the exploits of the Defias and other factions.


Being pulled into a life of crime by the local gang early on in his life by a "missdeed" against them by one of his close friends, which resulted in both of them doing small jobs like pickpocketing, small-scale theft and distracting the local guards while others would tackle the bigger, more expensive fish. That is unless they wanted eachother to get the real "punnishment" for this missdeed against the gang. Which they'd both forgotten the details about later on as it was of no consequence, they were both relativley happy with their current life.

Throughout their small-time criminal operations, they were caught several times but never given any charges serious enough to have them detained for extended periods of time, always to return to what they were doing before, snipping purse-cords and pretending to be injured to guards, drawing their attention.

Often enough, Graros would find himself with more trinkets and other valuables other than hard currency, and proposed an idea to his peers, to fence off their ill-gotten-goods for the much prefered coin. He was the go-to man in the local area for most of the thieves associated with the gang for an easy way to trade their unuseable objects for cash, all the while the local authorities seeing it as a worth while job for him, almost correctional. It was a win-win situation.

It was around this time, where business was at its best, where word was reaching Stormwind of the Scourge's attack on Ratchet. Everyone was tense, and word was that it was only a matter of time untill they came to Stormwind, after all, Ratchet? Theramore? They're port cities, right? Well.. Now too is Stormwind. All this ontop of that new Plague of the Lich-King's making was just a bit too much for some, but Graros just kept on doing what he always did, keen to make a profit from all these "doomsayers" wanting to sell their worldly posessions to make fleeing as far as they could any faster. Graros didn't quite understand that. You can't run from a plague.

After making an incredibly unfair and wealth profit, his old friend, who had always been his partner, and the reason why he was who and where he was, sold him out to the authorities for a pretty penny and took Graros' job; jealous of Graros' incredible gains compared to his own. It was far too sudden, he couldn't imagined it would happen. Obviously this large-scale fencing operation was a far sight larger and more serious than what he'd previously been charged with. While officials were trying to divulge the information about the gang from him, Graros was given a proposition by an operative he'd never learned the name of. He was offered a place in a league... The Lion's League, in return for any and all information he had on his former associates, aslong as he obided their rules. It sounded fair. They sold him out, so why shouldn't be do the same? Either way, it sounded a lot better than rotting in the Stockades with the gang who'd eventually be locked away in there, too. Wether by his help or not.

Graros has accepted this offer, thinking it as justice unto his ex-associates and a clean slate for himself. "Hello again, world."