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Player: Vision (Erik)

Character Full Name: Gavond Silverstone

Character In-Game Name: Gavond

Nickname(s): Gav

Association(s): Stormwind Locale, Alliance Volunteer Army, Elwynn Farmer's Circuit

Race: Human

Class: Warrior

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Hair: Blond, but could be described as slightly rust-colored.

Eyes: Blue-grey. Mother's genes showing.

Weight: Usually in the vicinity of 198 lbs. 204 lbs soaking wet.

Height: A slightly cumbersome 6'2"


A comfortable mix of leather and cloth will usually fit the bill for lax outings and general living. Combat outfits would involve more mail and plate, but not so much that he is horribly restricted in movement.

Gavond has been known to wear a blue hat whenever outside. A keepsake, it's quite precious to him.


Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Always one to stand up for what is right, Gav is a hopeful peace keeper. He enjoys the simple things in life, such as chirping birds and a well-brewed ale. He will keep his word even under the most strenuous circumstances. Gavond will constantly remind himself that friends are hard to come by, and good ones even more so. Gavond is a kind man, through and through. He would prefer to reason with an enemy than automatically resort to more deadly (and usually effective) methods. He is a well-rounded man with a good taste for humor. He is slightly clumsy when it comes to intricate tasks, such as painting and cooking. Gavond believes fiercely in the fundamentals of respect and honor; a belief that lead him to a enjoyable career in the military. He is the one that would go last in line, offer his seat to someone else, and volunteer for the worst -or most tedious- jobs. Gavond is young, and wisdom has net manifested itself inside of him. For this reason, he is gullible and will believe someone unless they give him a reason not to. He is very impressionable, but not judgmental.


Gavond Wylliam Silverstone was brought into Azeroth on a Summer evening after the closing of the Second War. He was a healthy babe, measuring 21.5 inches long and weighing 8 pounds, 6 ounces. He was born for the purpose of being a farm hand. His mother Susana, and father Cole ran a small subsistence farm in Eastern Elwynn Forest, and children were unpaid labor. He is the fourth of six siblings, but his parents made sure they were all well-cared for. His mother was a hard woman, and could plow a field just as well as whip up a warm pumpkin pie. His father was a provider. A logical man with a souther drawl and a permanently-furrowed brow. He and his mother both worked hard and supported their family so that they wanted for naught, but didn't necessarily live a lavish lifestyle.

Gav started to be useful around the lot at about five years old. Although he enjoyed the majority of what he was asked, Gavond's early years were mostly filled with long days of soil and soot. His older brothers and father taught him to work the fields and stack the lumber. Labor was a part of everyday life. Required for normal operation. Gavond's skill in the trade of farming was average, but he put his best effort in everything he was asked to do. He was tasked with such jobs as milking Mariyah the dairy cow and plucking the chickens set for being boiled by Ma. And so life went on like this for about six years. The routine was burned into him. His work was mindless and effective.

When Gav was 11 years old, he was learning to carve and shape wood as a trade skill. His Pa had each of the kids spend hours a week learning something of a similar sort. He wasn't particularly good, but repetition and determination landed him the ability to craft something useful: Wooden blades. He would shape and refine all types of bladed weapons. Daggers and longswords, hatchets and scimitars. This would prove useful in the later years of his life.

One such use was a fateful day in Spring. He was 12 years old, and was walking the bank of the River, peering into the deep forest of Darkshire on the opposite shore. He was walking along when he spotted a small gray wolf nestled in the bushes of a strawberry patch. It was whining, and Gav's curiosity overruled his good judgement. He approached the pup, and tentatively reached out to stroke the soft fur. It was a most unfortunate time to forget some of his Pa's words of wisdom: "Whenever there's a baby, there's a mama.", because that's when he heard the guttural growl of what could only be the parent to the pup. Gav turned slowly to look at the larger canine. It's teeth were a yellow-white, and it looked angry. The second mistake was for Gavond to draw the wooden dagger shoved in the waist of his trousers. The whole ordeal was over in seconds, with the wolf striking out with her clawed paw and striking the child above the eye. He hadn't even had a chance to use the dagger. Gavond landed into the water, and ultimately fell unconscious. The wolf grabbed her pup and ran off in the opposite direction. Hours later, he had awoken to a dark sky and rushed home, to be promptly treated for and beaten for being so 'stupid'.

From that day until about sixteen, Gavond would spend his free time training to fight with blade and hand. He would constantly push himself to his limits. He would test his skill with his brothers, and instruct basic self-defense to his sisters. The time he allotted himself to train was paying off. The scuffles with neighborhood boys would result in him being victorious. A fine warrior was developing inside the young man. Soon, very soon, it would drive him to enlist in the military at the recruiting hub in nearby Stormwind.

His enlistment was quick, and his training was relatively easy. Everything went by quickly. He excelled in the combat aspects, and absorbed as much military knowledge as he possibly could. Tactics and social standings were his main interests. Political power was what won wars, he soon found. After graduation, he was put in an Infantry Brigade, and was sent to Northrend to fight the Scourge on the front lines.

Currently, Gavond is on extended leave and is residing in Dalaran to pass the time. He seeks to get back in the fight as soon as possible, but also wishes to travel and see the world.