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Player: Pawoverlord

Character Full Name: Flinwaz'fon

Character In-Game Name: Flinwaz

Nickname(s): Flin, Flint

Association(s): Death Hearts

Race: Troll

Class: Warrior

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Hair: Blue dread locks

Eyes: Orangish

Weight: 230 lbs

Height: 7"6'


He has normally a redish outfit and sometimes a red cloak.


Flin has a unique personality, he is not too aggressive, but he will be if someone close to him is involved or threatened, such case is his guild members, or as he calls them, his crew. He enjoys the rain whenever it decides to rain.


Flin was born onto an isle destined to war with the murlocs, Darkspear isle. By time he was three, a wave of murlocs came in attacking capturing some Troll. But lucky for some of them, they were not to die, instead, Thrall had came to free them guiding them safely to a ship fighting off murlocs that were in the way.

During Flin's voyage to his new home, his mother tried to teach him how to fish, some of the more simple things of being a Troll. After what seemed to be a very long time, Flin had become a well developed Troll, but was taught that women were not slaves, or to be treated as pets.

After about ten years at their new home, Flin slowly adapted to his new life, one day an Orc tried to begin to show him how to hunt and how to craft hunting spears. Before he knew it he would be able to fend for himself. Although one day while he was beginning to hunt, a tree had begun to fall, Flin tried to move out of the way but the tree slammed onto his head, knocking him unconscious.

When he awoke, he had no idea where he was, or what he was doing, but he could still remember how to hunt and fish, unaware what to do he began to wander around finding himself soon in a small town in Durotar with some Orcs in it. This would be where he would spend some time, pondering things over. In a year, a group of Trolls had come into the town trying to find Flinwaz, they thought that he had looked like the missing Troll but every time they would confront him about a name, he would always tell them, he did not know, and did not plan on going with Troll he did not know. About two years would pass and he would have begun to very slowly remember various things here and there, like his name and that he did recognize the Troll from before.

He begun to fear what the Troll would do to him if he ever showed his face back in the village he had realized he might be better of leaving the town heading West to the Barrens missing a family to be in. Trying to remain on the road he soon found himself in another small crossroad town, where he would meet an Orc there that would soon pull him into a line of work.

Flin was then involved in a mercenary guild called Black Hearts , which slowly snagged Flin, giving him this family feeling he has been missing ever since he had lost his memory. By time he was eight-teen After about a month this group disbanded due to a fight with another guild, Flin, craving this family, has re-entered the mercenary business creating a new form of Hearts, called Death Hearts.