Player: FlyingSquirrel
Character Full Name: Fenastik Eldaragun. He often uses Longhawk for a last name now-a-days.
Character In-Game Name: Fenastik
Nickname(s): Fen, Arabenn, Kinslayer
Associations: Argent Crusade
Race: Highborne Night Elf
Class: Rogue
Age: 11,057
Sex: Male
Hair: Black, tied back into a ponytail. His face is kept impeccably shaven.
Eyes: Silver.
Height/Scale: .94
Usual Garments/Armor: The clothing he wears often changes. The one thing that stays the same, though, is that it looks pristine, no matter what it is. He has a specific set of armor, leather over a mesh of metal plates. The armor is died blue in some places, and is typical leather in the others. He wears a tabard of whatever organization he is following over this. His helmet is of the same color blue, but made of metal with cloth underneath. It forms a visage that's semi-reminiscent of a hawk.
Fenastik's sword was a masterwork Elven rune blade. However, after a particularly nasty encounter with a dragon, it lost much of it's beauty. The blade is now held together with arcane. It is a burnished Silver blade, elven runes running up the center, with three horizontal cracks running across it. Each of the cracks and the runes shines with a bright blue. There is a single diamond set within the pommel of the sword, one that shines brightly even within the darkness. The diamond can be removed from the sword, but only by Fenastik's hand. It is about two feet long, with style similar to a Gladius blade. The enchantments are basic things, like increased durability, lighter weight and connection to the owner's hand. It's very hard to disarm Fenastik when he's holding the weapon. He has a secondary weapon, which is a long polearm with an eagle's head on either edge of it. This polearm is enchanted to make Fenastik feel lighter, allowing him to jump and dodge easier.
Other: On his left shoulder, he has a brand stating him as a prisoner of the Kaldorei. Of course, he never shows this. On his right ring finger is a signet ring, denoting his presence as a member of a Highborne Noble house of yore. He's paler than the average Night Elf, his skin more alabaster than pink. He has a pouch on his hip that is enchanted to be able to hold more than it would let on. It's dimensions are 8 feet tall, with a 2x2 floor. His helmet is enchanted to give him incredibly long sight. His boots are enchanted to let him move quicker than an average man can run, while only having to walk. They also make him abnormally quick and agile. Fenastik himself is a rather frail and small person, with very little muscle or fat on his body.
One of Fenastik's secret loves is the water. He loves anything to do with it, be it sailing, fishing or swimming. He doesn't quite hate any races, beyond Trolls. He doesn't really like Tauren, Kaldorei or Dwarves. Other than that, though, he's apathetic towards most of the races. He doesn't care for their laws, but nonetheless makes a show of following them, just for safety. He thinks that the Wardens and Sentinels are incompetent to an impossible degree, and has trouble taking them serious. Lastly, he's prone to fits of murderous rage.
He tends to have a snarky, if not seemingly outright hostile mood. In truth, he places trust in others highly, and merely tries to see if they are worthy of his mutual trust. Despite this, he has a respect for his superiors, unless he has some reason not to. His equals, he views as, well, equals. His perception of someone is usually slow to change, unless something drastic happens.
Fenastik was born about a thousand years before the War of the Ancients. He was the seventh child of a Highborne Commander, and the last son. Unfortunately, he was also the smallest of the boys, and the unusually frail. Like any other son of any race's commander, he was trained in the art of war from a young age. While originally it was with a wooden sword, he was eventually given an actual blade, and then a true Elven Runeblade. Similar actions were followed his a bow. Of course, in any house with seven boys, fighting was common. Unfortunately, Fenastik never had much of a hand for the Arcane, only bothering to learn the basic necessities, or any things to be able to defend himself from his more magically-inclined siblings. Instead, he preferred using a simple bow over any incantation.
It was his 500th birthday, and he was given a few gifts. The first and the most important was his helmet. He was also given his boots, which allowed him the speed to dodge most attacks. While Fenastik was gifted a pair of boots and a helm, his siblings had rings, amulets, or other items, all somehow derived from a bird. He was also given a signet ring, more as a way to present himself as a son of House Eldaragun. While his siblings outwardly complained of him getting many more enchanted objects, they all knew it was to make up with his physical failures. His most cherished gift was a bow that was enchanted so it's arrows would not be affected by any outside force.
His family was summoned to Zin-Azshari one year, and it was revealed to them Azshara's plan by a handmaiden of hers. So, after the rest of their trip was done, they headed home and trained a force of regular Night Elves, waiting for word that the war had begun. Once it had, they immediately went to Zin-Azshari. Of course, most of the Night Elves either abandoned the army or died rather quickly. As for Fenastik and his siblings, they got cocky. They attempted to attack a blue Dragon, with just the seven of them. Two of the seven were killed, and the remaining five, Fenastik included, were taken prisoner. He lost his bow when he was taken prisoner, although he was allowed to keep all other weapons.
This is what saved the brothers. While they were wasting away in a prison, the war was won. Fortunately, they were in Ashenvale at the time, and only knew about the Sundering through the massive earthquakes. And after that, they were released, as were all Highborne prisoners of War. Time passed, Fenastik grew accustomed to Night Elven culture, but still dreamed of the days where he'd run around his family's castle. Overall, though, he was the one that best adhered to the culture of his remaining family. Unfortunately, the time came that three of his brothers helped many other Highborne summon a magical storm upon Ashenvale. Fenastik was furious and, blinded by his rage, murdered one of his brothers.
This didn't go over well with the Watchers. He was thrown into a Barrow den indefinitely. Begrudgingly, he accepted his place, although a seed of hatred grew in him due to the fact that the Wardens jailed him instead of his brothers, those who'd killed hundreds of Kaldorei. Banishment, he felt like, was a pathetic, cowardly way to avoid any true punishment. Still, there was always a Warden watching his cell, and so there was little chance of his escape. It was when Illidan escaped and drew away the Wardens after him that Fenastik escaped. It was, oddly enough, one of his brothers that came and let him out. No words were exchanged between the two, other than the brother returning Fenastik's items and telling Fenastik to leave Elven lands as quickly as possible.
So, Fenastik went south, to the town of Ratchet. From there, he picked up the news and languages of the modern age. By the time he'd picked this up enough to feel confident, Illidan in the Outlands had been defeated. He moved to Ironforge, for a variety of reasons. One was that no one would look for him there, and the other was that the halls of Ironforge reminded him of the halls of his home. When the Dark Irons moved in and things got heated, he left as soon as possible. Since then, a certain wanderlust was created in his heart, a desire to see the world that his kin had made.
Skills and Abilities
Fenastik's fighting style focuses on gracefulness and continuation of momentum. It's so much based upon moving lightly that it would almost look as if he's dancing, complete with twirls, kicks and all types of minute movements. If he misses a swing, the sword will merely continue through and hit again. To this end, he does not put too much power between a blow on average, instead reserving power for finishing the enemy off. He prefers dodging over parrying a block, and is fairly agile, due to his boots. He also knows a form of Pandaren Martial Arts that he was taught in his youth.
He also controls the ability to summon fire with the same strength of a match, but nothing more, due to his rudimentary training as a child. The fire, while attached to him, is incredibly weak and cold. However, the moment it touches a flammable surface, it jumps to the surface and quickly spreads. Beyond this, he can also 'catch' a spell, which nullifies it. If the spell hits anything but his hand, it acts like a normal spell. Fenastik is not a very strong person, and will often lose any bout of strength.
Fenastik has recently begun educating himself in magic. Previously, what held him back from learning was the relatively quick pace and misunderstanding of it. However, with a book in hand, he is learning a variety of spells; Blink, Arcane Blast and a paltry amount of illusions, ones that could quickly be seen through.