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Fala'thorei steadies his bow for an ambush on a lone Satyr


Player: Knock

Character Full Name: Fala'thorei Duskrunner

Character In-Game Name: Falathorei

Nickname(s): Fala

Association(s): None still in existence

Race: Night Elf

Class: Demon Hunter

Age: 5,641

Sex: Male

Hair: Long and dark blue, often tied into a ponytail or braid.

Eyes: Cut out, though they were once silver.

Scale: 1.04

Weight: 290 lbs


Usual Garments/Armor: On the hunt, a loose-fitting pair of breeches will usually suffice, often with a pair of stiff leather bracers as wrist support. When traveling through more civilized parts, Fala'thorei will often try to conceal himself with a hooded cloak, full length sleeves and a pair of boots.

Other: Fala'thorei wields a pair of thin warglaives in battle, though he also carries a long knife by his hip, and a bow slung over his shoulder. When traveling through town, he usually conceals his bow and warglaives in the same sack.


Alignment: Chaotic Good

Fala'thorei is a loner, often spending weeks on end out in the wild. While not overly shy, he resents the company of most. Due to this, he tends to consider anyone who he likes to be a friend, whereas in reality, he knows very few people who would consider him a friend in return. He despises corruption of any form, be it the blight spread by the scourge or a nobleman accepting a bribe. To him, corruption is a force needing to be driven from the world, one death at a time. He is a ferocious fighter, often becoming so engaged in combat he doesn't notice a wound until it is almost too late to mend.

He is wary of all other races except perhaps the Tauren and the Draenei, as he sees them as beings of purity. ((Sentence deleted.)) He is rather lacking in intelligence, but he makes up for this with a wealth of experience that comes with Kaldorei of his age. And while rather simple, he has a huge willpower in terms of his personal motivation.

As a side effect of the rituals involved in becoming a Demon Hunter, he has in the past few years become very quick to anger, and it does not take much to set him off. This new found volatility to his personality has made itself apparent in his speech, which now sounds strained and spontaneous. He will often bare his teeth like a wolf if angered, or snarl and hiss to show dissatisfaction.


Born to a Sentinel and a Smith in northern Ashenvale, Fala'thorei had a secluded childhood, living miles from anyone else. His mother spent long hours away from home keeping the forest secure, and his father worked ceaselessly at the forge, leaving Fala'thorei alone to walk through the trees for much of the day. He was a very shy child, tending to say only a few words a day, even to his parents. The years rolled into centuries on the sleepy continent, with little to upset the delicate balance of his easygoing life.

As he entered the cusp of adulthood, he became strong enough to help his father work the forge, which suited his meticulous nature. He often pumped the bellows for hours at a time, mesmerized in the flicker of the flames. He was never a bright person, and felt comfortable spending long hours thinking of little, and speaking rarely with his father. He had very few friends, and rarely left the family home, except to walk alone in the forest.

The millennia passed gradually and peacefully until one day, while out on patrol, Fala'thorei's mother was ambushed and slain by a pack of satyrs. They took her equipment, including an ancestral moonglaive that had been passed to his mother by her mother in turn. It was around this time that Fala'thorei's hatred for corruption began to fester. He had never made many friends and his small family was all that he had. Now that his life had been torn asunder, his thoughts began to turn to darkness.

Always maintaining a high moral standard, he became easily angered by the sight of apathy, which was ever present with regards to the Satyr community that was allowed to endure within the forests of Ashenvale. In his mind, his mother's death was needless. The lack of a suitable response from the other sentinels left him filled with rage and fury, and a need for vengeance was stirring within him.

He no longer worked the forge with his father, instead becoming a hunter and trapper. While he often came home with deer to sell, many of his days were spent tracking the movements of the Satyr. All the while, kept an eye out for his mother's moonglaive changing hands among them. Eventually, he spotted it slung across the back of a young satyr who was out picking berries from a tree alone.

Fala'thorei crept through the trees, drawing ever closer to the creature. When the opportunity came, he sprang from the brush, sword drawn, and slew the beast, slashing repeatedly at the satyr's lifeless corpse, as if trying to cleanse its evil from the world. He returned home to his father, the moonglaive slung over his back as a trophy. His father was overjoyed at his success, proud of his son.

A degree of normality returned to their lives for a time. The ages crept passed at a snail's pace. As Fala'thorei had silver eyes, he could not train as a druid. And as he was male, the ranks of the sentinels held no place for him. So he continued his life as a hunter. He often sought larger and more dangerous prey, if just for the thrill it gave him to overcome a foe that could be the death of him. Whenever the opportunity arose, he preyed on the Satyr that roamed free, seeking to rid their corruption from the land.

Eventually, war came to Kalimdor once more. During the campaigns of the Sentinels against the invading Orcs, Humans, and eventually Demons, Fala'thorei returned to his father to help work the forge to supply the weapons and armor for the armies of Elune. Their home lay off the warpath, and so he and his father survived unhindered, their home remaining intact.

After their loss of immortality, Fala'thorei left his father to continue his career as a hunter, as well as his vendetta against the Satyr. Much of his homeland had been ravaged by the Burning Legion, and he sometimes ventured nearer to corrupted lands, if only for the opportunity to bring down one or two of the weaker demons. His hatred for corruption only grew each time he ventured into Felwood; he despised demon-kind. To him, they represented everything he hated. Corruption, cruelty, destruction.... his hatred was bound to reach a boiling point sooner or later.

His father had since hired an assistant, Shar'dal. While Fala'thorei recognized him by appearance, his shy nature meant that he never got to really know him from their brief exchanges whenever Fala'thorei came home. One day he came home to find his father pale with despair; Shar'dal had stolen the moonglaive that had belonged to Fala'thorei's mother. Cursing his name, Fala'thorei ventured out in search of Shar'dal, fists clenched in fury at the impending confrontation.

When he returned, he found his home in ruins and his father dead, with the tell tale signs that a Demon had been the culprit. His thirst for vengeance was instantly multiplied, and he vowed not to sit back. He went in search of a Demon Hunter for instruction, and after a few mishaps, he was accepted as an apprentice by an ancient Kaldorei by the name of Alatorias.

The pair spent several grueling months together in the wooded clifftops of Azshara, and Fala'thorei was constantly forced to pit his wits and will against the challenges that Alatorias set against him. After completing a trio of rituals, Fala'thorei emerged triumphant, and Alatorias declared him a full-fledged Demon Hunter. They parted ways in the port of Ratchet, and Fala'thorei set out on his vendetta, at last ready to reap his revenge.

After a brief spell in Outland, Fala'thorei became dismayed by the existence of cults in Azeroth with interests in the field of Demonology. He returned and helped to unite several guilds and organizations operating within the Eastern Kingdoms in order to wipe the threat of the warlocks from Azeroth. With the help of these new allies, he ventured on an unsuccessful raid deep into the Catacombs.

The grief and guilt of the deaths of several of his friends during the raid affected him greatly, and he chose to forsake Azeroth and leave to Outland in search of a simpler life.

For the past two years, he has hunted relentlessly, and has more recently let go of the pain of his failures in the Eastern Kingdoms. Recently, word reached him of the ongoing plight caused by the Cataclysm, and after several weeks of indecision, he has returned to Azeroth oncemore ro rejoin the fight against evil.

Skills and Abilities

In addition to these specific abilities, Fala'thorei is also much more brittle-boned, and takes longer to heal from concussive blows or blunt trauma. Healing using the light does not fully restore him to health. His skin is somewhat tougher than it would be naturally, though it is also more susceptible to scarring if breached. Like most Demon Hunters, Fala'thorei is quite quick and agile.

  • Immolate - The Demon Hunter is surrounded by a wreath of burning flames.
  • Mana Burn - The Demon Hunter channels Demonic energy within themselves which causes arcane users to take damage from their own mana reserves, burning them internally.
  • Engulf Blade - An extension of the immolate ability, which causes wielded weapons to become engulfed in flames.
  • Spectral Sight - The Demon Hunter now sees ordinary things as whirling shadows, while Demons and the Undead now stand out in brilliant colors. This allows them to see demons in disguise, as well as spot them from great distances away, through obstacles like walls, trees, and rocks.
  • Drain Demon Soul - The Demon Hunter may channel the lifeblood of a Demon to heal themselves and restore their energy.
  • Tainted Fireball - The Demon Hunter may channel their immolate ability to send a lashing of flames towards their enemy, though only with great concentration.