Player: FlyingSquirrel
Character Full Name: Evalyn LeFleur
Character In-Game Name: Eva
Nickname(s): Eva
Association(s): Lordaeron
Race: Forsaken
Class: Warrior
Age: 30. Died at 21.
Sex: Female
Hair: Black, goes down to her neck.
Eyes: Yellow mist.
Weight: 5'2
Height: 130 lbs
Eva wears a set of rather modest platemail. It covers her legs and chest, while her chest, feet and belt are all made of a mesh of chain and leather. She has blue shoulderpads on, which are more often than not cover by a hooded blue cloak. Under this cloak, she wears a wooden and iron shield. The shield prominently features a stylized L. The shield has two sword sheathes in the way of an X on the back, both of which filled with a matching sword. The armor is rather well taken care of and an obvious source of pride, whereas the cloak is ragged and mud-stained from use.
Physically, she's nothing special. Her skin is incredibly pale, with dark features, including her nails, hair and lips, being accentuated against the gossamer skin. She has rather gaunt features, with drawn-back cheeks and large, sunken eyes. She could be considered strong, although not so strong as to have a visible six-pack or a bulking figure. Her skin has managed to remain rather intact, although joints like her shoulders, elbows and knees have gotten rather thin.
Evalyn is a very no-nonsense type of person. Her raising in a military household, as well as her squire-ship, has almost completely squandered her ability for humor. She's an exceptional wielder of swords, although her strength lies more in agility, and being able to strike at the right times, then pushing past any barriers. This is also true for times when she's out of combat. She doesn't drop into anything until she views it as the most opportune time to do so, and she's almost always looking for a way to circumvent the issue.
She's a respectful woman, although her attitude quickly changes around those who show no discipline or respect for authority. She also has a strong view of honor, although this view is a bit different then what you would expect of an Orc or a Tauren. While she doesn't much care for being unnecessarily rude to any enemies, she doesn't really care for anyone that's not dead. She has no experience with any of the Kalimdor races, and she imagines that those of the Eastern Kingdom don't trust her, if all living races do not anyways.
Evalyn was born to a Noble father. The father was nothing special, he just owned a castle and the small village around it out in the middle of what is today known as the Western Plaguelands. Her family, of course, was a martial one, and she was put into learning how to fight from a very young age. At the age of 7, she was taken under the wing of a Knight of the Silver Hand as a squire. This lasted for a grand of 11 years, and she learned much in this time. Most notably was how to fight both with a weapon and with the Light, although maintenance of armor and horses was included.
As the Plague fell on Lordaeron, Eva was raised into Knighthood. While she had her armour granted by the order, her shield was a specially-made item gifted to her by her parents. Her being a Knight did not last long, as the Order of the Silver Hand was quickly thereafter abolished. She returned to her families castle and survived out much of the Plague in the area. However, the castle could not last forever, as it needed food. Evalyn took a few more soldiers and left to try to find a village that would sell them food. The group was ambushed, leading to Eva, as well as all the soldiers, being killed and raised.
It was shortly after this that her, along with a good deal of others, was freed from her slavery to the Lich King. She had never known anything other than obedience to Lordaeron, and was quick to sign up for the Forsaken army. She kept her old armor, including her cloak, shield and weapons, locked up, seeing them more as a link to the past then as anything that she could use. However, after the fall of the Lich King, this attitude changed. She felt empty, at least for a while. This streak ended up with her vowing to see the Kingdom of Lordaeron restored to it's former borders. She turned in her Deathguard armor and put on the armor that she had locked away. Then, she went out to retake the Plaguelands.
Skills and Abilities:
Beyond above-average ability with a sword and typical training that would come with being a Knight, she has nothing special to speak of.