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Player: Rokhjin

Character Full Name: Elithia Starheart

Character In-Game Name: Elithia

Nickname(s): N/A

Association(s): None

Race: Night Elf

Class: Huntress

Age: 36

Sex: Female

Hair: Dark blue

Eyes: Silver

Weight: 93 kg

Height: 1.87m

Usual Garments/Armor: Elithia is usually wearing light armour, definitely Elven in nature. However, by the state of it, it looks like it's never been replaced. Or really washed, for that matter. She also wears a black headband.

Other: She does own some more "decent" clothing. However, it's practically as dirty as her armour.


A friendly Night Elf by all accounts, she doesn't necessarily like being told what to do. Despite her history, she still holds a deep love for her people and her lands (even if it's not mutual).


Elithia was always known as being impulsive and, at a young age, joined the Kaldorei navy to sail the seas and see the world. She passed her training with little issues and was assigned to the Elven ship; the Elune's Grace where she served for years, dutifully.

However, the ship, a small frigate, was captained by a ruthless woman. Though loved by most her officers, the crew couldn't care less for her and, on one faithful day, as the ship was mostly asleep, Elithia gathered the rest of the crew and riled them up. The youngling seemed to know what to say and, using the crew's hatred of the captain, she got them to revolt against her! In the dead of day, the crew sprang forth from their quarters, blades flashing as they attacked their commanding officers.

The captain was standing on the bridge of the ship, commanding her own. As one of the crew charged her, she swirled away gracefully from the mutinous Sister's blade, moving to cut at the sailor with her own. Soon enough, another sailor joined the first and, as it was all she could do to avoid their almost savage swings, the captain felt a blade press up to her throat. "Tell your women to lay down their arms..." She heard a voice hiss into her ear. "And make for the longboats." The voice had continued as the captain reluctantly dropped her blade. Commanding her officers and other loyalists to lay down their arms, the exchange went somewhat peacefully and, soon enough, the longboats had gone and Elithia was in charge of the Elune's Grace, appointing a first mate and other officers from the rabble.

Knowing her fate, should she ever return to an Elven port, Elithia commanded a course be set for the Goblin town of Booty Bay where she docked the Elune's Grace and she and her crew went ashore to start their new life as outlaws of their own people. They knew the reputation of Goblins but thought little of it as they entered the city and, as they eventually made their way back to ship, they had lost more than a few of the crew to the little greenskins. Some too drunk to stand, others simply leaving, and others still disappearing alltogether as they ran in with some less savoury Goblin groups. Yet still the crew of the Grace pressed on and, sooner rather than later, they had refilled their supplies and set out to sea once more.

However, not all stories have a happy ending, as the Elves would soon find out.

As they set out once more, the inexperienced crew had accidentally plotted a course that took them too close to the maelstrom. As Elithia was checking their position one night, she noted their problematic course and set out to find the navigator. After not so long a discussion, the two Elves were stopped as the seas got rougher and the wind picked up. They weren't so close to the Maelstrom yet and so Elithia retired to her quarters, thinking little of the danger they had found themselves in.

Yet, the next day, a new trouble arose. As she went to see her first mate, a gathering had already grouped around him. Roughly pushing through, the captain made her way to the helm. "What in Elune's name is going on?" She asked. "Captain." The first mate saluted her, in proper military fashion as her crew seemed to do. "We think the rudder chain broke." The older Elf explained. "We'll require a few nights to make repairs."

Elithia scowled. "We don't have a few nights, miss." She said harshly. "The ship is on a heading to certain doom and if we cannot change our heading -today- we'll travel too close to the Maelstrom and all perish."

The captain Elf thought for a long while and, by dawn, as she left her quarters once more, she immediately went to speak to the first mate. "Is it done?" She asked. "No, captain." The other Elf said, saluting. "The repairs can't be done in time... Not to mention the wind is picking up again."

Elithia nodded, looking up at their sails. "Abandon ship." She sighed. "Capta--" "Abandon ship or abandon hope. If we stay, we will sail straight into the maelstrom, the wind is proof enough and with each day it's been pushing us faster along this course."

And so the Elves got to the longboats. Ugly things, made by goblin hands as they'd been replaced, but they did the job at least. Elithia stayed on the ship for as long as needed, allowing her people to leave first as she walked up and down the deck for a last time before getting into one of the vessels herself. Not even supplied with oars, the longboats drifted apart sooner rather than later, some even managing to be paddled away by the crewmen on them, using their hands. And, as more time passed, and it seemed to be every longboat for itself, even their final shred of hope fell apart beneath them as the wood started giving way.

The Elves themselves now clinging to floating pieces of subpar wood, even they drifted apart and soon enough Elithia and each member of her crew were left to float on their own. For how long they floated, even Captain Starheart couldn't tell. However, Elithia managed to find an island where she survived, using the trees for cover and hunting the animals for food. For as far as she can tell she may have spent years on her own little corner of the world, only to later on be picked up by a human trading vessel, to be brought back to shore where she now seeks a new crew and ship so she can once more return to the seas.