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Player: Turetz

Character Full Name: Drugga Bloodaxe

Character In-Game Name: Drugga

Nickname(s): N/A

Association(s): The Horde, Frostwolf Clan, Orgrimmar

Race: Orc

Class: Warrior

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Hair: A wild, spiky head full of purple hair.

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 319 lbs

Height: 5'11”


A mix of fur and hides generally cover her body, along with a helm on her head that resembles a wolf, in honor of her birthplace amongst the Frostwolf Clan. She can be seen carrying a large battleaxe on her back at almost all times.


She has a strong warrior spirit and a great respect for shamans and the elements. She despises fel magic and demons, and believes in Thrall and the new Horde with unwavering and unquestioning loyalty.


Drugga's history is one that is rather uneventful. She was born to the Frostwolf Clan in Alterac Valley in year 8 AFW (After First War). Her family was a small one. She was born to her father, Thrum Skullsmasher, and her mother, Grima Wolfhealer. It was during year 19 that Drugga had her interest caught by Thrall Doomhammer, and in year 20, she and her father followed him across the seas to Kalimdor, fighting as Grunts in Thrall's New Horde. Unfortunately, however, Thrum fell in combat during the Battle of Mount Hyjal, his spirit going to join his ancestors. Drugga was defending the Warsong Lumber Camp from the Legion at the time. It was during this time that she earned her last name Bloodaxe. Sufficive to say, her axe was very, *very* bloody by the time the last of the demons fell and Archimonde was no more.

After Archimonde was defeated, Drugga continued to serve Thrall and the New Horde in a more diverse role. Instead of merely being a guard at the Warsong Lumber Camp, she helped to defend the newly established Orgrimmar, as well the Horde's holdings in Durotar and The Crossroads. In addition to guard duty, she also would often run errands and such for those in the local populace. She also, more often than not, did other duties such as thinning the numbers of local wildlife and other indigenous species that threatened the Horde's holdings. It was only recently that she left the familiar plains and savannas of the Barrens for more unfamiliar surroundings such as Stranglethorn Vale, The Hinterlands, and the Arathi Highlands.

During her journeys she met two Blood Elves, by the names of Arias Soelthar and Varisnar Dawnraven. Sensing that they had little taint of the fel magics about them, she decided to hear out the idea that they presented her with. The idea was to form a coalition of like-minded individuals, regardless of race, that was committed to putting aside petty political squabbles and old hatreds. Instead, they would focus on the real threats threatening themselves and Azeroth, such as the Burning Legion and the Scourge.

Believing their idea to be a good one, and aligned with Thrall's goals, she decided to join them in their coalition. They now call this coalition The Enlightened, and today fight for a better future for Azeroth and all of it's inhabitants.