Player: FlyingSquirrel
Character Full Name: Danalthar Runesabre
Character In-Game Name: Danalthar
Nicknames: Dan, Danny. He doesn't respond to either anymore.
Association(s): Forsaken
Race: Forsaken
Class: Duelist
Skills and Abilities: Danalthar holds great skill with his Rapier. Yes, only his. In life he was good, but now, his skills being coupled with his endless Endurance, as well as the fact that his age doesn't weigh as hard on him anymore, makes him a deadly foe. If he chooses to fight you, that is.
Age: 72 at death, 79 now.
Sex: Male
Hair: His hair is ragged and white, reaching just to his neck. He has a handlebar mustache.
Eyes: Yellow Ghostlight
Weight: 173 pounds
Height: 5' 7"
Danalthar wears a thick, brown leather ensemble that slightly resembles a tuxedo. His pants are black, and the undershirt is as well. He has brown shoes which reach halfway up his calf. His rapier is constantly, and I do mean constantly, on his person, usually in it's sheath at his side.
Other: He looks extraordinarily Human, his skin even retaining a measure of it's once-peach color. No bones are visible, and his clothes are relatively well taken care of.
His Sabre is over three feet long, with it bending around the handle to protect his fingers whilst he fenced. The whole thing is a stainless steel finished, and constantly repaired as well as polished. If one were to look, an engraving runs up the edge of the blade, with a light blue color to it.
Danalthar could be described as morally absent. He doesn't care if one dies, or if one lives. No, he's not the sort to kill innocents, nor does he care too much about Alliance in Horde territory. However, if called to by the military in a time of war, then he will with all due enthusiasm. He's a very clever man, able to notice when things are out of place, or other such things. He's also great at math.
Despite all this, he distrusts all new races, heavily. This includes Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, Draenei, Night Elves, fellow Forsaken, Tuskarr, and any other recently discovered races. All truth be told, he'd preferably just have Humans with him, or around him
Danalthar was born a very long time ago, for a Human at least. He was the youngest of a Noble family with 7 children, and thus the least likely to be the heir to his family. Because of this, his family just let him do whatever he wanted. At a young age, the man took a liking to Fencing. His parents whole-heartedly agreed to his new hobby, paying for a custom sabre. They even occasionally showed up to one of his matches.
He grew up a young, strong boy, and, before he knew it, was making a living off of Fencing. For the years of his young adulthood, he was a professional Fencer and, at the peak of his career, one of the top 5 in Lordaeron. As he aged, he began to coach fencing, teaching young people in his former shoes how to later become him.
At the age of 34, he took a wife. She gave birth to two children, with three years apart. At the age of 40, she died giving birth to a 3rd child. To add to the man's dismay, the boy was stillborn. He became a recluse after that event, spending hours upon hours in his study, reading old books about philosophy and overall wasting time. He left his children to their nanny, largely.
At the age of 50, he began to be more social, while still fencing in his free time.. He took a larger part in the politics of Lordaeron and the surrounding areas. It took him 10 years to finally get noticed much. By this time, the 3 top heirs had all died, and his family was tied in a large match of tug-a-war, on who would be the next face for his family. After a five year legal war, he finally won... second place. He would be the next head of his family.
6 more years, and the current head died, making him the next head. He took this in stride, with a seemingly rejuvenated life and goal. He had grandchildren, and he finally had the attention he had been trying to gain to pull to the issues that he saw as important. Life for the man was great.
It only lasted a year, however. All of his siblings had eventually died, all but one. And it was that one who hired an Assassin to kill the man, so that the remaining woman would be the head. However, the Assassin did a sloppy job, and the sister was executed. Danalthar's children, who had apparently been raised by a hippy nanny, built a large crypt for Danalthar, and gave him one of the most lavish funerals in 10 years, burying him complete with his best fencing gear and his favorite saber.
This, however didn't last long. Less then two weeks. Then, a bit of gaseous plague crept into the plague and infected him. However, the zombie was too weak to move the giant stone slab that closed the tomb. , even through constant pushing. When he regained his own will, he merely sat, waited, and thought. It was later that his crypt was opened. After disarming the surprised Danalthar, they explained everything to him and drafted him into the ranks of the Forsaken.
He took time to reiterate himself on how his body worked, and how to Fence. Then, he joined as a Deathguard, favoring his Rapier and Armor over the customary gear. This lasted 'til the Burning Crusade. Danalthar opted out of fighting against Arthas. You see, there was still that part of Danalthar that thought that the men of the Menethil line were still the Kings of Lordaeron.
So, during the Wrath of the Lich King, instead of Danalthar fighting, he merely stood back and let the Argent Crusade, along with their feuding Allies, do the work. After it was finished, he set out, keeping the ideals that he had both taught himself and had been taught.