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Player: Valicor

Character Full Name: Cypher Pierce

Character In-Game Name: Cypher

Association(s): N/A

Race: Worgen

Class: Rogue

Skills and Abilities: N/A

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Hair: Long, black braids. There is a scruff of a braid coming from his chin.

Eyes: Violet

Weight: 345 lbs

Height: 7'4"


Usual Garments/Armor: Anything dark, but versatile and light enough for easy movement.

Other: Cypher has various linings of scars on his face and across his upper body.


Cypher is a (seemingly) friendly guy. He puts on a mask to be easy to get along with, but he's black at heart. All he cares for is obtaining reward for himself, and barely holds any friends he manages to make. He has a conflicting inner turmoil, but he's not expressive enough to get it off his chest to anybody. He's very cynical, and at times, very loud and obnoxious. He's borderline arrogant and cocky, and definitely not hesitant to throw an insult someone's way. Cypher, in all, is a good deceiver.

Alignment: Neutral Evil


Cypher Pierce was born roughly twenty-three years ago in a quiet corner of the boisterous city of Gilneas. His parents were neither of notable name or wealth, his father being a blacksmith and his mother being a priestess. As Cypher was raised, he was influenced greatly by his mother's constantly positive attitude, and his father's never-quit credo.

As Cypher continued to healthily grow and develop into a young man, his father would put him behind blacksmithing errands at any free moment he could. Cypher, being a observatory mind, learned much of his father's work through his errands, and soon began to help his father craft as an apprentice under him. His mother, seeing her attempts to bring him as a priest fell short, became distant from her family and enveloped in the Church.

Cypher quickly developed a strengthened upper body, and his father had begun to teach him to wield and use the weapons he so crafted. About the age of fourteen, he watched as his father was rallied under the call of Greymane to assist in combating the rebellion caused by Darius Crowley. Cypher was left at home, undertaking his father's blacksmithing business and keeping general protection on line.

After some time spent and he grew in age, Cypher decided to become part of the battles himself. He signed up, and joined the cause to combat the rebellion. He was armed and armored, sent along his way. He helped in errands and messenger missions that he could, and he dedicated himself to working as hard as he possibly could.

Cypher saw some one-on-one combat, but he was mainly used as a messenger. He hadn't yet fully grown, so his small body was quite the stealthy one to relay messages across the war-zone. Those combats he did find himself in, he excelled with natural fluid motions of his sword and board. He was noted by the rest of his group, but didn't achieve much as far as promotion of rank. Still, he fought. He still lacked communication with his father, and his mother was up to her eyes with healing responsibilities of the soldiers. Still, Cypher continued to be optimistic.

As the battles continued on for a long while, Cypher became adjusted to the lifestyle of a soldier. He ate, slept, and drank combat drills and messenger tasks. He continued to mentally and physically grow, impacted by the grim aspects of war. Cypher soon lost some his optimistic outlook as the injury/death count progressed, yet he carried on. As he flourished around the age of twenty-three, the rebellion ended. The celebrations, massive in amount, happened to be cut short.

The Cataclysm, the rupturing of Azeroth, shattered the Gilnean wall that protected them so dearly. At this, the Scourge mustered their forces at an opportunity. Faster, though, were the packs of feral worgen. The wolf-men and wolf-women flushed into the city, massacring many. Cypher located his parents as soon as possible, finding his mother and father together. They were soon, and easily, overcome by the wolves. Several ravaged his parents before his eyes, yet Cypher put up a fight yet. He tried his absolute best to defend against the wolves and protect his family, but they were both slain in a vain attempt. (These two do not come back as worgen. They're dead.)

Cypher, now the target of these wolves, is overwhelmed in moments. He falls in combat to several worgen, the blistering infection spreading through his frail body. There he lay on a barren road of Gilneas, thought to be dead, yet simply lingering on the edge of the abyss. Cypher spent most of this time unconscious, completely unaware of what progressed around him.

In his unconscious state, Cypher was rescued when the time permit. The Gilneans did what they could to slightly heal his weak body, and the infection spread even further through his body. Trapped in his mind (coma), Cypher began to develop a case of insanity. Much of this part of his history is distorted or forgotten.

Cypher was then treated with various tests to help control the infection, and was soon given into the hands of the elves. These elves put Cypher into a healing ritual, slowly but surely ridding his body of this feral spirit. The infection had already overtaken his body, his form now that of a worgen instead of a human. For a short time (a month or two), Cypher was still hazy and insane, but his body was stable. The infection stopped spreading. The curse had managed to rid his outlook of whatever optimism and general joy had been present, as he began to take over a more pessimistic and almost evil persona.

Present day, Cypher is utterly stable and sane, his body trapped in his worgen form due to a failing in the healing ritual. He suffers mental pain from the loss of his family and the struggle to remember that time spent insane, also having to cope with being stuck as a worgen (and all the social awkwardness that it entails) but walks around wearing a mask as he searches for work, any sort of task he can be given to take his mind off of every pain gnawing at him.