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Player: PiesOfGod

Character Full Name: Cutathr Beaststrider

Character In-Game Name: Cutathr

Race: Orc

Class: Warrior

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Hair: Black. Bald scalp, and Wolverine-like sideburns.

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 120kg

Height: A little under 2m

Alignment: Lawful Neutral


A set of plate armour, as well as a wolf-head cap which covers half of his face. He also carries around a single two-handed axe and a scoped rifle.


Cutathr is a strategically-thinking good-guy with a not so strategic sense of humour. He enjoys the company of his own people rather than being stuck with a bunch of Cow-men or Voo-Doo practicing Trolls. Though he has friends of both genders, Cutathr hates the idea of a physical or emotional relationship with either, and because of this, he is usually uncomfortable around flirty women (or men.)


Born into a world that none of his people knew, Cutathr was born only a few days after the destruction of the Dark Portal, and the evacuation of Draenor. His mother died during the process from blood loss. Cutathr was no more than a wee lad when he was taken to one of the internment camps.

In the camp, he grew up to be a strategist, always trying to get extra rations and food with skillful thinking. This landed him several beatings from the guards, and occasionally jealous younster Orcs. When he was about age 17, his camp was invaded by Orcs, and thankfully these lot were friendly. They were lead by a great leader, Thrall. So, Cutathr, who had received the name from a surprisingly caring guard (Who showed signs of substance abuse), followed the to-be Warchief, learning a few things from the other Orcs about combat.

When the Orcs were caught up in the Maelstrom and met the Trolls, Cutathr was intrigued by them, yet also frightened. He'd rather hang around his own people, since he didn't know what to think of these strange islanders. So, he just waited until they were ready to get out of there, and head over to Kalimdor.

When they arrived in Kalimdor, they met the Tauren. Cutathr liked these people better than the Trolls, but still liked the Orc's company so much more. So, after saving the Tauren from the dreaded Centaur, they moved on, Cutathr pleased with progress.

After the several bloody battles regarding the Burning Legion and the Blademaster Grom Hellscream, Orgrimmar was being built. Cutathr helped, being of age and wishing to prove himself helpful. Cutathr remained in Orgrimmar for quite a while before buying an axe, and finally going hunting, which was something he wanted to do.

While he was out hunting, he heard a commotion not too far away. There was certainly yelling. Cutathr gripped onto his axe, and went to have a look...

... And a group of 4 bastard kids were assaulting a baby Kodo who was seperated from it's herd. Cutathr made himself heard, scaring the children away. Cutathr managed to help nurse the animal back to health, feeding it and tending to it's wounds in the comfort of a makeshift tent. I mean, how's he gonna raise a Kodo beast in Orgrimmar anyway? Exactly.

Well, over the years, Cutathr grew more wise, militant, and more tolerant of his desert-like surroundings, surviving on a diet of Cactus Apples and the occasional shore crab and wild boar. Soon enough, his Kodo who he called 'Marog' was large enough to ride. And so, Cutathr trained Marog to carry him and his extra weight around. Ever since then, Cutathr and Marog have been exploring the Barrens, Durotar and Mulgore most recently. However, Cutathr still has plenty to learn about life, and he aims to learn it.